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Bennett on Smutrich's tweet with photos of the murdered: "Dancing on their blood, represents neither Zionism nor religious" - Walla! news


After posting on Twitter a picture of the 11 people killed in the recent terrorist attacks and writing that "Ayelet Shaked and the rest of her friends on the right should be thanked for at least preventing a fifth election," Bennett responded to Smutrich's remarks. "Whoever published this thing does not represent either Zionism or religious"

Bennett on Smutrich's tweet with photos of the murdered: "Dancing on their blood, represents neither Zionism nor religious"

After posting on Twitter a picture of the 11 people killed in the recent terrorist attacks and writing that "Ayelet Shaked and the rest of her friends on the right should be thanked for at least preventing a fifth election," Bennett responded to Smutrich's remarks.

"Whoever published this thing does not represent either Zionism or religious"

His Tal Vicky Adamkar


Sunday, 03 April 2022, 20:19 Updated: 20:46

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Prime Minister Naftali Bennett responded today to the words of the chairman of Religious Zionism, Bezalel Smutrich, who posted pictures of those killed in recent terrorist attacks with the caption "They will never vote again." Bennett said in response that " Does not represent either Zionism or religion. "

Two days ago, Smutrich posted on his Twitter account pictures of the 11 people killed in the recent terrorist attacks, along with the caption," They will never vote again. "Smutrich added that Ayelet Shaked and the rest of her right-wing friends who at least prevented a fifth election when they formed a left-wing government with supporters of terrorism.

post Scriptum.

A lie, of course. "

More on Walla!

"Cynical exploitation of mourning": Smutrich posted a tweet with photos of the murdered and received harsh criticism

To the full article

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Bennett responded to Smutrich's remarks, adding that "over the past weekend I have not come to address this shocking publication. I have dealt with security issues. In the dozens of actions we are taking to stop the wave of terrorism, thwarting the terrorist attack in Jenin and other burning issues."

In response to Bennett's remarks, Smutrich said that "anyone who has used bereaved families to gather voters and today refuses to even meet with them to please his pro-terror partners is better off not talking about a topic titled Dance on Blood."

Smutrich Levant: "It is better for him not to talk about dancing on the blood" (Photo: Flash 90, Yonatan Zindel)

Knesset members and other ministers responded to Smutrich's remarks.

Minister Matan Kahana on the right said that "this is a heinous tweet. Terrorism against Jews did not start nine months ago. These allegations are a low value and a cynical exploitation of heavy mourning. We have fought terrorism in the past, and will continue to fight it in the future"

MK Nir Orbach also commented. "If we need proof of why there will never be a leader of religious Zionism, it is this wretched tweet whose whole purpose in this difficult week is to increase quarrels and controversy among the people of Israel."

Following the criticism, Smutrich posted another tweet in which he wrote that "" burning studios and knowingly lying to voters is a moral slump.

Forming a government with the extreme left and the Islamic movement that you had warned only a month before from joining them is a setback.

To see how from the moment the government is formed the violence among Israeli Arabs is rising and we are facing a wave of terror of Israeli Arabs that was unparalleled and to fortify the glorious lodges and not even attend the murders of the murdered is a moral and moral degradation and it is an abomination.

To protest this is a moral and ethical duty "

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  • Naftali Bennett

  • Bezalel Smutrich

Source: walla

All news articles on 2022-04-03

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