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Chef Lukas Weber's recipe tip for New Year's Eve


Still not sure what to cook for New Year's Eve? No problem. Lukas Weber, head chef at Gasthaus Weber in Bockhorn and finalist of this year's season of the Sat.1 cooking show “The Taste”, recommends his beetroot tartare with apple and horseradish.

Still not sure what to cook for New Year's Eve?

No problem.

Lukas Weber, head chef at Gasthaus Weber in Bockhorn and finalist of this year's season of the Sat.1 cooking show “The Taste”, recommends his beetroot tartare with apple and horseradish.


Bockhorn -

his “recipe that turns simple regional ingredients into a worthy starter for New Year's Eve,” Weber explains below.

Step one

For the tartare, cook three beetroot whole on a bed of sea salt at 160 degrees in the oven for at least one hour until they are soft.

Let cool and peel lukewarm.

It is advisable to wear gloves to prevent discoloration of your own hands.

Now cut two of them into five millimeter cubes.

Simply peel and cut the third beetroot and season with a little olive oil and coarse sea salt.

Peel the fourth beetroot raw and cut into tiny cubes (2 mm) and mix with the cooked cubes.

Cut the shallot into 3 mm cubes and add to the beetroot.

Wash the apple and cut it unpeeled, but without the core, into 5 mm cubes and place on the beetroot that has already been diced.

Now chop the anchovy fillets, capers, pickles and chives very finely and marinate the tartar together with the Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, mustard, Tabasco and olive oil.

Season to taste with salt and pepper.


Lukas Weber.

© Seeholzer

Step two

Next, stir the cream cheese with the cream horseradish, the creme fraîche, the zest of half an organic lemon and a teaspoon of honey until smooth, season with salt and pepper.

Step three

For the apple gel, boil the apple juice with the addition of agar agar and piment d'Espelette as well as a pinch of salt and cook for one minute.

Make sure that no lumps form.

Then place in a heat-resistant mold to harden and let cool.

Now mix the solidified jelly with a mixer while adding the xanthan gum until smooth.

Step four

For the apple chutney, cut the apple into fine cubes and marinate them immediately with the lemon juice and rapeseed oil.

Now mix in the apple gel and season with salt and pepper.

Step five

Slice the yellow beetroot very thinly with a slicer or a kitchen slicer.

Meanwhile, bring the remaining ingredients to a boil once and immediately pour them hot over the yellow beetroot slices.

Let it soak in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, or better overnight.


For the tartare:

4 medium-sized beets, preferably from regional farmers (for example from Faltermaier Johann from Reisen)

1 teaspoon medium hot mustard

1 tbsp pickled capers

2 pickled anchovy fillets

1/2 bunch of chives

2 small pickles

1 small shallot

1 teaspoon raspberry vinegar

1 teaspoon ketchup

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

3 drops of Tabasco

1/2 Granny Smith apple

1 squirt of lemon juice

1 teaspoon olive oil

500g coarse sea salt

For the cream cheese cream:

100g firm cream cheese

2 teaspoons cream horseradish (if you like it spicier, you can use fresh horseradish)

50g crème fraîche

Zest of half an organic lemon

1 teaspoon honey

For the apple gel:

300 ml clear apple juice

10ml lemon juice

4g agar-agar

1 pinch of Piment d'Espelette 1 pinch of xanthan gum

For the apple chutney:

1 Granny Smith apple

2 tbsp apple gel

3 teaspoons of cold-pressed rapeseed oil

10 ml lemon juice

For the pickled yellow beetroot rolls:

1 yellow beetroot

5 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon sweet mustard

2 teaspoons of sugar

200ml water

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon juniper berries

1 fresh bay leaf

1 pinch of Piment d'Espelette

10 g freshly grated ginger

6 whole peppercorns

1 teaspoon honey


some leaves of mini blood sorrel

freshly grated horseradish

olive oil

➔ Local page 1

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-12-29

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