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Surprise in a survey in the Province with the image of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta


It is from the consulting firm Circuitos. He compared the head of government with Buenos Aires and national figures.

Eduardo Paladini

06/05/2021 11:34 AM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 06/05/2021 11:34

In the middle of last year, when the coronavirus pandemic was still a shocking novelty, an alarm sounded at the Instituto Patria. But that alert was not health or economic, but political. In Kirchnerism, data began to arrive with the

good image

that the Buenos Aires head of government,

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

, in the

province of Buenos Aires had

. Even (and there the worrying thing) among voters of the Frente de Todos. A year later, to the surprise of some analysts, the

PRO's benchmark remains high

in the country's most important district. With a balance in its valuation that puts it at the top of the ranking.

The survey that reveals this situation and


advances this Saturday is from


, a small consultancy but already known in the world of politics.

And specialized in the Buenos Aires territory.

Between May 26 and 28, the firm surveyed

1,024 cases

, with a +/- 3.5% margin of error.

Before entering the images of the main politicians, the report is shelling numbers that confirm the

complex and pessimistic moment with which the bulk of society lives

, in this case in the Province.

Some examples:

Larreta and María Eugenia Vidal, with leaders of the group La Territorial, a sector of Together for Provincial Change.

- 58.3% say that the current situation is between bad and very bad.

- 52.8% believe that the economic situation in the coming months will worsen or worsen a lot.

- The rise in prices is the main concern (26.3%), closely followed by corruption (23.2%) and the health situation (21.1%).

- 52.6% rate the national management as bad or very bad.

- Although the majority follow the restrictive measures of the President, 57.7% predict that they will not be enough to reduce the cases of covid.

- There is also a high rejection of the suspension of the export of meat.

People believe that it will not serve to lower prices.

Image ranking

In the rating table,



13 leaders

: national, Buenos Aires or even Buenos Aires who sound like candidates in the Province this year.

And that's where Larreta stands out again, because he is the one who ends up with the best image balance.


María Eugenia Vidal

outweighs it in favor, she has more rejection than the head of government.

In addition to these two PRO referents, three other leaders showed a positive balance: President

Alberto Fernández

, Buenos Aires Deputy Head of Government

Diego Santilli

and Buenos Aires Minister of Security

Sergio Berni


Good news for Santilli and Berni

, who are on the list of names to fight in the Province in this year's legislative elections.

The rest of the politicians measured are left with a negative image balance.

Here, the table (in all cases, totals are filled with regular image and don't know / don't answer):

1st Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

: 45.8% positive and 33.4% negative (

+ 12.4

points difference).

2nd María Eugenia Vidal

: + 46.5% and - 39.2% (

+ 7.3


3rd Alberto Fernández

: + 44.5% and - 44.1% (

+ 3.4


4th Diego Santilli

: + 32.6% and - 29.9%: (

+ 2.7


5th Sergio Berni

: + 34.2% and - 32.9% (

+ 1.3


6th Axel Kicillof

: + 42.5% and - 48.2% (

- 5.7


7th Cristina Kirchner

: + 38.4% and - 48.6% (

- 10.2


8th Sergio Massa

: + 33.1% and - 44.4% (

- 11.3


9th Maximum Kirchner

: + 31% and - 45.1% (

- 14.1


10 ° Guillermo Moreno

: + 25.2% and - 47.2% (

- 2



11th Mauricio Macri

: + 28% and - 52.2% (

- 24.2)


12th José Luis Espert

: + 16.9% and - 44.8% (

- 27.9)


13th Nicolás del Caño

: + 15.2% and - 47.9% (

- 32.7


Source: clarin

All news articles on 2021-06-06

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