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Policy Address | Carrie Lam claims that there is no "nuisance" to the pan-people: The Legislative Council should have this kind of treatment and respect


Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor today (25th) published the fourth "policy address" in his term. The 33,000-word "policy address" was eloquently read. Lam Cheng spent two hours in the Legislative Council to read it out. After the resignation of the democrats, the whole was read.

Political situation

Written by: Wu Zhuo'an and Luo Jiaqing

2020-11-25 20:23

Last update date: 2020-11-25 20:55

Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor today (25th) released the fourth "policy address" in his term. The 33,000-word "policy address" was eloquently read. Lam Cheng spent two hours in the Legislative Council reading it out. After the resignation of the democratic party, the whole reading process Very smooth.

Lam Cheng stated on the TV forum that today’s reading of the Policy Address without any nuisance, made her feel that the relationship between the executive and the legislature has made a breakthrough and opportunity. He also called herself the head of the executive branch and the head of the SAR. Being treated like that (without nuisance) has the same respect."




Carrie Lam pointed out that when the Policy Address was announced last year, some Members did a lot of behaviors that violated the constitutional functions, and the Chief Executive was not allowed to read the Policy Address. In a disguised manner, Members could not fulfill their constitutional responsibility of listening to the Policy Address. It is also said that now that the relationship between the executive and the legislature has begun to emerge, it will take the initiative to raise more questions until the Legislative Council accepts questions from members.

She also mentioned the "Hong Kong National Security Law", saying that it is Hong Kong's constitutional responsibility to legislate and maintain national security in Article 23 of the Basic Law. However, it took 23 years to legislate on Article 23 of the Basic Law and the four chief executives were unable to do so. To, plus the violence experienced last year.

She pointed out that the intervention of foreign powers was very obvious last year. The United States and the West interfered in Hong Kong affairs every day. She pointed out that if the central government does not take action, it will be difficult for the central government to justify itself.

When asked about the emergence of immigration in Hong Kong, she said that Hong Kong is very free, Hong Kong people can go and enter, and it is normal to develop in another place. If immigrants find the benefits of Hong Kong, it is normal to return to Hong Kong.

In the "Policy Address", the term "Greater Bay Area" appeared 45 times. The government's policy was accused of being a major Bay Area, which was different from the expectations of young people.

Lam Cheng said that after a long period of time, global economic integration, if you want to achieve success in your professional field, you must not only grow up, you must develop outward. Therefore, she hopes that young people in Hong Kong will have the bad feelings of Hong Kong. At the same time, we must also have an international perspective and national concept, and ask: "Is there an economy recovering faster than China?" Therefore, Hong Kong needs to integrate into the overall national development.

She also said that her reluctance to treat young people in the Greater Bay Area is only a small number. Every time she visits the Mainland, she will meet with young Hong Kong people who start businesses and work in the Mainland, describing these young people as being quite a few.

Some pointed out that compared with the "Sars" policy for Hong Kong in 2003, the preferential Hong Kong policy in the "Policy Address" is not immediate enough. Carrie Lam points to the central government to strive for the right way. He cannot support the central government for every policy. Immediate results are not necessarily good," she pointed out that the preferential Hong Kong policy needs to be long-term and sustainable. She recalled that the effect of free travel was immediate, but "everyone will see immediate results."





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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-11-26

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