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"Putin is a war criminal": Hundreds demonstrate in Tel Aviv against war in Ukraine Israel today


The demonstrators observed a minute of silence for the citizens of Ukraine and the soldiers killed in the past day • One of the demonstrators: "My grandfather lives in the center of Kyiv and he is afraid to go out"

Hundreds of protesters gathered tonight (Saturday) outside the Russian embassy in Tel Aviv demanding a halt to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and an end to hostilities in the country.

The demonstrators observed a minute of silence for the citizens of Ukraine and the soldiers who were killed in the past day in the fighting in the country.

Protesters chanted slogans condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin in Hebrew, Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Demonstrators also chanted "Bennett will wake up" and demanded a halt to the war and the opening of state gates to refugees.

"Call for an end to the invasion and aggression against Ukraine," Photo: Yehoshua Yosef

Alex, a young resident of Givatayim, told Israel Today: "We call for an end to the invasion and aggression against Ukraine. My grandfather lives in central Kyiv and he is afraid to go out. I am afraid of his fate when the city where he lives is bombed by the Russian Air Force. Reconcile with such a crime. "

Nikita, a resident of Bat Yam, said: "My family lives in the city of Kherson under Russian occupation. They have no means of communication because the Russians have harmed the cellular network. We care very much for them and want this terrible war to end."

Hundreds demonstrated, Photo: Yehoshua Yosef

Igor Zagorodsky, whose relatives are stuck in a town near Kiev and can not leave, is not impressed by Putin's meeting with Prime Minister Bennett.

"Under no circumstances do we believe Putin the killer. If it depends on him, we will see an even more severe tragedy. We need to save our families now that they will not die for nothing."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-03-05

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