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"Not only recognize Israel - fall in love with it" Israel today


| Political-political A delegation of journalists, advisers, and peace activists from the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt paid their first visit to the Knesset, the President's House and Yad Vashem Visit of the Arab delegation to the Knesset // Photo: Maor Zion For the first time : Residents of the United Arab Emirates visited and toured the Knesset of Israel today (Thursday). MK Michal Kotler-Wensch (blue a

A delegation of journalists, advisers, and peace activists from the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt paid their first visit to the Knesset, the President's House and Yad Vashem

  • Visit of the Arab delegation to the Knesset // Photo: Maor Zion

For the first time

: Residents of the United Arab Emirates visited and toured the Knesset of Israel today (Thursday).

MK Michal Kotler-Wensch (blue and white) hosted a delegation of journalists and peace activists from Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt in the legislature. 

The group, which came for a week-long visit organized by the Sharaqa organization ("Partnership" in Arabic), included women and public figures and peace activists with Israel.

The visit to the Knesset was the first of its kind and the participants of the delegation - and those who met them in the Knesset were very excited to take part in it. 

While touring the Knesset corridors, the group was photographed against the backdrop of Israeli flags, menorahs and photos of Israeli prime ministers.

The members of the group received guidance from MK Kotler-Wensch, who told them, among other things, about her personal experiences from her childhood in the Knesset corridors and the founders of the state, including David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin and Golda Meir. 

Participants shared their life stories and told about their experiences and impressions of the sites and people during the visit so far.

Among other things, members of the delegation visited Yad Vashem, the Golan Heights and the President's House.

Leading the delegation from Bahrain and the Emirates are Dr Majed al-Sarah - a legal and political adviser and social activist from the United Arab Emirates and Amjad Taha - a Bahraini-British journalist and expert on strategic issues in the Middle East. 

The hosts talked to the group about the historical changes in the Abrahamic Agreements and the potential consequences: "Who would have believed that we would experience and see these exciting changes during our lives. It is very important that we do not take them for granted." "The basis for the historical transition from Khartoum's 'Three Laws' - no recognition, no dialogue and no peace - to the three honest ones - yes to recognition of Israel, yes to dialogue with Israel and also to peace with Israel" Said MK Kotler-Wench. 

"The basis of the Avraham agreements is the recognition of the Jewish and democratic state of Israel. This is the message of your visit to the Knesset today, and it is what gives me the most hope. And more on Hanukkah," the Knesset member said.

One of the critics, a journalist from Bahrain, replied: "After this visit, I do not think we have only the three 'honest', we do not only know Israel - we are in love with it." 

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-12-17

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