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Creation of a police ethics evaluation committee


A committee for the evaluation of police ethics within the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) is being set up and should see the light of day in early January, announced Thursday, December 10 Brigitte Jullien, director of the IGPN. Read also: Racism in the police: we need "exemplary sanctions" Jullien, who was interviewed by the information mission of the National Assembly on the

A committee for the evaluation of police ethics within the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) is being set up and should see the light of day in early January, announced Thursday, December 10 Brigitte Jullien, director of the IGPN.

Read also: Racism in the police: we need "exemplary sanctions"

Jullien, who was interviewed by the information mission of the National Assembly on the evolution of forms of racism and discrimination, specified that the Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin had sent him a letter of mission in this regard.

Jullien explained that this committee would be made up of different personalities: "

a journalist, two magistrates, a lawyer, a person appointed by the economic, social and environmental council, the defender of rights


There could also be a member of Amnesty International, she added.

The composition of this committee will be fixed by decree of the Minister of the Interior.

The mission of this committee will be "to

work on substantive issues such as identity checks, the use of weapons ...

", continued Jullien, explaining that it was "

a way of opening the IGPN on outside


He will be able to "


" to issues and make "


" to the Minister.

More particularly, with regard to identity checks - "

several million

" each year - Jullien considered necessary "

a lot of work of reflection

" because their "

finality questions


Asked about the independence of the IGPN and the idea put forward by some to put at its head a personality independent of the police as in Great Britain, Jullien replied: "

the independent authority is the defender of rights

" , which corresponds, according to her, to "

the inspection in Great Britain


She noted that there was "

no civil service in Great Britain


However, in France, there is a "

public service

" and "

it is the hierarchical authority which has the power of sanction

" (administrative).

The same goes for the police, as it is for every sector of the public service.


In Great Britain," she continued, "the police are managed in a totally different way


Jullien underlined that in one year of the “

12 recommendations

” which the Defender of Rights had seized with, “

eight had been dealt with

” and of “


” of these cases, the IGPN had “

followed the recommendations of the Defender

”. .

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-12-11

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