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US election: Joe Biden convinced "have enough votes for election victory"


In a speech, Joe Biden was confident that he would win the struggle for the office of president. Unlike his rival Donald Trump, however, he did not (yet) want to claim victory for himself.

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Joe Biden: "In order to progress we must stop treating our opponents like enemies"


The Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden expects a victory in the US election.

"Now, after a long night of counting, it is clear that we are gaining enough states to get the 270 votes required to win the presidency," Biden said Wednesday in Wilmington, Delaware.

He emphasized that he did not want to officially claim the victory for himself.

But his team thinks he won the vote.

Donald Trump had previously claimed the election victory in a speech, although the result has not yet been determined.

US media are also planning Biden in Michigan at the same time as his appearance.

With that, Biden would secure another 16 whale men.

According to CNN, Biden is only slightly ahead of Trump (48.6 percent) with 49.8 percent, but can no longer be caught.

At the beginning of the count, Trump was initially in Michigan for a long time, sometimes clearly in the front.

However, this picture changed in the course of the day as more and more postal votes were counted.

"We are not enemies"

During his appearance, Biden appeared presidential and stressed that America must overcome the deep division.

"To make progress we have to stop treating our opponents like enemies," said Biden.

"We are not enemies."

He knows how widely differing views are on many things in the country.

Biden said he campaigned as a Democrat.

"But I will rule as the American president," he added.

The presidency is the one office that represents the nation.

Icon: The mirror

koe / dpa / AFP

Source: spiegel

All news articles on 2020-11-04

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