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Politics on the boards


A few days before the Presidential elections, the great game of politicians can be seen in the theater. Negotiations and shenanigans find their rightful place: on stage. Four joyful shows to see as long as you are not yet tired of the political world.

"Chirac" at the Théâtre de la Contrescarpe

In a park, on a sunny afternoon, a woman dozes off while reading.

Suddenly as if out of a divine cloud, the former president, brilliantly carried by Marc Chouppart, appears to him.

A bizarre exchange ensues.

It is amazing to see a 1.90m tall Chirac come on stage with floor-to-ceiling trousers and fitted suspenders.

That it is even more amazing to hear him speak like the real one.


Bad on the right and a little left

 " by his own admission, it is a repentant and fantasized Chirac who gently shoots his former congeners, Sarkozy in the lead, and decks out his wife with the nickname "



Questioned by the young woman who is decidedly well-informed about the president's life, he returns to the "noise and smell" affair, calling it a monumental error, stupidity.

Defends himself from his involvement in France's nuclear tests "

we should not confuse Korea and Corrèze


Finally, he seems to have become aware of the ecological danger in which our planet finds itself and passes rather quickly (and with humour) on the cases of fictitious employment, false voters and “mouth fees”.

In short, Chirac redeems a behavior… post-mortem.

“Chirac” until June 26, at the Théâtre de la Contrescarpe, 5, rue Blainville (5th),

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  • Discover the “Best of the Goncourt Prize” collection


Stéphane Guillon at the Tristan Bernard Theater

Kept silent for several months, due to the pandemic, Stéphane Guillon returns with

On Stage

, as spicy as usual.


With the pandemic, there was a festival of nonsense: compulsory mask on Monday, retorted on Tuesday, compulsory again two days later, it's absurd

", launches the ex-columnist of France Inter.

And to give another example: “

We close the restaurants and leave the swingers clubs open!

On the political side, he is even more "wicked" than before.

He notably compares Emmanuel Macron to a “

cabin model at Hugo Boss

and reviews all the candidates before the presidential election.

Ironically, he plays next to the HQ of La République en Marche.

Xavier Bertrand, Marlène Schiappa, Valérie Pécresse, Nicolas Hulot, Nadine Morano and the Le Pen family must hear their ears ringing.

His shrink advises him to repeat: “

I love Zemmour, I love Zemmour…

” It doesn't work.

Stéphane Guillon is inspired by his anger and his indignation.

He does not seek to achieve unanimity and says aloud what people think quietly.

According to him, laughter makes it possible to evacuate many things: “

I transform my annoyances into laughter.

I am the king's jester, who makes people laugh at the expense of the powerful.


"On stage", until April 9, at the Tristan Bernard Theater, 64, rue du Rocher (8th).


Special Presidential date on April 24, at the Cirque d'hiver Bouglione, 110, rue Amelot (11th).


Christophe Barbier and Adrien Melin in


at Petit Montparnasse.

Fabienne Rappeneau

"Élysée" at the Petit Montparnasse

Four years ago, Jean-Claude Idée staged Meilleurs Alliés, by Hervé Bentégeat, a very well-constructed play on the chaotic relations between de Gaulle and Churchill in June 1944. With


, we tumble down several floors, since the author and the director present us with a face-to-face between Mitterrand and Chirac.

This is an episode very little known to the general public: Mitterrand's low maneuvers, in April 1981, to grab some decisive votes from the RPR and beat Giscard.

Hervé Bentégeat's good idea is to have built his piece like a time machine.

Thus, the first scene begins with the announcement of the death of Mitterrand and we go down in recall until May 10, 1981. So, in April of this same year, a curious game is played between the future socialist president and the Corrèze candidate beaten in the first round.

The two men sniff each other.

A Florentine greyhound facing a foufou fox terrier.

In 1995, dismissal:

the old sphinx will elect Chirac in the first round, against Balladur, and in the second, against Lionel Jospin.

The Élysée, this reflection of paradise, has an aftertaste of hell.

“Élysée”, until May 29, at Petit Montparnasse, 31, rue de la Gaîté (14th),


"Elyse Us" at the Two Donkeys

A Hidalgo with truffles, a Mélenchon Thermidor, a two-course Macron estouffade, all punctuated by the Zemmour soufflé with Vichy pastilles, the menu of the Deux Ânes theater show has everything to activate the zygomatics of lovers of humor.

After almost two years of funny fallow, Covid obliges, the chansonniers theater, located near Place Pigalle at the foot of the Montmartre hill, reopens the doors with a series of sketches perfectly in symbiosis with these turbulent times of pre-presidential election.

After all, fooling around with politicians is the DNA of the Théâtre des Deux Ânes and the play hurts the right, the left and Macron alike.

An eternal smile on the corner of his lips, his eyes sparkling with mischief, Jacques Mailhot, the master of the place, reaffirms that despite the

Seriously, refrain


The Parisian theater reopens its doors with a hilarious show, in tune with the times,



"Élysez-Nous" until June 29, at the Théâtre des Deux Ânes, 100, boulevard de Clichy (18th),


Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-04-02

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