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"Israel loses on the Ukrainian front and also on the Iranian front - where it chose not to enter the conflict" | Israel today


The only way to achieve a positive result of a partial folding of the Iranian nuclear project backwards, is the known combination of severe sanctions and a credible military threat

"Everything is so bad in the nuclear deal. We are involved in Ukraine, which is a distant war that Israel has no interest in, and we do not address the main issue. The Iranian nuclear continues to tick. On the most critical issue ever since the establishment of the state, or at least since 1967, the government is silent. The silence of the sheep, "says former minister Yuval Steinitz.

Destruction on the outskirts of Kyiv, Photo: AFP

An incident took place this week, the manner in which it was received by the United States surprised senior Israeli security officials. "At the time when Qassem Suleimani was assassinated two years ago. In Israel, shocked by the American lack of response, at least to Iran; B - again, to provide an excuse for their inaction, and to motivate the Iranians.

The only way to achieve a positive result of a partial folding of the Iranian nuclear project backwards, is the known combination of severe sanctions and a credible military threat.

"I'm first and foremost blaming ourselves," Steinitz says, "since the formation of the new government we have neglected the issue. We have moved on to persuasion in chambers and a promise not to surprise the Americans. We have abandoned the effective tools we had."

Nuclear talks in Vienna, Photo: AFP

In Iran, the United States can still act militarily. What our top security officials refuse to internalize is that from the point of view of the democratic government of Biden, Israel is the problem, not Iran. The issue is integrated with the war in Ukraine. The Russians could ignite a third world war.

This situation has existed since nuclear weapons entered the war arsenal.

"In Iran, the United States can still operate, and there is nothing more daunting than a war with the United States," Steinitz says.

One can find many reasons why the Americans are supposed to understand in this Ukrainian timing, after the fiasco in Afghanistan, that Iran must be prevented from existing in the existing ways.

The example is of North Korea.

Japan and South Korea refrained from making noise, and acted with the Americans as Israel now operates quietly and hesitantly in private rooms.

The result is that North Korea is today a nuclear state that threatens the United States itself.

"In this matter, Bibi is right. If you do not publicly summon public opinion - then in your opinion there is no weight in rooms either," says Steinitz.

This week there were senior members of the defense establishment in Washington.

This is probably what they were trying to instill in the minds of Americans, especially following the lack of response to the rocket fire earlier this week.

"We are talking about a war that should and could have been prevented in Europe, and we are silent about the Iranian nuclear program," Steinitz recalls.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's mediation efforts are not good for Israel, in his opinion. Since Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kolba also said after a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Turkey that "the Russians are striving to bring Ukraine to surrender" - apparently Barak Ravid reported In Vladimir Zalanski's environment they are right: Bennett offered the Ukrainian president to accept Putin's proposals, which for the Ukrainians are worth surrendering.

The hotel where the nuclear talks are being held in Vienna, Photo: Erez Lin

In American public opinion, Israel is beginning to be perceived as bad both in the Iranian context and in the Ukrainian context.

If Israel were to do something big and crucial on the Iranian issue, then damn the elitist media and security experts;

But Israel, meanwhile, is only losing on both fronts and is seen as benefiting President Putin both in Ukraine and in the economic issue of the nuclear deal.

In the US, former chief of staff Gadi Izenkot is quoted as saying that the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal in 2018 was a "strategic mistake". After 2018, to exert strong military pressure with biting sanctions. The Americans use voices like Izenkot's and Amos Yadlin to legitimize their moves. And the Ukrainians are shaking Israel and its government. Defense Minister Reznikov threatened that Israel's moves would break trust between the two countries for many years.

It is already said that in the war in Ukraine there are no winners.

Except for one: China.

There will also be one loser: Israel.

This is a planned work of the Biden administration and its cynical policies towards Ukraine, the Middle East and Israel.

Bennett's mediation is a result of the American trap for Israel.

"The attacks on Israel over Ukraine are part of the sale of the nuclear deal," said Michael Duran, an expert at the Hudson Institute in a podcast with Carolyn Glick.

Who put Russia on the border with Israel and forced it to negotiate with Putin?

President Obama.

"The message of the administration to the progressive base of the Democrats is: Israel wants to drag us into the war in Iran, but is not ready to fight with us in Ukraine. Israel is a bad ally on the issue of Ukraine."

And the Bennett-Lapid government is cohesive, because from the beginning it was set up so as not to confront the Americans.

Benjamin Netanyahu seems to them to be a greater threat than a nuclear Iran.

In the tangle of personal networks

In the "depth state" anything is possible, even conveying messages about the use of espionage, as a means to achieve the sacred goal.

And it was achieved.

The Ukrainian government files a High Court against the Israeli government, and more or less wins. Ukrainian Ambassador Yes, David Amsalem No. A tsunami of non-Jewish refugees, in an effort to prevent political harm to Israel, as defined by Gideon Saar.

This is happening because the real coalition is the Coalition of Gatekeepers.

An analysis of the activities of the Merri Committee for the Study of Surveillance and Spyware proves what should have been clear in the first place: it was a committee for the plastering and burial of Calcalist's investigation that shocked the political system and the public in Israel.

What made Deputy Attorney General Merri decide that she should investigate only what was published in the paper?

Some argue that she should be put under investigation, as this is a clear case of embezzlement in public trust.

On Tuesday, a letter signed by dozens of MKs to the head of the DIP was issued, demanding that an investigation be opened into police officers involved in operating the Signet surveillance while violating the law.

MK Yuval Steinitz, Photo: Alex Kolomoisky

Regarding espionage, Raviv Drucker preceded Calcalist, in an article in News 13 July 2020. "A few years ago, the GSS initiated a particularly secret project, in which he followed Israeli citizens - without legal authorization ... with the aim of fighting ISIS," it was reported.

A small committee headed by Shai Nitzan and with the approval of Mandelblit gave approval for the matter.

The GSS is allowed to spy on Israeli citizens for six months, but in fact it is at least two and a half years. The method was to connect to the databases of the cellular companies and from there to the mobile phones of Israeli citizens.

What can be deduced from the Calcalist investigation is that the same technique was used in one way or another by the police as well.

The holy grail of the police was intelligence against the political echelon prone to corruption.

As if the police themselves are not tainted with substantial corruption, deeper than any ordinary bribery deal.

This explains the initial shock that gripped the political and legal echelon in the face of Calcalist's first revelations.

The Merari Committee, strengthened by two members of the GSS and the Mossad, was not intended to investigate what was probably known to the legal system, but to locate sources of the leak and find out what material was leaked. This is not a commission of inquiry.

Calcalist reported this week that they wanted to give the Merari Committee full details of folders and binders and room numbers where all the material was found, but were not answered.

The publications meet a stunning revelation of a document in Netanyahu's trial signed by Dina Zilber, who stars in several chapters in the history of the ombudsman's struggles against Netanyahu. In a document presented by the defense, Zilber states that Regarding Bezeq, and the decision was limited to adopting the position of the professional echelon without discussion.

In these circumstances, even given the assumption that the fear of a conflict of interest should extend to past decisions - it does not seem that the overall balance should be required for the invalidation or annulment of those decisions. "

"The minister was not involved in formulating the position at all and did not even consider it appropriate to comment on the position formulated without his involvement," Zilber writes in a March 2017 document. The professional echelon.

In a book recently published by Major General Amos Yaron, he reveals how the personal social network (not social media) operates the state of depth to the point of a decision by the prime minister.

In this case, Yaron turned to Bennett's commander in the General Staff Reconnaissance Squadron: "Giora, please ... please pass this message on now" - a direct appeal to Bennett for a decision on a submarine investigation committee. To use all means of espionage, and to motivate the legal system to file an indictment for bribery against Netanyahu? The desired result has been achieved.There is justice and the left is in power.

Super with murder in his eyes

Yehuda Shenhav that the rabbi is not afraid to dive deep into the Cold War, which was hot in the arena of spirit, literature and art in the West.

Some years ago, when the slicks in the kibbutzim that were used by the Mapam underground for the day of the order began to be exposed, I asked myself what about the kibbutz I know, if he was also a partner. Do not dig from here? An inquiry with a security guard from the settlement's veterans calmed the feeling of insult.

An equally critical question arose following the reading of his fertile and full of all goodness book by Yehuda Shenhav Shaharbani, "Double Vision."

Prof. Shenhav escapes from the world of theory and research straight into the novel based on past affair;

A concise course in the Cold War that was hot in the arena of spirit, literature and art in the West.

In the book, Ivory describes the CIA as an affiliate of the Department of Comparative Literature at Yale University in the United States. , Italy, USA, Argentina, Vietnam, Brazil and the Philippines.

In all countries the "Department of Literature" was operated, and where are we?

Where is Hapoel Israel?

According to Ivory, and it does not appear in the book, there was probably also a lean branch of the international body controlled by the CIA in Israel, called the "Congress for Cultural Freedom."

Ivory, how to say it, gives a good name to conspiracy theories.

He writes great, but at some point he seems to disperse and abandon the development of the story and plot.

Instead he indulges in a super-narrative, which in a considerable percentage, perhaps 80, is true.

A shaky truth.

At the center of the big story is the character of an Estonian-born Jewish-American intelligence agent named Michael Joselson.

In "Double Vision" he calls himself Mark Joslewicz.

The organizing idea of ​​this wondrous man, a man of culture, art, and extraordinary organizational ability, is that for the benefit of the war against communism, from the late 1940s and for some 30 years, the intellectuals should be harnessed.

The moderate, socialist, liberal left must be mobilized to eliminate the ebb and flow of communism to the West.

The right will not succeed in this campaign.

The whole operation of Yoselevich, who plays characters like Arthur Castler, Peggy Guggenheim, Irving Kristol, the poet Stephen Spender and even Hannah Arendt - yes, Hannah Arendt!

- is a mirror image of the communist "maestro" Willy Minzenberg in the 1920s and 1930s.

The American conception assimilated into democratic liberalism was similar to the communist idea: the party must control art and culture.

But this is a different party, the Awards and Grants Party.

Budget Party for the right conferences and journals.

Only radical intellectuals of the dangerous Sartre type were left out.

It is a book that for lovers of the period and the genre of John Le Carre's books, is a pleasure to read.

There were once poets and writers with murder in their eyes.

This is a book for adults and maybe adults only.

Some writers are seen by Yehuda Shenhav as children's writers.

Were we wrong?


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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-03-17

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