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Forget about everything you hated at "Abundance Tables" | Israel today


If by mistake you still do not know, it's time for you to be exposed to the woman, the phenomenon and the most beautiful tables on Instagram, and not only - Yaeli Magen Lily • Raise for the self-employed

At the beginning of the Corona we set out with a section "Lifting for the Self-Employed", which is designed, as its name implies, to help the self-employed in the culinary world.

We soon discovered, what we had pretty much thought in advance, that there is a wide range of self-employed who need the same level, from those who invested everything and are just before the collapse because of the corona, those who the same damn virus caused them to change direction and start something new. Them to the culinary world and they found a great niche.

At the end of the break and for the coming holidays, we will return the section more often, there are enough people to help them and enough interesting innovations to recommend them to you before everyone else.

Yaeli Magen Lily, who will be the focus of the article this time, you probably know or at least have come across.

In fact, women like her are the reason the unofficial name of the "Lifting for the Self" section is "what ??? how do you not know them ???".

Magen Lily, 29, has set up her own catering business (and has since sold it) and starred in the stories and posts of celebrities, foodies and other influencers on the net, with the concept being the same concept, the one you never get tired of - beautiful and invested abundance tables.

And yes, we know a lot of those who read the phrase "abundance table" will roll their eyes and say something like "oops, that's it again," but Lily's shield is an exception in the landscape, for good's of course.

You can see this in the pictures and if you are patient enough soon, the stage will also come in the article where she will explain the subject in detail.

Recently, Yaeli replaced the old business with a new one, with a similar concept, in which her entire family will take part - "De Leli's".

It is also, by definition, catering for "abundance tables" and brunch from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

"We are a family of foodies who love food, love to eat and explore everything new in the field," she says.

"I eat with us in veins, arteries and especially in the heart. My father is a chef for many years, originally Dutch and is responsible for all the flavors and the kitchen of preparations. My mother is constantly looking for the next exciting thing and also bakes everything she loves and that makes people happy. Carries our last name. "

"The nature of the business is very simple," she continues.

"I want the hosts to feel guests at their event, to be relieved of any pressure from the second we enter their home. Our pleasant and accurate service will already make that happen."

What is your role in the family business?

"I'm in charge of dreams and clients. I've loved and breathed design and style since I can remember. After the army I lived for two years in Australia and there I was exposed to this concept of 'celebration tables', which put a lot of emphasis on abundance and visibility, just like a photo set. "It contributes to the joy and atmosphere and it is important for me to create such an extraordinary experience for the celebrants and guests who choose us.

Tell us a little about the process of preparing for such an event?

How to assemble a table?

"Everyone wants their event to be the most beautiful and the food the most delicious. And of course a lot of food. But the style of an abundance table should suit the audience itself. It's a less 'buttoned' style more relaxed. I put my heart on the table. We specialize in intimate events (up to 80 .

"Along with the dishes, there is plenty of flowering vegetables that complete the design experience. Each time a different lush green story is combined with flowers. In the summer I most like a crazy flower hydrangea that comes to the country from the Netherlands and whenever I can "Vibrant of chilled drinks and cold iced tea combined with fruits and vegetables. It is a stamp for the hot days and for hours when you want less alcohol or for those who want without. Cool, delicious and happy."

What are the dreams for the future?

"Very simple: a place of my own. With a table from the dreams and happy people. Happiness and that's it."

De Lily's:


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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-08-15

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