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Refugees from Ukraine: UN reports more than 1.5 million war refugees


The Russian attack on Ukraine continues, more and more people are fleeing west. Almost a million refugees have already arrived in Poland. Berlin's Mayor Giffey is pushing for nationwide distribution.

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Refugees rest in a tent in the Polish border village of Medyka

Photo: Visar Kryeziu / dpa

The heavy fighting in Ukraine is driving more and more people to flee.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, more than 1.5 million people have left the country.

Grandi wrote on Twitter that it was the “fastest growing refugee crisis” in Europe since the Second World War.

The UN refugee agency UNHCR has rated the situation as a level 3 emergency – the highest category.

The UN estimates that there are up to four million refugees, and a German migration researcher even estimates that up to ten million people could leave Ukraine over the course of the conflict.

The consequences of the Russian war of aggression are particularly noticeable in the countries bordering Ukraine.

According to Polish information

, 129,000 refugees were allowed into the country on Saturday alone, a new daily high.

Authorities expect the total number of arrivals to top one million on Sunday.

"Crossing the border has been simplified as much as possible," the Reuters news agency quoted a spokeswoman for the Polish border guard as saying.

The control procedures lasted only a few minutes.

According to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the majority of the refugees are Ukrainian citizens.

But there are also people from Uzbekistan, Belarus, India, Nigeria, Algeria, Morocco, the USA and several other countries.

Tens of thousands of people are also fleeing to


every day. According to the border police, 31,628 people arrived on Saturday.

The total number of Ukrainian refugees is therefore almost a quarter of a million.

According to the police,


had taken in 114,000 people by Sunday.

So far, the number of people coming into the country has been relatively stable, said Slovakian Prime Minister Eduard Heger on Saturday during a visit to the Vyšné Nemecké crossing.

However, significantly more people could flee the war.

"We need to prepare for even higher numbers," Heger said.

163,000 people also reached



The Prime Minister there, Viktor Orbán, actually known as a strict opponent of immigration, recently defended his decision to open the border to people from Ukraine.

»Migrants are stopped.

Refugees can all get help,” Orbán was quoted as saying by the Al-Jazeera broadcaster during a visit to a border post.

In the current situation, it is possible to distinguish between migrants and refugees, according to the prime minister.

30,000 Ukrainian children in Moldova

Thousands of war refugees have also recently arrived in the comparatively small


, which borders on southern Ukraine.

The UNHCR reported 100,000 refugees on Friday, but the number is now likely to be higher.

Prime Minister Maia Sandu wrote on Twitter on Saturday evening that there were 30,000 Ukrainian children in the country.

"We're her family until this madness is over," Sandu said.

Berlin: Increase from 45 to 10,000 refugees - daily

The number of more than 133,000 people who have arrived in other European countries so far, given by the UNHCR on March 4, is also likely to be outdated by now.

Berlin's Mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) said on Sunday morning in the ZDF "Morgenmagazin" that the city was increasingly reaching its limits when it came to the number of new arrivals.

"We have an extremely dynamic event within a week: In the beginning there were 45 people, we accommodated, now more than 10,000 come a day, and that's a huge challenge that we try to overcome with different means," explained Giffey.

On the one hand, arrival centers, refugee accommodation, hostels and youth hostels are used, on the other hand there is a great deal of private commitment.

Giffey demanded that there must now be a nationwide organization and distribution of the refugees, "because we can't do it alone on this scale with the existing structures here in Berlin".

Help for the people in Ukraine – you can donate here

Expand areaAction Alliance for Disaster Relief

Donation account: Commerzbank

IBAN: DE65 100 400 600 100 400 600

BIC: COBADEFFXXX Online donations:

Caritas Germany, the German Red Cross, Unicef ​​and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe have joined forces in the disaster relief action alliance.

AreaAktion Deutschland Hilft eVopen

DE62 3702 0500 0000 1020 30


Bank for Social Economy

Online donations: Aktion Deutschland Hilft eV

Expand areaAction Little Prince

Donation account: Sparkasse Münsterland Ost

IBAN DE46 4005 0150 0062 0620 62


Expand areaDoctors of the World eV

Donation account: Deutsche Kreditbank

IBAN: DE06 1203 0000 1004 3336 60


AreaAlliance Development Helpopen

Donation account: Bank für Sozialwirtschaft

IBAN: DE29 100 20 5000 100 20 5000

BIC: BFSWDE33BER Online donations


The alliance includes Bread for the World, Christoffel-Blindenmission, German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Aid, Kindernothilfe, medico international, Misereor, Plan International, terre des hommes, Welthungerhilfe

Expand German Red Cross (DRK) section

IBAN: DE63370205000005023307


Keyword: emergency aid Ukraine

Expand DivisionHumedica eV

Donation account: Sparkasse Kaufbeuren

IBAN: DE35 7345 0000 0000 0047 47


Area Save the Children e.

Donation account: Bank for Social

Economy IBAN: DE92 1002 0500 0003 292912


Expand areaSOS Children's Villages worldwide

Donation account: GLS community

bank IBAN: DE22 4306 0967 2222 2000 00

Expand areaUN refugee aid

Donation account: Sparkasse Köln Bonn

IBAN: DE78 3705 0198 0020 0088 50

BIC: COLSDE33 Online donations



Source: spiegel

All news articles on 2022-03-06

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