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Putin wants live calls, Biden has no regrets calling him a killer - Walla! news


The Russian president has offered to hold a dialogue with the US president in the coming days - but only on the condition that it be broadcast live.

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Putin wants live calls, Biden has no regrets calling him a killer

The Russian president has offered to hold a dialogue with the US president in the coming days - but only on the condition that it be broadcast live.


  • Russia

  • United States

  • Joe Biden

  • Vladimir Putin

Guy Elster

Thursday, March 18, 2021, 9:28 p.m.

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In the video: Putin answers Biden after calling him a killer - "Wishing him health" (Photo: Reuters)

The White House made it clear tonight (Thursday) that President Joe Biden has no regrets calling Russian President Vladimir Putin a killer, after Moscow demanded an apology and returned the ambassador for consultations.

However, Putin tonight expressed a willingness to speak directly with Biden as early as tomorrow, in talks that will be broadcast live.

Earlier, the Russian president said of the US president that "people tend to see in others what they see in themselves," and wished him "health," in what was interpreted as a mockery of the 78-year-old Biden.

The new crisis between the powers, whose relations have reached a new low since the end of the Cold War, began yesterday with the publication of Biden's interview with the ABC network, in which he responded in the affirmative when asked if he believed Putin was a murderer.

Biden even said Putin "has no soul" and warned that Moscow would pay a price for its interference in the presidential election, which according to the US intelligence report was intended to promote former President Donald Trump.

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  • Putin replies to Biden after calling him a killer: "Wish him health"

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  • Biden: Putin will pay for the election intervention, he is a murderer

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Stung Biden for his age.

Putin (Photo: Reuters)

In the evening, Putin attended a concert in Moscow to mark seven years since the annexation of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine in 2014.

Biden was then Vice President Barack Obama, and Russia was expelled from the Organization of Industrialized Countries and heavily sanctioned.

Despite economic sanctions, Russia has deepened its grip on the peninsula where it sees a historic part of its territory.

Putin said his last conversation with Biden, days after his inauguration as president of the United States, was at his request, and he now offers to have another conversation, on Friday or Monday - but on the condition that it be conducted in the form of a video call and broadcast live.

Biden has promised to take a firmer line towards Moscow compared to his predecessor Donald Trump, although shortly after entering the White House he reached an understanding with Putin on extending a nuclear treaty control that was about to expire.

The United States is making clear that it will cooperate with Russia only in places where it will benefit it, and similar things Putin said today.

Promised to take a more firm line towards Moscow compared to Trump.

Biden (Photo: Reuters)

Before referring to Putin, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov this morning described Biden's remarks as "very bad."

He said in a conference call with reporters that Russia would examine its relations with Washington.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has made it clear that they expect to explain from Washington about Biden's remarks.

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Konstantin Kosachyov said today that Russia apologized and warned that it could take revenge on Washington if one was not accepted. Kosachev said Biden's remarks were unacceptable and would inevitably affect bad relations He added that the hope of changing US policy under a new US administration had vanished in Moscow.

He said returning the ambassador to Moscow was the only reasonable step that could have been taken in light of the circumstances. "I suspect this will not be the last step." The American, "Kosachyub wrote on Facebook." A statesman of this rank must not express himself in this way.

This kind of statement is by no means acceptable. "He called it a watershed in relations between the two countries.

More on Walla!

US intelligence: Putin acted to influence the election in favor of Trump

To the full article

Russia's ties with the West have found themselves in a renewed crisis due to the imprisonment of opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Western countries are calling for his release and imposing sanctions on senior Russian officials.

Russia has accused them of unacceptable interference in its internal affairs.

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Source: walla

All news articles on 2021-03-18

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