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In Russia, haro on the "traitors" who criticize the war in Ukraine


NARRATIVE - Justice and official bodies are trying to frame the "narrative" of the "special operation" in Ukraine, the progress and effects of which are worrying the population.

From our correspondent in Moscow

To discover

  • LIVE – War in Ukraine: Ukraine says Russia has “slowed down the pace of the offensive”

In Ukraine, the fighting.

And in Russia, another iron logic, less visible but just as powerful, is set in motion.

The one aimed at uniting a population worried about the consequences of the

"special operation"

unleashed by Vladimir Putin and to crack down on opponents, likely to be designated as

"the hand of enemies from outside"


Russian justice is now likely to prosecute for

“high treason”

people lending assistance to foreigners

“in the context of activities directed against the Russian Federation”.

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The Russian prosecutor general has just committed to asserting this reason, provided for in article 275 of the criminal code devoted to treason, according to the information site Meduza, itself classified as

a “foreign agent”


Distinct from the accusation of espionage, or the disclosure of state secrets, that of

“assistance to foreigners”

hostile to the Russian state, rarely used until now, would make it possible to attack…

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-02-28

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