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Covid-19: the maps of variants in France


FIG DATA - The latest data published by Public Health France sheds light on the upsurge in British, South African and Brazilian variants.

This article will be updated regularly with the communication of new figures from Public Health France.

Friday February 12, Public Health France published its latest regional updates relating to the Covid-19 epidemic.

It includes the preliminary results of its Flash # 2 survey, at national level and by region.

Conducted on January 27 using data from a network of public and private laboratories, the Flash # 2 survey aims to map the distribution of variants in France.

First at the national level.

13.2% of positive tests analyzed by screening are suspected to be British variants.

If we add the two new variants, South African and Brazilian, this rate rises to 17.5%.

As Olivier Véran, the Minister of Health, underlined during his press conference on February 11, the share of variants is growing rapidly.

Around 50% per week for the British variant.

He thus estimated a British variant rate of around 20% in France and of 4 to 5% for the South African and Brazilian variants.

Be careful, however, the number

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Source: lefigaro

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