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Opinion | Taliban supporters turn their backs on the world of Western affluence, and we do not ask - why? | Israel today


The prominent focus of the Taliban struggle is against Western materialism • Will we learn to give meaning to human existence or will we degenerate into nihilism and materialism?

It's not because of the Western Republicans, it's not because of the Russian government: the Taliban wins solely because of spiritual motives - turning its back on all Western achievements.

Make no mistake, Afghanistan is not just a regional tension, but a war taking place in the world, starting first in the Middle East and in particular in Afghanistan, and if we do not wake up to understand what we are facing, we will pay a great price for it.

As in the second decade of the 20th century, even today we are facing a unrest that surrounds many nations in the world, and as then, even today, most of us are blind and unable to read the writing on the wall.

It is important to note that in terms of territory, the Taliban victory in Afghanistan was in fact a matter of time from the moment the US announced its withdrawal from the country.

It can be said that even under the international occupation regime, the organization controlled the territory outside the Western bases scattered throughout the country.

But still, anyone who wants the victory of progress in the world - for an entire country, consciously, is going in a dark direction here and turning its back on history - needs to wake up.

One has to ask what can be learned from the fact that a large population is willing to take on an extremist regime that is fundamentally opposed to the entire Western worldview, both liberal and conservative, since the Taliban not only repels American forces from Trump's seminary, but also hangs Barack Obama on the same tree.

It is impossible to look at reality and interpret it without digesting the central point, and that is that a large group of people is willing to leave the culture we know, which brings with it medicine, industrialization, and proper use of natural resources.

There is a simple answer to this issue, it is a matter of faith.

The prominent focus of the struggle today, as at least expressed by both ISIS and Taliban supporters, is Western materialism.

A huge public in the world says - we see where you have come from and it is not good for us, we have no interest in all this welfare, it is empty.

It is not necessarily a belief in its narrow concept, but there is a desire here for a world that includes within it immaterial values ​​alongside other values.

This answer presents us with the real challenge of the world in the coming years - will we learn to turn our many achievements into a space that gives meaning to human existence or will we degenerate into nihilism and materialism?

For if humanity were to march there, we should not be surprised that large groups of them set out on a new path, in a huge bloodbath in which nations would try to destroy the entire West.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-08-15

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