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Arab report: Preparations for confrontation with Israel completed in Gaza Israel today


Report on terrorist organizations boasting A Palestinian source told Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar this morning (Tuesday) that terrorist organizations have completed their preparations for a confrontation in which Israel "crosses the red lines" during the month of Ramadan in Judea and Samaria or in a situation where it intends to commit acts of folly in Gaza. Especially when it comes to military and security factors. T

A Palestinian source told Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar this morning (Tuesday) that terrorist organizations have completed their preparations for a confrontation in which Israel "crosses the red lines" during the month of Ramadan in Judea and Samaria or in a situation where it intends to commit acts of folly in Gaza. Especially when it comes to military and security factors.

The source also referred to the statements of Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi, which included an order for the deployment of Iron Dome batteries on the border with the Gaza Strip. To control both the occupied interior (48 'territories) and the West Bank and Jerusalem. "

Disorders and arrests at the Nablus Gate // Photo: Police Spokeswoman

The newspaper reports that the terrorist organizations estimate that Israel is not currently militarily ready for a round of fighting with the Gaza Strip and has no goals it can achieve.

The source told the Lebanese newspaper that Israel and several countries in the region have tried to damage the strategic relations between Hamas and Islamic Jihad by accusing the latter of wanting to provoke war in Gaza, while the former does not want it and continues to take advantage of economic relief.

According to the source, there is a large consensus between Hamas and Islamic Jihad on the issue of the conflict with Israel and there is a high level of coordination between the leaderships at the highest levels, as well as red lines set by the organizations.

Nablus Gate, yesterday, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The source also noted that violating these lines would lead to an explosion of the situation and the entry of the Gaza Strip into the line of confrontation, especially with regard to Jerusalem.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-04-05

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