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Last minute of the war in Ukraine | Zelensky calls for resistance as Russia's attack intensifies


“We will not lay down our arms. We will defend our State”, assures the president in a message | The president warns that the Kremlin will try to take Kiev in the next few hours and rejects the US offer of help to leave the city | A Russian missile hits a block of flats in the capital

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The Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, has called on the population to resist in a video released this Saturday through his Twitter account, although undated.

“There is a lot of false information


that I ask our Army to lay down its arms and that there is an evacuation,” he says in the message.

And he adds: “I'm here.

We will not lay down our arms.

We will defend our state.

We are going to protect our country, because our weapons are our truth.

The truth is that this is our land, our country, our children and we are going to protect them all.”

In the third day of the Russian offensive in Ukraine, the attacks have cornered the heart of the capital, Kiev.

This Saturday morning shots were heard near the government offices, according to a witness quoted by the Reuters agency.

At dawn, a Russian missile hit a block of flats on the central Lobanovsky Avenue.

The building was still burning this Saturday, showing a huge hole.

At the moment, it is unknown if there are victims.

In another message to the nation, Zelenski has warned that the Russian Army is preparing an imminent assault to take the capital.

The United States asked him to leave the country, but he rejected the offer.

  • What has happened in the last hours, on the third day of the Russian offensive in Ukraine

  • Questions and answers to understand the invasion of Russia

  • Russia's attack on maps: troops cross the Ukraine border

  • Check here all the videos of EL PAÍS on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine

  • Key dates of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: when and how it started

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The battle of Kiev intensifies with an urban fight

The attack on Kiev does not stop.

The Ukrainian capital, in the crosshairs of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has woken up with shootings and detonations in the streets after a night in which the rumble of the explosions has not stopped.

First thing this Saturday morning 

, in the upper part of the city.

The Ukrainian government assures that it has been attacked by a Russian missile.

A video released by the National Emergency Service shows the detonation of what looks like a rocket and the images from the home security cameras of one of the apartments show the moment of the reach.

A total of 35 people, including two children, have been injured in heavy fighting in Kiev overnight, according to the city's mayor.

Putin's attack on what he has called a "Nazi and drug addict regime" continues as thousands take refuge in the metro of the capital of 2.8 million people.

Many others have already abandoned it.

In Kiev, the Ukrainian Army has blown up several bridges in an attempt to stop the advance of the troops sent by the head of the Kremlin.

Small arms fire and explosions in various parts of the capital evidenced the traces of urban struggle.

The Army, with the help of armed civilians, is placing tire barricades to cut off streets and establish checkpoints.

There are shootings in various parts of the capital, which tries to resist the attack.

The Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, had warned beforehand that a harsh night of siege was approaching in the city.


Maria R. Sahuquillo


Luis de Vega

Photo: Columns of smoke after a night of fighting in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, this Saturday.

(Gleb Garanich/Reuters)

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Some people seek shelter near a building destroyed by the fighting in Kiev, Ukraine.

Photo: Reuters/Gleb Garanich





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A firefighter inside a residential building destroyed by a bombing, this Saturday the Ukrainian capital, Kiev.

Photo: Reuters/Gleb Garanich





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A hug welcomes those fleeing the war in Poland

Tania Zubanko's embrace with her brother-in-law is long and silent.

Without words or tears, on a track muddy by rain.

"We are very tired.

Now I only think about continuing the trip and that my little girl sleeps in a bed, ”says this mother of three children to excuse her haste.

She left her house in the Rivne province of Ukraine on Friday, 200 kilometers from Dorohusk, the Polish border point where she was picked up by her sister's husband.

Her brother-in-law and her sister live and work in the Polish city of Krakow.

They still have 300 more kilometers of road left.

Tania's husband did not accompany her: men up to 60 years of age are prohibited from leaving Ukraine since this Friday.

His Government has mobilized them to defend the country from the Russian invasion.

More than 30,000 Ukrainians crossed into Poland at eight border points on Thursday, according to the Warsaw government.

The number of people who gathered to cross on Friday was greater, Polish police officers at Zosin customs told this newspaper.

The northern border between Ukraine and Poland is delimited by the Bug River, so it is difficult to access if it is not by roads enabled for it.

The local authorities, despite announcing full collaboration with the Ukrainians who want to access the European Union, allowed the thousands of people fleeing the war to pass by.

The special envoy of El PAÍS

Cristian Segura reports from Poland.

Read the full report here





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Video of the impact of a Russian missile on a block of flats in Kiev

A Russian missile has impacted this morning in a block of flats on Lobanovsky Avenue in the center of the capital, Kiev.

The National Emergency Service of Ukraine has released a video showing the impact on the building and other images, taken by a camera inside one of the apartments, in which the explosion can be seen and how the windows are blown up. .

In the recording you can see later the evacuation of a young woman apparently injured in the leg, by the rescue teams, and the huge hole in the building caused by the missile, reports

María Sahuquillo


An adviser to the Minister of the Interior has reported that the attack has caused no casualties (REUTERS).





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What has happened in the last hours after the Russian invasion in Ukraine

On the third day of Russia's attack on Ukraine, here are the key facts about how the attack is unfolding:

  • The Battle of Kiev rages on.

    Kiev has woken up with fighting in the streets after a night in which the noise of the detonations has not stopped.

    Witnesses cited by Reuters report attacks in the center of the capital, near government headquarters.

    The country's Executive has previously reported an attack on a military base near the center of Kiev that has been countered by Ukrainian troops.

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dimitro Kuleba, denounced this Saturday that Russian missiles are hitting civilian buildings in the capital and has shown the image of a partially destroyed block of flats.

  • Attacks on other cities.

    The Ukrainian authorities have reported that the cities of Sumy, Poltava, Mariupol (the three to the east of the country), Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odessa (the three to the south) have suffered in the last few hours air attacks with Russian cruise missiles launched from the Black Sea.

    The Russian Armed Forces have reported this Saturday that they have captured Melitopol, a city of about 150,000 inhabitants in the south of the country, and that they have destroyed more than 800 Ukrainian military targets with cruise missiles.

  • The Ukrainian president calls for resistance.

    Volodímir Zelenski has launched this Saturday a message on his twitter account in the face of the resurgence of the Russian attack.

    In the images he is seen outside the presidential residence to reaffirm his presence in the capital.

    "There's a lot of fake news that I'm asking the Army to lay down their arms and evacuate. Here's the thing: We're not going to lay down our arms. We're going to protect our country, because our weapons are our truth. The truth is that this It is our land, our country, our children, and we are going to protect them all."

  • Refugee exodus.

    Tens of thousands of citizens have fled from Kiev in the last 72 hours.

    Most of those fleeing are women and children.

    Their usual route is to the west of the country, from where many make the leap to Poland, Romania, Slovakia or Hungary.  





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A Russian missile hits a residential building in Kiev, according to the Ukrainian foreign minister

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba maintains that during the night a Russian missile has hit a residential building in the capital, Kiev.

The minister asks for more economic sanctions to Moscow. 





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Zelensky: “We will not lay down our arms.

We will defend our state."

The Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, has released another video message with the Kiev Opera in the background, although undated, in which he calls on the population to resist.

“There is a lot of false information


that I am asking our Army to lay down their arms and that there is an evacuation,” he says.

And he adds: “I'm here.

We will not lay down our arms.

We will defend our state.

We are going to protect our country, because our weapons are our truth.

The truth is that this is our land, our country, our children and we are going to protect them all." Reports EL PAÍS correspondent 

María R. Sahuquillo





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An attack next to the Vuhledar hospital in Donbas causes four deaths

An attack by Russian troops near the Vuhledar hospital in Donbas has caused four deaths.

The rooms of the hospital center are full of rubble.

The beds, some perfectly made, with their pink bedspreads, and others unmade, like when someone gets up in a hurry, remain covered with glass, plaster and dust.

"See?" says Nadia, a 38-year-old health worker, "this is what happens in war, that in the end people don't matter."

On Thursday, not long after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a "military operation in Donbas", an artillery attack hit the entrance road to this health center in the Donetsk region, some 60 kilometers from the area controlled by pro-Russian separatists and the Kremlin.

The projectiles hit a 50-year-old teacher,

walking to the hospital, and two cars.

The occupants of it, four, have died, according to the head of the regional administration, Pavel Kirilenko.

The facade of the hospital, which serves an area already badly damaged by the nearly eight-year war between the Ukrainian army and secessionists, is now scarred.

Sixteen of the around 100 patients were injured by shards from window glass and pieces of wall.

The center, explains the doctor Natalia Nikolaevna, had to be evacuated.

“It doesn't have water and we just got the power back on,” she says.

Now, the building with its yellowish corridors and marble floors has become a makeshift shelter to escape the attacks that rage in the area at night.

The front line is close.

Yulia, a 28-year-old nurse —who, like most people since the crisis began, prefers not to say her last name—, doesn't know what to think.

"I'm still in shock, but the truth is, what has to be will be," she says, about the advance of the troops sent by Putin and who are advancing almost relentlessly at strategic points in the country.


Maria Sahuquillo


Read his full story here

PHOTO: A health worker at the Vuhledar hospital, damaged in an artillery attack on Thursday, in which four people were killed.







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Bombing in the center of Kiev

This Saturday morning bombings and shots have been heard in the center of the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, according to a witness quoted by the Reuters agency.

The authorities ask citizens to help defend the city from advancing Russian troops.

In addition, the Ukrainian Executive has previously reported an attack on a military base near the center of the capital that has been countered by Ukrainian troops.

The Ukrainian authorities also report that the cities of Sumy, Poltava, Mariupol, Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odessa have suffered air attacks with Russian cruise missiles launched from the Black Sea in recent hours.






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The White House allocates 350 million dollars in support of Ukraine's defense

The US president, Joe Biden, ordered on Friday night to allocate up to 350 million dollars (about 310 million euros) to the immediate support of Ukraine's defense, according to a memorandum released by the White House.





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Washington offered Zelensky to leave Kiev before the advance of Russian troops

The United States offered the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to leave Kiev before the advance of the Russian troops, but he rejected it.

An official from the Joe Biden Administration told the US agency Associated Press that the president argued that he was not looking for support to leave, but that he needed weapons.

“The fight is here,” he stated.

Zelensky warned in a message to the nation on Friday night that Kremlin forces were about to take the capital and called on the population to resist.





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Brazil and Argentina avoid supporting a declaration condemning the invasion at the OAS

The governments of Argentina and Brazil refused to support on Friday at the Organization of American States (OAS) a declaration condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The motion was supported by 21 countries during an extraordinary session in which Moscow and Kiev participated as permanent observers.

The text rejects "the illegal, unjustified and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and calls for the immediate withdrawal of the military presence."

The executives who adhered to the declaration also denounce "the illegal recognition by Russia" of the self-proclaimed popular republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.

But both the administrations of Alberto Fernández and that of Jair Bolsonaro, politically at odds, chose to withdraw their support for the document.






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The Kiev resistance on the third night of war

Ukraine is experiencing its third night of war since early Thursday morning Vladimir Putin ordered the start of the invasion of the country.

The Government of Volodímir Zelenski resists in Kiev, cornered by the Russian troops.

The Armed Forces have assured this morning that they have avoided a night "attack" by Russian troops against one of their positions on Victory Avenue, one of the main arteries of Kiev.

"The attack has been rejected," the country's Army said on its Facebook profile, Reuters reports.

The Ukrainian president had warned that these would be crucial hours.

"Tonight the enemy will use all available means to break our resistance, we cannot lose the capital," he warned, begging the population to resist.





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Continúan las detonaciones en Kiev

Las fuerzas armadas del Kremlin están intentanto "atacar la central CHP-6, cerca de Troieschyna", ha alertado esta madrugada en su cuenta de Telegram la autoridad estatal de la ciudad de Kiev. Esas instalaciones térmicas se encuentran en un sector del norte de la capital de Ucrania. Mientras tanto, según esa misma fuente, las tropas rusas están tratando de tomar Vasilkov, en la provincia de Kiev. Allí, según ha informado el mando de las Fuerzas Armadas a través de Facebook, "se están llevando a cabo intensos combates".





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António Guterres pide no rendirse a pesar del veto de Rusia a la resolución contra la invasión de Ucrania

António Guterres, secretario general de Naciones Unidas, ha hecho este viernes un llamamiento a no rendirse a pesar de que la resolución contra la invasión de Ucrania discutida en el Consejo de Seguridad fracasara por el derecho a veto de Rusia. Una amplia mayoría de los 15 miembros del consejo votó a favor de la moción. Solo Moscú se opuso y China se abstuvo junto con la India y Emiratos Árabes Unidos. "La ONU nació de la guerra para acabar con la guerra", ha recordado Guterres. "Hoy, ese objetivo no se logró. Pero nunca debemos rendirnos. Debemos darle otra oportunidad a la paz [...]. La comunidad internacional debe hacer todo lo que esté a su alcance para que estos valores prevalezcan en Ucrania y para toda la humanidad".





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Un buque de bandera de Panamá es golpeado por un misil en Ucrania

Un buque de bandera panameña ha sido impactado este viernes por un misil en un puerto del sureste de Ucrania sin registro de heridos, informó la Autoridad Marítima de Panamá (AMP), que lanzó una alerta a la treintena de embarcaciones bajo su bandera que se encuentran en el Mar Negro. "Actualmente en el Puerto de Odesa se mantienen dos naves de registro panameño, y en el área contemplada en el aviso a la flota, hay aproximadamente veintiocho embarcaciones más", ha indicado la autoridad. (Efe).





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Las primeras familias mexicanas llegan a Rumanía

Las primeras familias de mexicanos evacuadas de Ucrania han llegado la noche de este viernes a la frontera con Rumanía para ser repatriadas. El secretario de Relaciones Exteriores del país norteamericano, Marcelo Ebrard, ha aplaudido a través de Twitter el operativo coordinado por la embajadora Olga García Guillén y el embajador José Guillermo Ordorica. "Una cadena solidaria", ha dicho, que opera desde el sótano de la Residencia de México en Kiev hasta el país vecino.





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Al menos cuatro civiles muertos en un ataque a un hospital, según HRW

La organización de defensa de derechos humanos Human Rights Watch (HRW) ha denunciado este viernes un ataque con bombas racimo perpetrado por fuerzas rusas contra un hospital de la localidad ucraniana de Vuhledar, en la autoproclamada República Popular de Donetsk. El ataque dejó cuatro civiles muertos y otros 10 heridos, seis de ellos sanitarios. (Efe).





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Zelenski: "Esta noche será la más dura. El destino de Ucrania se está decidiendo ahora mismo"

Ucrania afronta su noche más larga. Las tropas rusas acorralan al Gobierno camino de la toma de Kiev. Después del atardecer en Kiev se han escuchado de nuevo las detonaciones, relata nuestro enviado especial Luis de Vega. El presidente Volodímir Zelenski ha optado por alertar a la población transmitiendo un mensaje lleno de pesimismo. “Esta noche será la más dura. Debemos resistir”, ha afirmado en una grabación en vídeo. “Muchas ciudades de nuestro país están siendo atacadas: Chernihiv, Sumy, Járkov, nuestros chicos y chicas del Donbás, las ciudades del sur, Kiev...”, ha enumerado. “Esta noche el enemigo utilizará todos los medios disponibles para romper nuestra resistencia, no podemos perder la capital”, ha insistido, y ha pedido a la población que resista. “El destino de Ucrania se está decidiendo ahora mismo”.

Lean la crónica de Luis de Vega





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