The Limited Times

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Hypocrisy for today, war for tomorrow


Yes, we must defend the values ​​of freedom, fraternity and equality but in truth and for all humanity, without cynically selling them to the highest bidder

Supporting the Ukrainians in the face of a foreign invasion is the only ethically acceptable position.

For politicians and other leaders to say that it has to be done in the name of European values ​​is sheer hypocrisy.

We could fill every page of this newspaper listing the times the West has betrayed its values ​​for financial gain.

It is enough to remember the Afghans falling desperately from the sky clinging to a moving plane or taking a look at the corpses floating in the Mediterranean.

The despots, the genocides and the African wars seem to be from another world and cause second-class suffering.

What will be the difference?

Ah, yes, something not relevant: his skin color.

What else has to happen for Europe to realize once and for all that it is a democratic oasis in the midst of an authoritarian world and that establishing such close and fruitful relations with these regimes is idiotic behavior in the long run? ?

Europe looks the other way whenever it suits it.

We sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, which has been using them for years to massacre the civilian population of Yemen and committing war crimes without any declaration of solidarity being heard among those who now cry for the Ukrainians.

The Yemenis hurt us so much or that Saudi women have no rights, it affects us so much that there is no democracy in Saudi Arabia, that we decided to move the Spanish Super Cup there (from Spain!).

We have negotiated with Putin whenever it has suited us, thus feeding the monster that now threatens to devour us.

We continue to do the same with other petrodictatorships because it matters more to us that gasoline does not rise than that women are subject to medieval laws.

We consent to the exploitation of workers in other non-European countries because labor rights end at our borders, despite the fact that part of the wealth of a few (oligarchs in their own way, albeit through financial engineering) is the result of the same shameful exploitation.

The fact that human rights defenders are being jailed and tortured in Morocco does not prevent us from continuing to have great relations with our neighbor to the south.

So yes, we must defend the values ​​of freedom, fraternity and equality but in truth and for all humanity, without cynically selling them to the highest bidder.

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Source: elparis

All news articles on 2022-03-04

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