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Initiative: Minorities will be able to pray at the Memorial Day ceremony at the Western Wall Israel today


| Military newsFirst publication • Muslim, Druze and Christian figures asked the Ministry of Defense to participate in the religious part of the ceremony • "This is a statement according to which Israel respects the fighters for its sake" Soldiers at the Memorial Day ceremony at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, last year Photography:  Oren Ben Hakon The Ministry of Defense recently received a request from Mus

First publication • Muslim, Druze and Christian figures asked the Ministry of Defense to participate in the religious part of the ceremony • "This is a statement according to which Israel respects the fighters for its sake"

  • Soldiers at the Memorial Day ceremony at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, last year


    Oren Ben Hakon

The Ministry of Defense recently received a request from Muslim, Druze and Christian members of the "Together - Arabs for each other" official request to give expression to members of the various non-Jewish religions, in the religious part of the official IDF Martyrs' Day ceremony at the Western Wall plaza.

The association requests that in the religious part of the ceremony, which includes the participation of rabbis and the reading of traditional prayer chapters and quotations from the Bible, dignitaries from other religions be invited to say a short prayer in memory of the fallen. The Druze Zionist Movement in Israel and the Brit Ahim Association. 

"As an Israeli Arab citizen and as an IDF invalid, I think it is appropriate that in the official and state ceremony on Memorial Day for IDF martyrs, all those who fall from all different religions will be honored," said Yosef Haddad, director of the Arab-Israeli Association. "We fight together shoulder to shoulder for the state, and every IDF soldier who falls equally does not change his rank, position or religion."

In a letter sent to Defense Minister Bnei Gantz, to Minister Michael Bitton and to the chairman of the Public Council for the Commemoration of Soldiers, Prof. Shlomo Mor Yosef, the association's attorney, Adv. Idan Abohav, claimed that this was religious discrimination: Of all denominations and religions, at the Memorial Day ceremony there is no religious expression for members of other religions, whose sons have fallen short of the protection of the homeland, such as Christians, Muslims and Druze.

At this time, when there is a growing division between Jews and members of other religions, it is appropriate that the ceremony that opens the events of Remembrance Day will give a place of honor to members of these religions as well. "

The association notes that over the years hundreds of non-Jewish IDF martyrs - Muslims, Christians and Druze - have fallen on the defense of the state, and the current conduct of the ceremony is a violation of the principle of equality, which is the lifeblood of democracy, whose defense fell. The advantages of the move are the strengthening of consciousness and a sense of belonging to all non-Jewish soldiers and a clear statement that the state values ​​those soldiers and their families.

"On the day of the inauguration of the IDF, non-Jewish soldiers do so on the Koran or in a new alliance in order to feel a personal connection and belonging," Haddad noted.

It is a small step that can lead to great change. "

Advocate Abohav clarified that "the appeal is not to reduce the intensity of the Jewish ceremony, but that precisely because of its intensity - the families of the non-Jews who have fallen are also requesting that their sons receive an equal religious mention.

Their sons stood shoulder to shoulder with Jews in battle, and now they are asking their religious representatives to stand shoulder to shoulder with Jews in this all-important ceremony.

Beyond the religious issue, there is a clear statement here to all members of the minorities that the State of Israel respects those who fight for it.

We believe that this move will lead to an increase in the number of conscripts from these testimonies to the IDF.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-11-09

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