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National People's Congress DQ|Tang Jiahua appeals to democrats not to resign Hu Zhiwei: DQ members make the government embarrassed international


According to the news, in order to deal with the Rab operation after the resumption of the democratic party, Beijing will take action to deprive at least four pan-democratic legislators from the qualifications, including the citizens' party Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, and Guo Rongkeng, who were deprived of their qualifications in the September legislative elections scheduled for this year. Guo Jiaqi and Liang Jichang in accounting. At the two-day NPC Standing Committee meeting held today, the agenda may be discussed. Senior Counsel Tang Jiahua, a member of the Executive Council, accepted the RTHK program "Millenniums" and stated that there are no definite legal provisions to define what actions are considered as non-support of the Basic Law or non-loyalty to the SAR. He estimated that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will act Explain further, set the framework and guidelines. Tang Jiahua also pointed out that he did not think that the number of members who raised and ordered the number of members did not support the Basic Law or were not loyal to the SAR, but he emphasized that behavior should "have a spectrum" and should not be so serious as to paralyze Parliament and make the Legislative Council unable to legislate. The convener of the democratic party meeting and the chairman of the Democratic Party, Hu Zhiwei, stated on the same program that the democratic party members supervised and exerted pressure on the government in accordance with the "Rules of Procedure", which made the central government intolerable and irritated at them, and eventually deprived the democratic party members of their qualifications. He believes that this move has made the government show a ugly attitude in the international arena, and emphasized that if a democratic party member is DQ, the democratic party will definitely protest collectively.

Political situation

Written by: Luo Jiaqing

2020-11-10 11:35

Last update date: 2020-11-10 11:37

According to the news, in order to deal with the Rab operation after the resumption of the democratic party, Beijing will take action to deprive at least four pan-democratic legislators from the qualifications, including the citizens' party Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, and Guo Rongkeng, who were deprived of their qualifications in the September legislative elections scheduled for this year. Guo Jiaqi and Liang Jichang in accounting.

At the two-day NPC Standing Committee meeting held today, the agenda may be discussed.

Senior Counsel Tang Jiahua, a member of the Executive Council, accepted the RTHK program "Millenniums" and stated that there are no definite legal provisions to define what actions are considered as non-support of the Basic Law or non-loyalty to the SAR. He estimated that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will act Explain further, set the framework and guidelines.

Tang Jiahua also pointed out that he did not think that the number of members who raised and ordered the number of members did not support the Basic Law or were not loyal to the SAR, but he emphasized that behavior should "have a spectrum" and should not be so serious as to paralyze Parliament and make the Legislative Council unable to legislate.

The convener of the democratic party meeting and the chairman of the Democratic Party, Hu Zhiwei, stated on the same program that the democratic party members supervised and exerted pressure on the government in accordance with the "Rules of Procedure", which made the central government intolerable and irritated at them, and eventually deprived the democratic party members of their qualifications.

He believes that this move has made the government show a ugly attitude in the international arena, and emphasized that if a member of the democratic party is DQ, the democratic party will definitely protest collectively.

Tang Jiahua pointed out that there should be different voices in the parliament, and there should be voices of opposition, but if the object of opposition is to drag the entire system, there will be problems.

(Data Picture/Photo by Lin Ruoqin)

Tang Jiahua urges not to always leave or "cannot return"

Tang Jiahua believes that it cannot be denied that there is no need to further clarify Article 104 of the Basic Law. Because some people have been testing the bottom line of the central government in the past, the central government has clarified one by one, and the government cannot be ruled out.

He expects that the framework and guidelines will be laid down on Article 104 of the Basic Law, so that the Legislative Council will implement Article 79, Item 7 of the Basic Law, to be moved by members or the chairman, and approved by two-thirds of the members of the Legislative Council. Condemned and disqualified as a member.

Tang Jiahua also pointed out that the parliament should have different voices and there should be voices of opposition, but if the object of opposition is to drag the entire system over, there will be a problem.

He emphasized that the system should not be brought down because of being a minority in the parliament. This would only be counterproductive and that extremes should be avoided.

Tang Jiahua pointed out that if he always resigns because of ideology and standpoint and his behavior is not in line with the spirit of the parliament, he appeals to the democrats not to resign, otherwise they "cannot return" and fail to fulfill their goal of fighting for democracy, which is of no benefit to anyone.

Hu Zhiwei said that if a member of the democratic party is DQ, the democratic party will definitely protest collectively.

(Data Picture/Photo by Zhang Haowei)

Hu Zhiwei: Think about how to go on the road of resistance in the future

Hu Zhiwei also pointed out that members of the Legislative Council are currently performing their functions in accordance with the Basic Law incurring disqualification results. If there are still elections in the future, he believes that all candidates should consider the role and functions of the parliament, and at the same time, when street protests and the international front In a limited time, we should think about how the road of resistance should go on in the future. The leader of the Civic Party, Yang Yueqiao, said that Beijing’s two major moves in a short period of time to qualify for membership are an insult to Hong Kong people and the entire system. "The first DQ was absurd. , The second DQ will not become reasonable", reflecting that Hong Kong, as an international financial center, cannot tolerate opposition.

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Tang Jiahua Hu Zhiwei Yang Yueqiao

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-11-10

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