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Angry parents: "Caution, the Trasov family is a disaster for children" | Israel today


Many mothers came out against a video of children being uploaded to the Trasov family's YouTube account • Parents reported that their children were undergoing psychological treatment as a result, and that they were afraid to be alone following the "horror film for children" • Trasov: "We will be attentive and act accordingly"

The famous Trasov family is once again facing difficulty, and this time they are facing thousands of angry parents.

After YouTube removed a video about two months ago, this time they seem to be facing a more devastating storm.

A post written by a mother of young children in the "Amazon" group on Facebook quickly went viral and garnered thousands of comments.

This is a post that warns of the popular videos of the Trasov family on YouTube, and in particular against a video that tells about the theft of their bikes.

The post reads: "Warning! The Trasov family is a disaster for children. Recently I saw posts of many mothers in all sorts of groups complaining that their children developed fears, anxieties and sleep problems following watching the Trasov family's episode about the bike theft. I did not attach importance to it, and every day more "A post from another desperate mother who hasn't slept in a week."

"Suddenly the token fell to me that my seven-year-old daughter had been in severe fears for over a month. "I asked her alone if she saw the episode with the bike (and I had no idea what I was talking about) she straight vomited it 'yes mom I was at (name of girlfriend) two months ago and she saw so I saw with her'," she wrote in pain.

Trasov with her daughter,

"My stomach burned designers but unfortunately I have no control over what she sees when she is not home, after that we talked about it in the living room and her brother asked her what is so scary so she said there is someone there stealing their bikes and then there is darkness and then a pizza courier arrives and writes about "The pizza tray 'I know where you are' in short a horror movie for children, I am 38 years old and unable to see horror movies," she added.

"I sat down later to watch what it was and my life that was enough for me a minute of watching to understand the level of disgrace. So please dear mothers, in the hope that your children have not yet been exposed to this content, just block them to avoid the trouble of what happens after they are exposed to it," she concluded.

Many mothers identified with what was said in the post.

"You opened my eyes. My daughter is anxious and having nightmares, does not sleep at night alone and does not let me move a meter from her at home, I am already at a loss," wrote a worried mother.

"Some mothers say their child is undergoing psychological treatment as a result," another wrote.

"Wow, now I understand why my daughter has been seeing them since the age of five and is not willing to sleep alone. It's a disgrace."

Another concluded: "We need to report immediately and then we may see a change, the power is in our hands."

Moran Trasov responded: "We are a family, not just the Trasov family, all of us. And as such, we go through difficulties and solve them, together. With love, hug, connection, sensitivity! We are aware in recent days of inquiries from your parents, and we are working on adjustments to The need you have raised. For the past seven years you have been a part of us! From our daily routine, from the good moments, the joys, the excitement, to the challenging moments and the daily struggles ... "

"... As you know, our goal is to produce quality, valuable, exciting, and entertaining content for the whole family, and if some of the content is found to be problematic or scary, we as parents of young children will be the first to listen and act accordingly, love you."

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-10-11

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