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The end of a line of tradition


With the timetable change of Regionalverkehr Oberbayern (RVO) an era comes to an end: Line 9551 from Tegernsee Valley to Munich has been discontinued.

With the timetable change of Regionalverkehr Oberbayern (RVO) an era comes to an end: Line 9551 from Tegernsee Valley to Munich has been discontinued.

  • With the timetable change, the RVO will discontinue the line from Tegernsee to Munich.

  • Operations manager Peter Bartl speaks of insufficient capacity utilization and explains the reasons.

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Tegernsee - With the timetable change of Regionalverkehr Oberbayern (RVO), an era is coming to an end: Line 9551 from Tegernsee Valley to Munich has been discontinued.

"Yes, that was a real tradition," says Peter Bartl, operations manager of the RVO in Tegernsee and summarizes several reasons that led to the decision: insufficient utilization.

"In the end only a few passengers were counted," says Bartl, "at some point the costs for working time and fuel no longer pay off." So the decision was made to discontinue the line for economic reasons.

A public service bus from the valley to Munich and back: About 30 years ago the “Munich Line”, as Bartl calls it, picked up speed - at the time as a joint venture between the RVO and the then bus company Marcher from Bad Wiessee.

“Back then, the Tegernsee Bahn had a thin timetable,” recalls Bartl, and so the line was particularly popular with commuters.

The bus started early in the morning at 6:15 a.m. at Tegernsee train station, drove via Rottach-Egern, Bad Wiessee and Gmund and picked up all those around the lake who had to go to Munich.

After only one more stop on Rosenheimer Strasse in Munich, the bus had its terminus at Arnulfstrasse, right at the main train station.

At 5.15 p.m. he drove back towards Tegernsee, on board not only commuters, but numerous passengers who wanted to go to the Bad Wiessee casino.

"The offer went so well that we used a large bus in the RVO area for the first time," reports Bartl.

Instead of 50 passengers, there was then room for 65.

RVO discontinues bus line to Munich: relocation of stops due to renovation of the main station as a "death knell"

With the introduction of the hourly service of the Bayerische Oberlandbahn (BOB) and the further expansion to the half-hourly service, the bus route became increasingly less attractive.

RVO reacted and further thinned the timetable - to include two buses (8.30 a.m. and 11.14 p.m.) and two buses back (11 a.m. and 5 p.m.).

The number of passengers remained meager, and in 2014 there was last talk of closing the line entirely.

So now it came to this, and Bartl names two other reasons, in addition to the competition from the railways, that gave the bus the “death blow”.

On the one hand, the lack of interest in casino visitors to come to Bad Wiessee by bus, and finally the renovation of the main train station.

“Our stop has been moved to the more distant Seidlstrasse, nobody will find that anymore.” The RVO was named as a duration of ten years.

RVO bus to Munich canceled - but improved offer at Tegernsee

Bartl points out that in return, the offer in the valley has been improved: There is a reinforcement of the ring lines A and B, which in turn benefits commuters who come by train from Munich.  

Read here: Tegernsee wants digital boards.


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-12-15

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