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Sowing in Tear: On the Exciting Baseball Game in the Cornfield | Israel today


The 1989 film "The Field of Dreams" starring Kevin Costner was a tribute as only Americans know • The baseball league re-released the final scene and played an official cornfield game between the Yankees from New York and the White Sox of Chicago • It ends with brilliant eyes and more proof that a good story will always win

I was never disappointed with watching a baseball game, for two reasons.

The first is coordinating expectations, the surest way to happiness in life.

When I go to a children's show I do not expect a pogo circle, but I do expect a joke or two that will tickle parents.

When I sit down to watch a baseball game, I do not expect a dizzying pace and a series of athletic ascents that will turn my head.

I do prepare myself for a twisted struggle, many adjustments as I move, and a few moments of two-momentum.

Such that after the game everyone recreates in their head and thinks, "If only it would go this way and not otherwise!".

What sports fan does not like such things?

The second thing thanks to him I was never disappointed with a baseball game - and I'm sorry I do not have a bigger cliché than that - is the story.

In general, there is of course nothing that enhances the sporting experience more than a good story, and there are not many platforms that tell stories better than sports.

Not for nothing One of the great Olympic moments I have seen in life was Togo State winning a bronze medal in the Canoe Slalom.



In a canoe.

Greetings from Benjamin Bukfty.

When it comes to stories, there is no industry that can give a fight to baseball.

Okay, maybe football.

But football is played all over the world, by people from all walks of life, so obviously there will be more stories in it.

Football, and it may sound strange to Levantine ears - but I'm willing to have this beer debate with you - is more like baseball than you think.

Mainly in that they both serve as a wide-canvas with the rhythm of a thick-bellied book that allows the stories to evolve over time and sometimes capture most of the viewers' attention.

Therefore, like an episode of a series, as long as you sit down to watch baseball when you know the characters - you will get your dose of drama.


Maybe some of you even experienced it with the Israeli baseball team games at the Olympics recently.

The plot that became the center of pilgrimage, AP

To what extent is baseball ground for eternal stories?

A close look at the list of the best sports movies and sports books from sites like The Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, Sports Illustrated, Rotten Tomato and others shows that no matter how you look at it - about 20 percent (about 1 in 5) ) Will be on baseball, in first place long before any other industry.

Ness Ziona Iowa Corner

One story that is on all of these lists is "Field of Dreams," a 1989 film starring the king of American sports films, Kevin Costner.

In the 32 years since its release, the film has become one of the most beloved gems in American sports culture.

A charming, moving, all-American film in the good sense of the description.

One that children and parents see together and cry over and over again.

Like any good baseball movie, it is not really about baseball but about the everydayness of love, life and death.

Of repentance and sins.

And of life-defining moments.

After filming ended, Costner advised the owner of the Iowa farm where he was filmed to keep the baseball field built there in the cornfield intact.

Who knows, maybe it will become a center of pilgrimage.

Of course, this is how it happened, the farmhouse itself has also become a unique hotel that generations of film lovers go on pilgrimage to.

This past weekend, a year late because of the Corona, the "Field of Dreams" legend became a reality as the baseball league held an official game in Iowa State for the first time in its history - between the packed New York Yankees and Chicago White Sox clubs, on a simple field with temporary stands in the exact same cornfield.

Yes, in 2021 baseball is not what it used to be.

The sheet is too short to explain - and that alone illustrates part of the problem of this game, in an age of fast information and character limitation.

Yes, it's a gimmick like hockey's open field game, designed to break down the strings of nostalgia and squeeze tears.

But it worked.

The game was the most watched in the regular season for 16 years.

The movie "Field of Dreams" jumped to the top of the Netflix viewers list.

This is a gimmick, but it worked, Getty Images

More importantly, the tears of excitement of millions of Americans, it is estimated, filled the air with more drops of water than typical Tel Aviv humidity.

From the charming opening ceremony, when Costner himself stepped dramatically to the center of the field and saw the players emerge through the corn crops - just like the ghosts in the movie (it's not really a spoiler), to the classic home run that ended the game with a victory for the "hosts" from Chicago.

Reality Imitated an Erosion Movie A reality erosion book, and did it in such a rewritten way that it is impossible to write a favor from it, causing the idiots from Ness Ziona (respectfully) to miss something they never experienced as if they were children from Iowa. Everyone and his field of dreams.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-08-15

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