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Opinion | Umm al-Fahm: The Habitat of Terrorists in the Last Decade Israel today


The northern city has expelled many of those responsible for murder campaigns since 2015 • Whether the killers from the attack in Hadera are members of the northern faction or are affiliated with ISIS: their roots in the city which is the stronghold of the 'northern faction' of the Islamic Movement in Israel

Umm al-Fahm, from which the two murderous terrorists left for downtown Hadera yesterday, is the stronghold of the "northern faction" of the Israeli Islamic Movement, which has a clear ideological and often practical connection to Hamas.

In recent years, Umm al-Fahm has carried out several terrorist attacks, most of which were carried out by terrorists with an affinity for the Peleg.

The most well-known attack was carried out on the Temple Mount in July 2017. Three terrorists from the 'Northern Tribe', all members of the Jabarin clan, managed to infiltrate the Temple Mount with their weapons and killed two Border Police officers there - Eyal Stawi and Kamil Shenan. A few days before a huge demonstration of hatred against Israel, in which about 10,000 people from Umm al-Fahm took part.

The leader of the Islamic Movement's northern faction, Sheikh Raed Salah, who was recently released from prison, crowned himself many years ago when Sheikh al-Aqsa and his flagship project over the years were al-Aqsa rallies in jeopardy.

In these rallies, Salah has repeatedly blamed Israel for intending to destroy al-Aqsa, and for the Muslims to be willing to die, shed their blood and become martyrs 'for al-Aqsa'.

The stabbing attack in Pisgat Ze'ev, Jerusalem 2015, Photo: Tzachi Miri

Quite a few rioters and perpetrators came out of these rallies.

Two 13- and 15-year-old children from the Beit Hanina neighborhood in East Jerusalem stabbed and fatally wounded a child their age in Pisgat Ze'ev in 2015, after participating in such an exciting rally.

One of the terrorists who stoned Alexander Lublowitz's car to death on Rosh Hashanah evening (September 2015) also came to the event after a riot of the same kind, in Umm al-Fahm.

The stabbing and stabbing attack of a 19-year-old female soldier near Kibbutz Gan Shmuel a few years ago was carried out by a terrorist from Umm al-Fahm, as was a stabbing attack in 2018 by Ahmad Muhammad Mahamid (with a psychiatric background) also from Umm al-Fahm.

Mahamid exited the Temple Mount through the Majles Gate, assaulted a police officer armed with a knife and was shot to death.

In recent years, security forces have arrested at least two other squads of terrorists from Umm al-Fahm: one by ISIS members and the other by members of the northern faction who planned attacks on the Temple Mount, similar to the one carried out there in July 2017.

Last December, a resident of Umm al-Fahm (who was shot and killed) tried to run over two border police officers who were patrolling the city as part of their job. And was lynched.

At the time of writing these lines there is still not enough information about the terrorists, other than where they came from.

The GSS will probably check whether these are members of the northern faction, or again terrorists who are identified with ISIS (as was the case in Be'er Sheva a few days ago). The terrorists and Hamas, with in the background - in previous years - ideological and financial coordination between the "northern faction" and Hamas through various non-profit organizations, including non-profit organizations that received funds originating in Turkey.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-03-28

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