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After a snakebite: man takes deadly revenge


In India a man was bitten by a poisonous snake. His revenge was fatal.

In India a man was bitten by a poisonous snake.

His revenge was fatal.

It is not uncommon for people to die from snake bites, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) around 138,000 people annually.

And vice versa?

The question may sound absurd at first, but as * reports, that's exactly what happened recently.

As the

German press agency

reported on Friday, a man from India claims to have bitten them dead in revenge after a snake bite.

Accordingly, the 45-year-old was bitten in the leg on the way home from his work in a rice field in a remote village in the east of the country.

After a snakebite: One bites a snake dead in revenge

"I turned on my flashlight and saw that it was a poisonous krait (poison snake)," the man told the Indian news agency PTI.

"To avenge myself, I took the snake in my hands, bit it again and again and killed the venomous snake on the spot."

The man then continued on his way home and took the dead animal home with him.

There he then went to a traditional healer.

According to the report, the man had no impairments after meeting the snake on Wednesday night.

Snakes a problem in India: 58,000 deaths from snakebites per year

But not every encounter with a venomous snake ends so lightly.

Only recently, the bite of a horned viper ended fatally for a 24-year-old Austrian *.

According to a study in India, around 58,000 people die each year as a result of a snake bite.

According to the WHO, India is one of the most snakebite-affected countries in the world.

As Priyanka Kadam from the aid organization Snakebite Healing and Education Society emphasizes, poor people are often affected by snake bites.

In addition, a snake bites every other fall in people's homes.

The animals came through cracks or stayed in the firewood.

Not only in India: toxic snakes are also a danger in Europe

However, the bitten were often only given an appropriate antidote with a delay, said Kadam.

First of all, many Indians would turn to traditional naturopaths after a snake bite and thereby lose valuable time.

In addition, the clinics in rural areas are often far away and poorly equipped.


The horned viper is one of the most dangerous snakes in Europe.

(Archive image)

© Florian Sanktjohanser / dpa

After a snakebite, the venom can paralyze the nervous system, which can lead to death from suffocation.

In addition, those bitten often suffer permanent damage such as loss of vision or the loss of limbs.

A danger that threatens not only in India or Australia, because poisonous snakes * also live in popular holiday destinations such as Spain.

The most poisonous snake in Europe * lives in Croatia.

Snake in Germany: poisonous snakes threatened with extinction

And caution is also advised in Germany, because numerous species of snakes * live here too, including some poisonous snakes.

This also includes the adder, whose bite can lead to severe symptoms in humans *.

Unlike in other countries, the probability of meeting a poisonous snake in this country is rather low: Both the adder and the aspic viper are threatened with extinction.

If you should be bitten by a snake, it is advisable not to bite it to death first, as the man in India claims to have done. Visiting alternative practitioners is also not particularly advisable. Tying off the affected extremity is also not recommended; instead, you should stick to some important tips *, which has summarized. * is an offer from


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2021-08-16

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