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Putin's war against Ukraine: That happened on Monday night


The escape from Irpin ends fatally for several civilians. The Ukrainian President criticizes the Western allies. And: Moscow is apparently pooling its resources for an attack on Kyiv. The overview.

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A woman stands in front of her bomb-damaged home in Irpin

Photo: Diego Herrera / dpa

The fighting also continued at night: According to Ukraine, cities in the center, north and south of the country were increasingly shelled.

In addition, Russia has begun to gather resources for the storming of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv.

This emerges from the report of the Ukrainian general staff, which was published on Monday night on Facebook.

The most important current news at a glance:

What has happened in the past few hours

The Russian army continued its airstrikes on Ukraine's second largest city,


, on Monday night.

Reporters from the AFP news agency reported that a university sports complex and other civilian buildings were among the hits.

According to Ukrainian information, the television tower was also damaged and television transmission in Kharkiv was temporarily canceled.

Meanwhile, according to the Ukrainian general staff, Russian troops concentrated their attacks on Kharkiv in the east of the country,


in the north-east and


in the south.

The General Staff also warned that Moscow was concentrating its resources on an assault on



According to the Ukrainian regional administration, fierce fighting raged throughout Sunday around the Ukrainian capital, particularly along the road leading to Zhytomyr (150 kilometers west of Kyiv) and in Chernihiv (150 kilometers north of the capital).

Advisor to the Ukrainian Interior Minister, Vadym Denysenko, said in a live television broadcast on Sunday evening, according to the Ukrainian Internet newspaper Ukrajinska Pravda: "We assume that the battle for Kyiv will be the key battle of the next few days."

At the same time, Russian troops tried

to gain full control of the cities of

Irpin and Bucha , which were just outside of Kiev.

From there it is only a few kilometers to the northwestern city limits.

Video of attempted escape from Irpin: "Under absolute danger of life"

According to the New York Times, at least three members of one family were killed trying to flee Irpin.

The newspaper circulated a disturbing image by its photojournalist, Lynsey Addario, showing four civilians lying on the ground.

It said: "Ukrainian soldiers are trying to rescue the father of a family of four - the only one who still had a pulse - after he was hit by a mortar shell while trying to escape from Irpin near Kyiv on Sunday." The dead are a teenager, a girl estimated to be eight years old and the mother.

The Russian army also continues to besiege the strategically important port of


on the Sea of ​​Azov in the south-east of the country - where a second attempt to evacuate the civilian population failed on Sunday.

What Kyiv says

On Sunday evening, Ukrainian President

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

sent a video message to heads of state and government as well as politicians from other countries: he criticized the lack of international reactions to Moscow's threat to attack buildings belonging to his country's arms industry.

Russia can announce its "planned atrocities" because there is no reaction.

The "audacity of the aggressor" is a clear sign for the West that sanctions against Russia are not enough.

Moscow declared on Sunday that it also intends to attack Ukrainian companies in the military-industrial complex in the future.

According to information from the Ukrainian

Presidential Office

, several hundred thousand Ukrainians would have to be evacuated from their cities immediately if the war continued.

There are already several dozen cities in eight regions in the country where the humanitarian situation is catastrophic, the Ukrainian internet newspaper Ukrajinska Pravda reported, citing comments from the President's Office.

What Ukraine's allies say

Federal Foreign Minister

Annalena Baerbock

spoke on Sunday evening on Anne Will's TV show about the Ukraine war - and accused Putin of unscrupulous action.

"What we are experiencing, what he is doing, is aggression to the power of a thousand," said the Green politician.

"His tanks don't bring peace, they only bring suffering." Putin is breaking with all the rules of international law, with all the rules of human interaction.

You can read our TV review of »Anne Will« here.

French Foreign Minister

Jean-Yves Le Drian

meanwhile, despite the heavy losses, believes in a victory for Ukraine over the Russian forces.

"I believe that Ukraine will win," he told France 5. "What has been most striking in the last ten days is Ukraine's strong resilience, to a degree that experts could not imagine." Le Drian warned however, that the Russian army is now going over to a "siege logic".

"I think what will be discovered in Mariupol when the war is over will be terrible," Le Drian said, warning of a similar fate for Odessa and Kyiv.

However, he was confident that Western sanctions against Russia would deter Putin from further aggression in the long term.

"The price of war will become unbearable and President Putin will eventually be faced with a choice

Federal Development

Minister Svenja Schulze

promised Ukraine further humanitarian aid.

The first emergency aid has already arrived in the country, more will follow, the SPD politician told the newspapers of the Funke media group.

The ministry is concentrating on the accommodation and care of internally displaced persons.

According to the Funke newspapers, Schulze wants to pledge emergency humanitarian aid of 38.5 million euros at the meeting of EU development ministers in Montpellier on Monday.

economic consequences

After Visa and Mastercard had already announced on Saturday that they were going to stop doing business in Russia, the third largest credit card provider in the world followed suit on Sunday:

American Express


"In light of Russia's continued unjustified aggression against the Ukrainian people, American Express is suspending all operations in Russia," the company said.

The measure also applies to Belarus.

You'll find more about it here.

In addition, other tech companies are restricting their services in Russia: from Monday, people in the country will no longer be able to register with



Existing customers will only be able to watch the service until the next monthly payment is due.

The social network

TikTok also announced

: Users in Russia will no longer be able to stream live and upload new content to the video service.

You'll find more about it here.

Due to increasing fears about the effects of the Ukraine war on global energy supplies, the


of oil rose briefly to a high of $139.13 (EUR 127.86) on Monday night - before falling to $128.77.

Oil prices have not been this high since 2008.

The historic record price for a barrel of North Sea Brent is $147.50.

In German politics there are different views on a

possible boycott of Russian oil, gas and coal supplies


CSU boss Markus Söder is reluctant to make such demands from the Union.

FDP leader Christian Lindner rejects an embargo on Russian oil and gas.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) said on boycott demands that a stop must last for months and be well prepared.

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner wants to

help companies that are threatened with bankruptcy due to sanctions against Russia


"Targeted help for companies whose existence is at risk is conceivable," said the head of the FDP to the editorial network Germany.

"But we won't be able to make up for lost profits."

How to continue today

  • Representatives of




    want to meet for a

    third round of negotiations

    this Monday .

    It is not yet clear when and where the talks will take place.

  • Russia

    also has to answer for the first time because of the invasion of Ukraine

    before the International Court

    of Justice : The highest court of the United Nations is hearing Ukraine's emergency lawsuit against Russia in The Hague.

    Ukraine will first present its position today, followed by Russia on Tuesday.

    It is not yet clear when a verdict will be made.

more on the subject

Almost two-hour conversation: Macron warns Putin in a telephone call against attacks on civilian nuclear facilitiesBy Britta Sandberg, Paris

  • US Secretary of State

    Antony Blinken

    is visiting the two Baltic EU and NATO member states

    , Lithuania and Latvia

    , on Monday .

    The talks are said to be about joint efforts to support Ukraine - and about measures to strengthen NATO's eastern flank.

    Blinken then wants to travel to Estonia.

  • More answers on China's position on Russia and the Ukraine war

    are expected

    at a rare press conference by China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday .

    So far, the Chinese leadership has not condemned the invasion and has backed Putin by blaming the US and criticizing NATO's eastward expansion.

  • The UN Security Council

    is also meeting today


    Following the public session, the draft resolution on the Ukraine war will be discussed behind closed doors.


Source: spiegel

All news articles on 2022-03-07

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