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Irit Natan Bendek: "We turned to surrogacy after a decade of fertility treatments. I wanted to be a mother" | Israel today


She advises women on surrogacy ("I realized how much ignorance, shame and guilt there is in this"), explains why she stopped eating carbs ("I have no fantasy of being thin and fat") and toyed with the thought of participating in the "Race for a Million" with her husband, Dvir • Irit Natan Bendek maneuvers Between 3 plays and gives tips for a successful relationship

When was the last time you learned something new?

"Yesterday. I make sure to learn new things, as a decision. I teach acting at Herzog High School in Holon, and learn a lot from high school students about music, art and culture. Yesterday everyone introduced themselves and things they like, and I learned about a new computer game. Former students introduced me to rappers like Tuna Or Ravid Plotnik, formerly called Nichi Nichi. That's how my loves expand. I have a very great curiosity for everything, a girl's curiosity. L. At the age of 23 I was returning from a year-long trip to Japan just before the start of the academic year, so I missed the auditions for acting schools and my mom enrolled me in surprise for Tel Aviv University.

I studied film, art and theater, and in my sophomore year I also studied acting and met Dvir.

By the way, my brother is a professor of physics at Stanford, so I'm the black sheep at home, only with a bachelor's degree. "

When was the last time you made an external change?

"Now. I stopped eating carbs and sugars and I with 12 kilos less. When Dvir did gastric bypass surgery at the time I also made a diet change and lost 27 kilos. We were together in it and maintained a healthy lifestyle, but slowly I gained weight and Corona ate a lot. Lots of mimosas, Campari Wayne flowed here, and I realized I was 15 pounds more. I could not lose them, until recently I decided to do a restart for myself. I do not like being told what to do, and when I am told not to eat carbs I will rather do and eat. , Because it's not by method.When there's an event or when I feel like it I drink wine and eat what I want, but I'm without pasta and rice on a daily basis and very happy with the results.

"I have no fantasy of being thin and skinny. I like to have a little belly and my juiciness and sexiness. I have no desire to be thin, I have a desire to be healthy. I believe anyone who says she's good in her body, I do not think she's lying, but still "I think there is menophobia. There is something that does not get fat, and on the scale I am also considered fat. I am size 42 and there are places that I am size 44, but it does not matter to me. I like to be fit and fit."

When was the last time you were offered to participate in a reality show?

"I was offered to participate in 'Connected', but I refused. I would not go to 'Survival', but Dvir and I have fun thinking about participating in 'Race to the Million' as a couple. We like to travel and travel and that is something that might have spoken to us."

When was the last time you thought about motherhood?

"In 2014, I participated in '6 Mothers' because it was a kind of mission. I talked about my journey to motherhood and our parenting, which is a very open and open journey. It took us a long time to become parents, 23 fertility treatments for 10 years of journey, which was Challenging and had something very empowering in it, both for a relationship that has grown very strong and for our philosophy of life. When we turned to surrogacy I realized how ignorant, shame and guilt there is. Fit, that it's an evil thing to say. They told me 'maybe it's a sign, maybe it's your destiny, maybe you should not be together?'. I was in the market, but it did not make me doubt for a moment. Then it made me laugh, because it was not real .

"I had a confrontation with a friend who got pregnant and did not reveal it to me. When I found out I asked why she did not say, and she replied 'because you are in treatment'. I explained to her that I do not have this thought of 'you are pregnant at my expense'. Me in line, we are not in the same game at all. Unlike the roles in the theater, where there is competition, there is no. Do not take me something that belonged to me, and I am so happy for you. Realized very quickly that there was no need to feel sorry for me, that I was strong.

"Tap-tap, there is also something in our relationship that was very self-assured. We knew the end would be good and that the relationship would win. At some point we also decided to celebrate the failures. "We lived in the middle of it, not only that. I played like crazy, I taught, we spent and we drove, so I was full of anchors. There was no situation where I was just in fertilization."

When was the last time you played?

"Tuesday. I played in a new musical together called 'Amale', by Gali Ashkenazi Levin. It was directed by Ido Colton and the melodies and musical direction were done by Yaor Yaakov, both former students. They are my foster children and it's a dream come true. This is our second production. This is our second production. My first time in a musical, and it's a campy, colorful musical.

"The corona gave me a kick in the butt. It was a 'stop the earth' to everyone and I asked myself what do I want? What do I want? I'm a person who usually does what he likes, and I know it's a great privilege. I love to play and teach and these are two passions I combine Today I want to push the boundaries, to do things beyond my comfort zone.

"We're a house of workaholics, we're both busy all the time, so the first closure was kind of a dream. Suddenly being home with the girls, who were in hi that we were with. It would last at least a year and a half. I canceled his words, but he was right. When it was initial and the whole world stopped, I felt it was not me coming out of the race but it was a break I really needed.

"It's not that I do not have glitches and frustrations, I have the 'upoff' of failure and the points of cure, such as that I am not ambitious enough or do not go to the end with things, but I also have compassion for myself and I see everything optimistically because in the end it happens I participated for example in 'The Goat or Who's Sylvia' in a role that became a role of my life. It was a crazy process and the reactions I got were great. I felt a kind of explosion of maturity and readiness for a role that is bull me, .

When was the last time you visited your parents?

"Tuesday. My parents, Solly and Shuki Natan, have lived in Tel Aviv for many years and are grandparents who help a lot. My mother is a grandmother from the legends, she has power and she teaches July math and Gali to read. I grew up in Lod, and I had a happy childhood. It's not. It was a village, but I experienced a childhood of yesteryear, a simple childhood where we spent a lot of time outside. "

When was the last time you were jealous?

"I envy mostly musical talents and people who know how to write. I would like to know how to play and I am amazed at people who know how to write lightly, while I am tormented by any wording, maybe too much. I am jealous in the positive sense, i.e. in something I also want or admire.

"They ask if I am jealous of Dvir, and the answer is no at all. I feel a partner in his success. Dvir is a factory and we are partners in this factory. We have been together for 25 years, 24 of them as a married couple. At first I appeared in Touching Happiness, the first hysterical telenovela, "And it was crazy. I had a regular job and they called me on the street 'Amalia! Amalia!'

When was the last time you went to the doctor?

"I do not die for doctors and tend to postpone tests, but in the end go when necessary. The last time was a mammogram I scheduled following a pressure from a company, which reminded me how important it is.

"I got sick in Corona a year ago, in the second closure. I had muscle aches and felt the decay of the disease. I had no fever or difficulty breathing, but my sense of taste and smell went for a month and it was weird and stressful. I was also very tired. I'm losing all my strength.I also had a crazy hair loss, but today I was completely back to myself.

"Actress Irit Kaplan, who is a really good friend of mine, got sick recently and it was very stressful. A lot of people get confused between us, and even my mom and Dvir got calls to my recovery because they thought she was his wife. Probably because we have the same name and look a bit similar. We are good friends and the dream "Ours is to play sisters. It will surely happen."

When was the last time you gave good advice?

"I constantly give advice on surrogacy. This is my mission, and even my attending physician asked if I could talk to patients. I tell anyone I can talk to, I have patience because it is a very important issue. Our choice of surrogacy came after treatment with a body psychotherapist. Amazing mind. I came to her because I wanted to know why things did not work for us. My eggs were wow, Dvir's sperm was great, and so were the embryos and lining of the uterus - and nothing was absorbed. Like that every time, and it was frustrating. Okay than not knowing. I went to check what my restraint was and was given advice from a psychic friend who asked me 'What is important to you, pregnancy or motherhood?'

I realized I wanted to be a mom, that's what was important.

"Now I'm very happy for Merav Michaeli about the surrogacy. There was a crazy aliyah on her, they celebrated her blood, and I said there must be something there, and I was very excited to hear about their son."

When was the last time you felt the fear of death?

"During the terrorist attacks in the early 2000s, we went to a restaurant in Haifa with Dvir's childhood friends. Suddenly someone shouted 'Bomb!'

And all the people in the restaurant ran away hysterically, there was real chaos. There was a dummy charge on the window to scare. I was swept to one side and Dvir was knocked down and stepped on and he was swept to the other side. He said it was a dummy charge.

When was the last time you did something romantic?

"Tonight we have a date in a restaurant. What I love about Dvir is that he can also just send me flowers or write to me 'my love, miss', because he knows it excites me. I also make romantic gestures, send him nice messages. We have Paz "M beautiful and in my experience, one of the methods to keep love is not to see much."

When for the first time?

When did you first work?

"My first job was at Steimatzky at the airport. I was in the late twelfth grade, living in Lod and having time before enlistment.

It was an amazing job.

There's something addictive about working at an airport.

I worked there both after the army and when I returned from Japan.

I knew every floor in the old Ben Gurion Airport. It was like wow, working in a foreign atmosphere.

By the way, I really wanted to be a waitress but was not accepted anywhere.

I wanted to be a waitress student and I did not fulfill that. "

Irit Natan Bendek // 52 years old, actress, resident of Tel Aviv.

Married to Dvir Bendek and mother to July (11) and Gali (6).

She has played many roles in theater, film and television.

She currently plays in "The Audience is Asked to Stand" at the Tmuna Theater, in "Romeo and Juliet" at the Arab-Hebrew Theater (on November 6 at the Jaffa Theater), and in "Amaleh" together (on November 10).

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-11-06

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