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Opinion | Isolate vaccine refusers from the public Israel today


The decline of the fourth wave of the Corona virus should not be distracted from the cheeky threat of the vaccine-denying cult to our lives and our health and our quality of life, mainly because recently activists from among them are also threatening our physical safety

The decline of the fourth wave of the corona virus should not be distracted from the insidious threat of the vaccine-denying cult to our lives and our health and our quality of life, mainly because recently activists from among them are also threatening our physical safety.

During the previous waves of the outbreak of the plague, the promiscuous behavior of those who refused vaccines harmed our livelihoods, the education and psyche of our children and restricted our freedom in various fields.

In anticipation of possible outbreaks they should be prevented from embittering our lives and seizing the medical resources needed to save the lives and health of those who deserve society to take care of.

There is no reason for society to tolerate their pathological hallucinations, their primitive worldview and their appalling ignorance and fund their folly.

If they insist on getting sick, suffering and dying - it's their business.

There is no need to interfere with them, but it is time to exercise the natural right of civilized people to self-defense.

It is precisely now, when the plague is fading, that it is time to isolate them from their victims, to make it difficult for them to spread it again.

The proper overarching goal is to isolate them from the public space by paying close attention to the green label in all its components: in the public transportation system, in all public and private workplaces, in the education system, in cultural and leisure sites, in malls and everywhere closed.

When the "health terrorists" are removed from the public sphere, it is also possible to gradually stop wearing masks.

Forgery of certificates should be considered a disgraceful offense, involving actual imprisonment as a minimum sentence, and imprisonment for forcibly vaccinating the refusers.

For the entry of unvaccinated people into the compound that requires a vaccine, it is appropriate to impose fines of thousands of shekels.

Those who refuse to protest will be able to exercise their refusal in isolated areas, where they will not endanger public health in crowded sites.

If they deviate from these complexes, they should be treated with a means of remote dispersal, so that they do not infect the police officers who perform their work.

It also takes the organization of society to vomit this insane and promiscuous cult from within.

Since they have renounced their solidarity with us, it is time that we all renounce our solidarity with them.

For this purpose it is worthwhile to go back to proposing a civic initiative, which would actively collect the names of the adult vaccine refusers, with an emphasis on their activists.

This is not, of course, about those who cannot be vaccinated for medical and other reasons or about teenagers, who may have avoided vaccination due to their parents' incitement.

This list should be available to anyone who wants to protect their life, health, children, liberty and livelihood from their harm.

Corona deniers and those who refuse vaccinations and tests speak on behalf of information transparency.

By the same token, such a list would allow each of us to check with whom we want to socialize, who we want to prefer as spouses, who to employ, where to buy, what company makes sure its employees are vaccinated, what pub makes sure not to let them infect its occupants.

Insurance companies will know from whom to charge a higher premium.

It is said that there are literate among them and even educated people, but those who define democracy and individual liberty as the right to cause suffering and death to others, deny scientific findings and make their children and family miserable, probably learned citizenship from a vaccine-refusing teacher.

They invented a new basic right: the right to get sick, suffer and die, to stay healthy.

Those who insist on getting infected and getting sick, those who do not prefer rational and responsible spouses and friends and those who want to encourage trolling and promiscuity, can also use the list offered here - which lists those who are vaccinated - to choose the company of people like him, to socialize and live among them.

This will benefit society as a whole, as it will activate natural selection for the benefit of future generations. 

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-11-09

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