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The occupied Syrian Golan ... an Arabic name, a Syrian identity, and a witness history


Damascus-Sana The occupied Syrian Golan is an Arabic name that is an integral part of Syria's geography and history and includes many glossaries


The occupied Syrian Golan is an Arabic name that is an integral part of Syria's geography and history and includes many archaeological monuments that bear witness to the history of this land and its identity, which the Israeli occupation has failed through its repeated attempts to undermine it.

Due to its location and importance, the occupied Syrian Golan played a prominent role in fighting the conflict in defense of the nation, its civilization and the future of its generations, according to the researcher in heritage and history affairs, Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Hussein, who explained in his book (The Golan History and Roots of a Geographical, Political and Cultural Study) that the Golan's strategic importance stems from the surrounding land topography. It is divided into a high northern part covered by volcanic lava and a more flat and fertile southern part covered by decomposing volcanic lava. It is based on Mount Hermon from the north and the Yarmouk Valley from the south and overlooks the Upper Galilee, the Hula Plain and Tiberias.

In an interview with SANA, Al-Hassan pointed to the importance of the Golan site as it is a natural fortress surrounded on the west and south by rocky ridges and natural trenches, and from the north by Mount Sheikh and the Wadi Al-Saar Trench (Banias, either in the east, the Golan Mountains and from the south, the Valley of Raqad), which is easy to defend and fortify, pointing out that the geography of the Golan And the nature of its topography facilitated the passage of marine climate influences through it, indicating the importance of the site in terms of transportation and transit.

According to Hassan, the area of ​​the occupied Syrian Golan is 1860 km2, equivalent to 1 percent of the total area of ​​Syria, indicating that the Zionist entity occupied in its brutal aggression against it on June 5, 1967 about 1250 km2, including the area of ​​the demilitarized area before the aforementioned year which is Its area is about 100 km2

The researcher mentioned that the name "Golan" refers to an Arabic root, taken from the word "joule", meaning the circumambulation, and the "Golan" is the dirt and gravel that the winds roam on the surface of the earth, pointing out that the name "Golan" was given to the area on the caravan routes leading from Baghdad and Damascus to the Mediterranean coast, as it was known by the Greeks. In the name of (Julanis).

The struggle of our people in the occupied Syrian Golan and their rejection of the Israeli occupation’s settlement and expansion plans remains the best testimony to their national and historical affiliation with the struggle and resistance represented in the national document issued in 1981 in response to the ill-fated annexation decision issued by the occupation authorities on the fourteenth of December of the same year aimed at displacing the people and bulldozing Villages and towns, establishing Zionist settlements, isolating and besieging the villages of Majdal Shams, Masada, Baqatha, Ain Qiniya, and Ghajar, and preventing the people of these villages from communicating with their people in their homeland Syria, stating that “the occupied Golan is an integral part of Arab Syria and that the Syrian Arab nationality is an inherent characteristic of us that does not disappear and it is transmitted from Fathers to children and our land is a sacred property for the Syrians of our society, and every citizen who is tempted to sell, surrender, or give up an inch of it to the Israeli occupiers commits a major crime against our society and an unforgivable national treason.

Maha Al-Atrash

Source: sena

All news articles on 2020-12-17

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