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War in Ukraine: "It's all my Russia's fault"


SEEN FROM ELSEWHERE - The award-winning Russian writer Ludmila Ulitskaya confides her dismay over the war in Ukraine in an interview with the Italian newspaper, La Repubblica.

We are at the dawn of a new cold war, hoping that it does not presage a third world war.

Ludmila Evgenyevna Ulitskaya, the multiple award-winning Russian writer, author of novels such as

Tra Corpo e anima


Il sogno di Jacov

, translated into multiple languages ​​and published in Italy by the publishing house La nave di Teseo, follows with dismay the war in Ukraine.

"Russia is responsible for the situation

," the 78-year-old writer tells us over the phone from her Moscow home, carefully weighing her words.

In her tone, one can sense the apprehension of what might happen to her if she criticized Putin.

To discover

  • LIVE - War in Ukraine: follow the latest developments in the conflict

  • Follow information on the war in Ukraine with the Figaro application



Ludmila Evgenyevna, what do you think of the situation in Russia?



It's a dramatic situation, and we can't predict how it will evolve tomorrow.

But we can make assumptions…

In the worst case scenario, it will turn into World War III.

Read also War in Ukraine: “What is happening is inhuman.

We must not stop talking about it, ”says Andrei Shevchenko

Whose fault is it ?

To my greatest regret...

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-03-04

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