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The choking ring is tightening: these are the Russian oligarchs closest to President Putin Israel today


Western sanctions are also being imposed on those close to President Putin - the oligarchs, in addition to severe economic blows inflicted on the country one after another • They have lost a fortune, their accounts have been frozen, and their assets confiscated √ The billion dollar question: Will it stop Putin? • Special

The countries of the world impose sanctions on Russia in general, and on the oligarchs close to President Putin in particular.

They are suffering economic blows, and their many assets scattered around the world are suffering severe blows.

We have gathered the five oligarchs closest to the president, and everything that is known about them. 

Elishar Osmanov


$ 17.6 billion

Sanctions have been imposed by:


Elishar Osmanov, Photo: No Credit

Elishar Osmanov, who is said to be one of Putin's favorite oligarchs, is also one of the richest people in Russia, with an estimated value of $ 17.6 billion according to Forbes.

The EU claims that Osmanov is a "businessman-official" who, among other things, is responsible for the Russian president's business affairs.

Osmanov is the director of USM Holdings, a huge telecom corporation that also includes the second largest cellular network in Russia - MegaFon.

The EU announced sanctions against the businessman on February 28 this year, and the US and UK joined the move immediately afterwards. In the UK, Osmanov's main investments are in real estate.

He owns Beechwood House, a £ 65m country house in London. In the Sari Oligarch he owns the Tudor mansion. Both properties have been frozen by the British authorities. , May also be banned by the EU.

Osmanov's business partner, Farhad Mushiri, owns the British football club Everton, and Osmanov's companies - MSU, MegaFon and Yota - would have been major sponsors of the club.

At the end of February, Everton suspended the sponsorship deal, and Mushiri himself retired from the USM board.

Mikhail Friedman

Value: $ 12.6 billion

Sanctions imposed by: EU, UK

Michael Friedman, Photo: Without Credit

The European Union describes Mikhail Friedman as one of the oligarchs who make up President Putin's inner circle.

Friedman was one of the founders of Alpha Bank, Russia's largest private bank, and has an estimated fortune of $ 12.6 billion.

Friedman reportedly retired from the London-based letterOne investment group, which he founded about a decade ago, in part because his shares were frozen by EU sanctions on February 28 this year.

On various occasions since then the oligarch has argued that sanctions on Russia's economic elite will have no effect on Putin or on the continuation of hostilities in Ukraine.

Friedman lives in London at a house near Lord's Cricket Ground and also owns a huge property in Athlone House in north London, for which he paid £ 65 million in 2016. At a press conference in London earlier this month, he said the war with Ukraine was a "huge tragedy". However, he has refrained from speaking out directly against Moscow's policies or against Putin's, in part because he claims he has a responsibility to take care of the safety and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of his workers in Russia.

In an interview with Bloomberg this month, when asked if he would use his Israeli passport and move to Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, Friedman claimed that "I do not have a home there, and I do not have access to my money to buy or rent one."

Friedman is known in the world of Jewish philanthropy as a co-founder and one of the main funders of the Genesis Foundation and the Genesis Prize, an annual prize worth $ 1 million branded as the "Jewish Nobel."

Roman Abramovich

Value: 12,400,000,0000

Sanctions imposed by: EU, UK

Roman Abramovich,

The Russian-Jewish tycoon, Roman Abramovich, who became famous mainly as the owner of the English football team Chelsea, has a fortune estimated at $ 12.4 billion.

He began enriching his bank account during the period of savage privatization in the 1990s.

He owned shares in two giant companies: Sibenft, which he sold to Gazprom for $ 13 billion, and Rosal, the world's largest aluminum company.

Abramovich also owns 29 percent of the Russian metal company Everaz and is a shareholder in the Russian mining company Nurnikel.

The oligarch Roman Abramovich was documented in Israel

In 2003, Abramovich acquired Chelsea.

In Israel, he bought the Versano Hotel, which was owned by Yaron Versano, who is married to Gal Gadot.

In addition, in 2020, Abramovich purchased the most expensive estate in Israel, located in Herzliya Pituach, worth NIS 226 million.

Last year, the BBC reported that Elad, which promotes Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem, received donations in the amount of NIS 350 million from companies related to Abramovich, along with donations made by Abramovich in 2018 for the establishment of a nuclear medicine institute at Sheba Hospital. (NIS 70 million), and of the Nanotechnology Center at Tel Aviv University ($ 30 million).

In Britain it is believed that the oligarch and Putin are close, and that Abramovich made money from the relationship between the two, by biasing contracts and facilitating government deals.

The tycoon vehemently denies having any close ties with the Kremlin.

At the same time, Abramovich's assets in the UK were completely frozen.

Regarding his affairs in Israel - at the beginning of the month, Yad Vashem announced the cessation of cooperation with Abramovich and the freezing of his contribution of tens of millions of dollars to the institution.

Oleg Dripska

Value: $ 3,000,000,000

Sanctions imposed by: USA, UK

Oleg Dripska, Photo: No Credit

Deripaska is one of Russia's longtime oligarchs, who made his fortune during the instability that plagued the country after the collapse of the USSR in the 1990s. The richest people in the world in general, and in Russia in particular.Today his fortune is estimated at three billion dollars "alone".

According to the US, as part of the fight against the Russian aluminum market, the oligarch was involved in, among other things, money laundering, bribery and extortion.

Putin was the one who rescued Drippa from the financial crisis that befell Russia and the world in 2008. Britain described Drippa as "closely" linked to Putin.

He founded the energy + metals company En + Group, which is traded on the London Stock Exchange, but reduced its stake to below 50 percent when it was imposed US sanctions in 2018.

He owns a huge Art Deco property, Hamstone House in Weabridge, Surrey, which he tried to sell for £ 18 million but has now been taken off the market.

Unlike many oligarchs, Deripaska spoke publicly about his view of the war and wrote on social media that "negotiations should begin as soon as possible."

Igor Sachin

Value: Unknown

Sanctions have been imposed by: US, EU, UK

Igor Sachin, Photo: No Credit

Igor Sachin's ties with Vladimir Putin are long and deep: the two maintain daily contact, and are said to be a personal friend and one of the Russian president's most trusted and close advisers.

The EU announced sanctions against him on 28 February.

Sachin worked with Putin in the mayor's office in St. Petersburg in the 1990s, and it is estimated that he served in the Soviet intelligence service, the KGB, although he never admitted it. A yacht that was linked to it, after his then-second wife, Olga Scina, posted pictures of herself on board.The businessman now runs the state oil giant Rosneft.

The United States imposed sanctions on the oligarch as early as 2014, and new sanctions against him were announced on February 24 this year, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in light of the fact that Sachin alternated his career between politics and business, for example - during Putin's presidency. However, it is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-03-24

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