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Last minute Russia - Ukraine | Zelensky accuses Russia of targeting civilians


The Ukrainian president assures that Moscow will have to talk to Kiev "sooner or later" to end the fighting | The Foreign Minister compares the attack on the capital to the Nazi invasion | The Ukrainian government registers 137 dead and 316 wounded in the first day of clashes | There are more than 100,000 displaced

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia on Friday of targeting civilian areas and has assured that at least 137 civilians and members of the army have died and hundreds more have been injured on the first day of the invasion.

“They said that civilians were not targeted, but it is another of their lies,” he assured in a video published early on Friday, in which he also lamented what he considers a lack of support from the international community: “ They have left us alone."

The president has said that Moscow will have to talk to Kiev "sooner or later" to end the fighting: "The earlier the conversation starts, the smaller Russia's losses will be," he added.

In the early hours of this Friday, two loud explosions were heard in the center of Kiev.

The head of state has decreed a general mobilization to try to contain the offensive.

The UN estimates that there are more than 100,000 people displaced from their homes.

The European Union and the United States have announced new sanctions.

“Putin has much bigger ambitions than Ukraine.

He wants to re-establish the former Soviet Union,” US President Joe Biden has said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced the invasion, and several cities in eastern Ukraine, from Sloviansk and Kramatorsk to Kharkov, 30 kilometers from the border, have been attacked.

The Pentagon considers that the Russian attack, on different flanks and different points of the border, seeks to "behead" the Kiev government.

According to Moscow, its armed forces would have destroyed 74 Ukrainian military installations and 11 airfields.

  • Russia attacks Ukraine

  • Russia's attack on maps: troops cross the Ukraine border

  • Check here all the videos of EL PAÍS on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine

  • Key dates of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: when and how it started

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Australia to sanction Belarus for its support for Russia invading Ukraine

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Friday that he plans to impose sanctions on people and entities in Belarus that are involved in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

"We are working with the United States to coincide with their new sanctions on key Belarusian individuals and entities complicit in [Russia's] aggression against Ukraine. So we are expanding those sanctions on Belarus," Morrison said.

These reprisals are part of a series of measures applied by the Canberra Executive —in the same vein as the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union and other allied nations— in response to the invasion of Ukraine by order of Russian President Vladimir Putin .

According to Ukrainian authorities, some air strikes were launched from Belarusian territory, from where some Russian tanks and troops, who recently carried out military maneuvers together with the Belarusian Army, crossed the border to invade Ukraine.

Australia, for the moment, has prohibited entry to its country to Russian high-ranking officials, "oligarchs", more than 300 members of the Duma (Russian Parliament) and has issued sanctions against several banks in that country, among others.

The oceanic country has also announced this Friday that it will send "non-lethal" military aid and medical supplies, as well as give financial assistance to Ukraine.






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What would happen if Russia decides to cut off natural gas supplies to Europe?

Russia, the supplier of up to 33% of the European Union's gas, has put energy markets on alert after launching a military invasion of Ukraine.

Gas futures prices in the Dutch market, which is the benchmark for the region, shot up to 60% yesterday, driven by fear of a supply cut by the Kremlin.

Moscow yesterday tried to allay concerns and signaled that supply flows will continue as normal.

However, he warned that this could change if the West removes the country from the Swift system, a network that allows countries to carry out international monetary transactions, without which Russian companies would not be able to receive payments from their buyers.

The threat comes in the context of an abnormally low inventory in European reserves, sparking fears of drastic price increases that could impact energy production and even cause possible blackouts.


Luis Alberto Peralta

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Zelensky warns that Russian troops are bombing residential areas in Ukraine

The President of Ukraine, Volodímir Zelenski, has warned in the early hours of this Friday that Russian troops are bombing residential areas of the country in the second day of military combat since the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, announced a "special military operation" in the east of the country.

“Enemy planes are viciously operating over residential areas, particularly in the capital.

Terrible explosions in the morning sky over Kiev.


Impact on a residential building.

Fire”, the Ukrainian president assured in a video through his Telegram channel, as reported by the Ukrainian news agency Unian.






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Kiev residents run to underground shelters

The residents of Kiev run this Friday morning to seek refuge underground when they hear the alarms again.

Luis de Vega


from the Ukrainian capital.





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Russian forces intensify their offensive against Kiev

The Russian forces sent by Vladimir Putin have attacked with force this Friday the capital of Ukraine, Kiev.

On the second day of the first major war in Europe in decades, the Russian president charged into civilian infrastructure to force Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to negotiate and capitulate.

The Ukrainian government reports dozens of deaths and injuries in attacks across the country.

Russian special forces and airborne troops advance towards the capital.

From the south and east, they are also trying to encircle the Ukrainian army in the Donbas region, where the Kiev secret services believe that Moscow may have also infiltrated paramilitary groups to attack from within and gain total control of the area.

The plan could be repeated, they say, in other parts of the country, including in Kiev,

where the objective of the head of the Kremlin could be to behead the leadership of the Government.

Thousands of people have fled from the east, closer to the Russian border, and from the capital, to the west, to cities such as Lviv, near the border with Poland, where the warning sirens for attacks have also been heard this morning. .

Tens of thousands of citizens try to leave the country for Poland and Hungary.

The shooting down of a Russian plane over Kiev, which has hit a residential building in the capital, has caused a large fire.

It is a 10-storey building, about 10 kilometers from the center of the capital, reports

Luis de Vega

 from Kiev.

There are at least five injured, one very serious.

In a speech to the Ukrainian citizens, President Zelensky confirmed multiple Russian missile attacks in various parts of the country and assured that the military aggressions target civil and military infrastructure.

"They are killing people and turning peaceful cities into military targets," he said.


Maria R. Sahuquillo

Photo: Hundreds of citizens take refuge in the Kiev metro stations this Thursday.

(Emilio Morenatti/AP)

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António Guterres: "We are seeing images of terror"


Secretary General of the UN

, António Guterres, has emphasized on Thursday night that the

protection of civilians

"must be the number one priority".

"With the death toll rising, we are seeing images of fear, anguish and terror in every corner of Ukraine. Humanitarian and human rights laws must be respected," he wrote on Twitter.

The Ukrainian government has registered 137 deaths between civilians and soldiers, and has reported 800 casualties in the Russian ranks, a figure not confirmed by the invading country.

Kiev has been subjected during the early hours of Friday to an intense bombardment by the Russian army.





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Zelenski affirms that the advance of the Russian army has been stopped

Despite the bombing of Kiev at dawn, the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelensky, assured this morning in a television appearance that

the advance of the Russian army has been stopped

on most fronts.

Furthermore, he seems confident that a 

negotiated solution

to the crisis is inevitable.

"Russia will have to talk to us sooner or later about how to end hostilities and stop the invasion. The sooner the talk starts, the smaller Russia's losses will be," he said, according to

The Kyiv Independent

website . 

Zelensky has once again criticized the position of the world powers in the face of the invasion, considering that

the sanctions are insufficient

to stop Russia.

"This morning we are defending our country alone. Like yesterday, the most powerful powers in the world are watching from afar. Did yesterday's sanctions convince Russia? We hear in our sky and we see on our land that it was not enough," he said. .

The US and the European Union have announced "massive" sanctions packages in recent hours to hit the Russian economy and elites.

Among the measures, the blockade of Western financial markets and the prohibition of exporting aerospace technology and equipment stand out.





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Residents of a bombed building: "It's a miracle"

Luis de Vega,

our special envoy in Kiev, has approached one of the residential buildings bombed by the Russian army during the early hours of Friday.

The attack has left a bleak picture: collapsed balconies, blackened facades and iron scattered around.

There are five injured, but no deaths.

"It's a miracle," says a neighbor. 





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The mayor of Kiev and his boxer brother join the fight

Kiev Mayor

Vitali Klitschko

 and his brother Wladimir, former boxing champions, said on Friday they were ready to fight Russia.

"I have no choice. I'm going to have to do it. I'm going to fight," Vitali, 50, who has led the capital since 2014, said in an interview on

Good Morning Britain


With Kiev threatened by the Russian Army, the mayor has said that the priority is to support the police and the Armed Forces with critical infrastructure and the supply of gas, electricity and water to citizens.

"I believe in my Ukraine, in my country, in my people."





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Ukrainian Foreign Minister compares attack on Kiev to Nazi invasion 

Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba has compared the bombing of the capital to the Nazi invasion during

World War II


"Terrible Russian bombing of Kiev. The last time our capital experienced something similar was in 1941 when it was attacked by Nazi Germany. Ukraine defeated that evil and will also defeat this one," he said on Twitter, before claiming the international community to "isolate" and "cut all ties" with Russia.

Meanwhile, the Russian Army's offensive is approaching the capital.

Two loud explosions have been heard in the center of Kiev in the middle of the morning and a Russian plane has been shot down by Ukrainian forces. 





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There are about 800 Russian casualties, according to Ukraine

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has listed the Russian casualties and the destruction of military equipment of the invading Army so far:

  • Approximately 800 soldiers, a figure "to be specified"

  • 7 planes

  • 6 helicopters

  • 30 tanks

  • 130 armored vehicles

In the latest update, the Ukrainian government reported the deaths of 137 Ukrainian civilians and soldiers and 316 wounded during the clashes.





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Mexico raises its tone and condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine

The government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador has gone from condemning the war to openly rejecting Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard announced in the first message that explicitly names and censures Moscow's military operation.

“We are very clear that we are facing an invasion, there is no longer any doubt about it.” 

By Elijah Camhaji





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Strong explosions in Kiev

Two strong explosions have resounded on Friday morning in the center of Kiev, on the second day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, an


journalist has confirmed .

"Attacks against Kiev with cruise or ballistic missiles have resumed. I have heard two loud explosions," an adviser to Interior Minister Anton Herashchenko said on his Telegram account.

In addition, the official has reported that

the Ukrainian military shot down a Russian plane

which then crashed into a nine-story building and set it on fire.





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The European Union announces "massive" sanctions

Europa está unida frente a la agresión rusa. Es el mensaje que han mandado los principales líderes de la Unión Europea tras una larga reunión con los Estados miembros. En una comparecencia en la madrugada de este viernes, la presidenta de la Comisión Europa, Úrsula Von der Leyen, ha enumerado una batería de sanciones "masivas" que buscan tener un "impacto máximo" sobre la economía rusa y su élite política. Las medidas tocan varios sectores:

  • Finanzas: Las sanciones cortarán el acceso del 70% de las instituciones bancarias y de algunas empresas públicas clave a los principales mercados financieros.

  • Energía: Se prohíbeexportar equipo crucial para el sector petrolero, lo que hará "imposible" la actualización y modernización de las refinerías.

  • Aeronáutica: Se prohíbe la venta de equipo a las aerolíneas comerciales. Dos tercios de la flota rusa ha sido construida en la UE, EE UU o Canadá. 

  • Tecnología: Se limita el acceso de Rusia a tecnología clave, como los semiconductores. 

  • Visados: El personal diplomático ruso y los empresarios pierden los "privilegios" de los que gozaban para entrar en la Unión Europea.

Las sanciones son un espejo de las anunciadas hace unas horas por el presidente Joe Biden. Sin embargo, Von der Leyen ha destacado que, además de EE UU y de aliados tradicionales como Reino Unido o Canadá, otros países como Corea del Sur, Japón y Australia se unirán a los castigos. La lista de sanciones no incluye por ahora la exclusión de Rusia del Swift, el sistema de pagos internacionales. Algunos países, entre ellos EE UU, son reticentes a activar esta carta por el impacto que puede tener sobre sus propias economías.





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Macron dice sentirse engañado por Putin

El presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, ha dicho en la madrugada de este viernes que se ha sentido engañado por su homólogo francés, Vladímir Putin. "Solo unas horas antes de lanzar los ataques, estábamos debatiendo los detalles sobre cómo aplicar los acuerdos de paz de Minsk", ha dicho el mandatario europeo desde Bruselas, según informa en corresponsal de EL PAÍS Bernardo de Miguel. "Ha sido una decisión deliberada de Putin de comenzar la guerra. Debemos sacar conclusiones".

Macron ha comparecido en la madrugada de este miércoles al término de la cumbre europea extraordinaria sobre la invasión rusa de Ucrania junto con el presidente del Consejo Europeo, Charles Michel, y la presidenta de la comisión, Ursula von der Leyen. Tras la reunión, han anunciado sanciones "masivas y severas" para Rusia.





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El metro como refugio 

Cargados de maletas y mascotas, los ciudadanos de Kiev han encontrado refugio en las estaciones de metro ante el avance del Ejército ruso. El presidente Zelenski ha afirmado que hay "grupos de sabotaje" rusos en la capital. La imagen es de Mit Bektas (Reuters).





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Zelenski decreta la movilización general y reclama más apoyo: "Nos han dejado solos"

El presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski, ha lamentado la falta de apoyo frente a la invasión rusa. "Nos han dejado solos para defender nuestro Estado (...) ¿Quién está dispuesto a combatir con nosotros? No veo a nadie. ¿Quién está listo a dar a Ucrania la garantía de adhesión a la OTAN? Todo el mundo tiene miedo", ha dicho en un video difundido sobre la medianoche del jueves. Por ahora, los países occidentales han respondido a la invasión con fuertes sanciones, pero han descartado ayudar con tropas sobre el terreno. 

Zelenski ha advertido que ya hay presencia rusa en Kiev, la capital, y que él es el "objetivo número 1". "Quieren destruir políticamente Ucrania destruyendo a su jefe de Estado", ha señalado. Él y su familia permanecen en Kiev. El presidente ha decretado, además, la movilización general para tratar de contener la ofensiva. La medida afectará a las personas sometidas al "servicio militar obligatorio y a los reservistas" y estará en vigor 90 días.

Ucrania ha registrado el fallecimiento de 137 personas durante el primer día de la invasión y 316 heridos en los enfrentamientos. Se estima que hay 100.000 ciudadanos desplazados por el conflicto. AFP





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México endurece su posición contra la invasión rusa

Casi un día después de que Rusia invadiera Ucrania, el canciller mexicano Marcelo Ebrard ha condenado "enérgicamente" la invasión y ha reclamado un "cese al fuego inmediato". Las declaraciones de Ebrard llegan horas después de que el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador evitara condenar la intervención y se limitara a decir que México apoya el "diálogo". 

Ebrard ha afirmado que ha dado instrucciones al representante mexicano en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, del que México es miembro no permanente, sobre la postura del Gobierno: "Después de pláticas con más de siete países, tenemos muy claro que estamos ante un invasión. Ya no hay ninguna duda sobre ello. Es una operación con una escala que cubre casi todo el territorio de Ucrania. Nuestra dirección principal es rechazar el uso de la fuerza y condenar enérgicamente la presencia de fuerzas de la Federación rusa en el territorio de Ucrania".

El canciller ha considerado que la condena es consistente con la historia mexicana. "México sufrió dos invasiones por parte de Francia, dos por parte de EE UU, perdimos la mitad de nuestro territorio. Por historia y tradición, tenemos que rechazar y condenar la invasion de un país como Ucrania por parte de una potencia como Rusia".

"Más vale tarde que nunca", ha respondido en Twitter la diplomática Martha Bárcena, embajadora de México en EE UU durante los primeros dos años del Gobierno de López Obrador. 





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Mueren 13 guardias fronterizos ucranios tras un ataque ruso por mar

13 guardias fronterizos ucranios han muerto este jueves tras el bombardeo de la isla de la Serpiente en el Mar Negro, un pequeño islote con un faro y una estación de investigación marítima cerca de la frontera con Bulgaria. Dos barcos de guerra rusos les habían exigido que depusieran las armas y se rindieran. Los guardias se han negado a hacerlo y han sido atacados. El presidente Zelenski ha confirmado que los guardias caídos están entre los 137 decesos durante el primer día de la invasión y ha dicho que les otorgará la medalla de Héroe de Ucrania de forma póstuma, según el diario Pravda.





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Bolsonaro desacredita a su vicepresidente tras su firme condena a la invasión de Ucrania

El presidente de Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro, ha desacreditado este jueves a su vicepresidente, Hamilton Mourão, por su firme condena a la invasión rusa de Ucrania. Ha sido durante su directo semanal en Facebook, donde ha dicho que la política exterior es competencia del presidente. 

Por la mañana, Mourão, general en la reserva, opinó que sancionar a Rusia es insuficiente. Aseguró que hace falta una respuesta militar porque “el mundo occidental está como en 1938 con Hitler. Putin no respeta el apaciguamiento”. 

Bolsonaro has not clarified, however, what his position is regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Last week, the president visited Putin and expressed his solidarity.

Now Brazil seems to seek a complex balance so as not to displease Russia or the United States, as

Naiara Gortázar tells from São Paulo in this article about the support that the Russian leader has in Latin America.





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Source: elparis

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