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Arab Knesset members condemn the attack in Be'er Sheva: "Strongly oppose harm to innocent people" | Israel today


Ayman Odeh, Ahmad Tibi, Mansour Abbas and Ofer Kasif commented on the murderous attack • "Every factor that uses violence against other civilians is denounced" • A girl also condemned the terrorist, a local resident

A Bedouin terrorist from the Negev murdered four people in the city of Be'er Sheva this (Tuesday) afternoon.

The condemnations of the attack were not long in coming, as both the local girl council shunned the terrorist, and the Arab MKs, who often ignore such incidents, and are criticized on the issue, issued an official statement condemning the deadly attack on their Twitter accounts.

Perception of the terrorist,

The head of the Hura local council, Habs al-Atauna, said: "The local council in Hura condemns in every language of condemnation the murderous attack that took place this afternoon in the city of Be'er Sheva and claimed the lives of four innocent civilians and injured others. Injury to innocent civilians .

"We send our condolences to the families of those killed and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. The council calls on the residents of the Negev, Arabs and Jews alike, to maintain the neighborly relations that have prevailed between the two sides so far," he read.

The joint list issued an official statement on the subject, which read: "We completely reject the attack in Be'er Sheva, and strongly oppose any harm to innocent civilians.

"The just struggle against discrimination and discrimination in the Negev must not resort to such acts. The joint list has called and continues to call for a non-violent public and political struggle. An individual attack must not be allowed to lead to a wave of incitement and violence against Arabs in general and the Bedouin Arab public in particular."

MK Ahmad Tibi tweeted the announcement on his Twitter account, and other Knesset members commented on the attack on their accounts.

- Ahmad Tibi (@Ahmad_tibi) March 22, 2022

MK Ayman Odeh, chairman of the joint list, wrote: "I read in shock about the murderous incident in Be'er Sheva. Violence is not our way and we must strongly condemn it. My heart goes out to the families of those killed in this difficult time, and I send my best wishes to the wounded."

I read in shock about the murderous incident in Be'er Sheva.

Violence is not our way and we must condemn it with all our might.

My heart goes out to the families of those killed in their difficult time, and I send my best wishes to the wounded.

- Ayman Odeh (@AyOdeh) March 22, 2022

MK Mansour Abbas, chairman of Ra'am, wrote: "Ra'am condemns the criminal attack in Be'er Sheva, sends its condolences to the families of those killed and wishes a complete recovery to the wounded.

The Arab citizens of the state are law-abiding and are deprived of any factor that uses violence against other citizens.

"RAAM calls on all citizens to maintain the common and delicate fabric of life, to show responsibility and to promote a tolerant discourse at this difficult time."

RAAM condemns the criminal attack in Be'er Sheva, and sends its condolences to the families of the murdered and wishes a complete recovery to the wounded.

The Arab citizens of the state are law-abiding and are deprived of any factor that uses violence against other citizens.

RAAM calls on all citizens to maintain the common and delicate fabric of life, to take responsibility and to promote a tolerant discourse at this difficult time.

- Mansour Abbas Mansour Abbas (@mnsorabbas) March 22, 2022

Hadash also joined the condemnations: "Hadash condemns the murderous attack on civilians in Be'er Sheva.

The path of violence is not the path of the Arab public in general and the Negev in particular, and is not part of the just struggle of the Negev Arabs against the dispossession and oppression.

We already hear the instigators intend to use tragedy to ignite a racist fire and lead to violence against Arab citizens.

They must not be allowed to exploit the murder of innocent people to lead to more violence. " 

MK Ofer Kasif from the joint list also commented on the attack: "I strongly condemn the criminal attack in Be'er Sheva.

My condolences to the bereaved families and best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery to the wounded. "

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-03-22

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