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Follow live and direct the last hour of Russia's war in Ukraine today, April 15. All the news and analysis of the invasion.

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13 posts

16 mins ago

Russia formally protests US arms shipment to Ukraine

By Natasha Bertrand, Kaitlan Collins, Evan Perez, Kylie Atwood

Russia formally protested this week over the US arms shipment to Ukraine, sending a diplomatic note to the State Department warning of "unforeseen consequences" should the support continue, according to two US officials and another source. familiar with the document.

The note, known as a diligence, was sent earlier this week as the administration was preparing to announce that it would send a new $800 million military aid package to the Ukrainians.

The Washington Post first reported on the document.

For the first time, the US has agreed to provide Kyiv with the kind of high-powered capabilities that some officials in the Biden administration considered an excessive risk of escalation just a few weeks ago, including 11 Mi-17 helicopters, 18 Howitzer 155mm and 300 more Switchblade drones.

  • Why the Biden Administration Is Giving Ukraine New, Heavier Weapons

A source familiar with the Russian diplomatic note said Moscow was expected to protest the shipments, and it was not yet clear whether this meant Russia would change its behavior in any way.

But this person acknowledged that it could be a sign of a more aggressive Russian stance against the United States and NATO as the war drags on.

CNN previously reported that the United States believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin's risk tolerance has increased, and that he may be willing to take more aggressive action against the United States in response to his support for Ukraine.

Asked for comment, a US official said "we are not going to confirm any private diplomatic correspondence. What we can confirm is that, together with allies and partners, we are providing Ukraine with billions of dollars in security assistance, that our Ukrainian partners are using to extraordinary effect to defend their country from unprovoked aggression and horrific acts of violence by Russia.

1 hour ago

Ukraine claims Russia is taking revenge for the sinking of the Moskva

By Tim Lister, Olga Voitovych

The spokeswoman for the armed forces of southern Ukraine claims that the sinking of the Russian cruiser Moskva "has affected not only [Russian] ships, but also the imperial ambitions of the enemy."

Natalia Humeniuk said this Friday at a press conference that after the attack on Moskva "we all realize that they are not going to forgive us."

Ukraine says two of its anti-ship missiles have hit the Moskva.

The Kremlin has only said that a fire on board caused the eventual capsize of the flagship of its Black Sea fleet.

Humeniuk said that "when the munition detonated, it showed that they had been charged enough to continue destroying Ukraine... The impact led to the detonation of the munition, they began to fight for survival."

"We saw how other ships tried to help the cruiser, but even nature was on the side of Ukraine, because the storm did not allow to carry out a rescue operation or the evacuation of personnel."

Humeniuk suggested that Russian missile strikes in the south since Thursday night were in retaliation for the attack on Moskva.

"Currently there is an attack in Mykolaiv. We see that it is again about the use of cluster munitions prohibited by international conventions."

A CNN crew in Mykolaiv heard several explosions on Friday morning, between 10:20 and 12:00 local time.

Two people were killed outside an Orthodox church in the city.

Humeniuk said that the situation in the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions "is characterized by the fact that the enemy uses its brutal manners in placing equipment and units between local civilians and civilian infrastructure such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc. and the yards of local residents".

"Then at night they disappear from these positions, abandon the villages and shell them, while accusing the Ukrainian Armed Forces of shelling civilians."

"These actions are carried out to justify their status as liberators in the occupied territories."

"We are aware that the attacks against us will increase, that the enemy will try to take revenge," Humeniuk said.

"We are prepared, we resist."

1 hour ago

Russia seeks help from Brazil in the face of Western sanctions

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) shakes hands with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro during a joint press conference after their talks at the Kremlin in Moscow on February 16, 2022. (Photo by MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV /Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images)

Russia has asked Brazil for support at the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the G20 group of major economies to help it counter Western sanctions imposed on it since it invaded Ukraine, according to a letter read by Reuters.

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov wrote to Economy Minister Paulo Guedes asking for "Brazil's support to prevent political accusations and attempts at discrimination in international financial institutions and multilateral forums."

  • Opinion: Why sanctions won't deter Putin

“Behind the scenes, there is an effort in the IMF and World Bank to limit or even expel Russia from the decision-making process,” Siluanov wrote.

The letter, which does not mention the war in Ukraine, is dated March 30.

It was transmitted to the Brazilian minister by the Russian ambassador in Brasilia on Wednesday.

Read the complete news here.

2 hours ago

Russia says it will expand trade in rubles, without setting clear deadlines

By Anna Chernova

Russia intends to expand ruble trade to more sectors without setting any hard deadline, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

"President [Putin] instructed to work methodically and consistently to expand the range of use of national currencies," Peskov told reporters when asked if payments for oil or coal could also be converted to rubles. .

Speaking about the possible dates of this transition, Peskov said: "Now it would be a mistake to give exact dates for which groups of goods and when it is possible to switch to the use of national currencies, it is quite a complicated job."

At a meeting on oil and gas on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said his goal is to switch payments for energy resources to national currencies, "gradually moving away from dollars and euros."

"In general, we intend to sharply increase the proportion of settlements in national currencies in our foreign trade system," Putin added.

2 hours ago

The Kremlin has "no doubt" that it will complete its objectives

By Anna Chernova

The Kremlin said Friday that it has "no doubt" that the tasks of the war in Ukraine set by Russian President Vladimir Putin will be completed.

"The most important thing is to free [Ukraine] from nationalist battalions," Peskov said in a regular conference call with journalists, using propaganda language to describe the Ukrainian military.

Peskov added: "The special operation continues, the tasks that have been set are well known. They must be completed and will be completed. There should be no doubt about it."

3 hours ago

Russia claims progress in Mariupol as Ukraine consolidates its defenses

People walk past a destroyed building in Mariupol on April 14.

(Alexander Ermochenko/Reuters)

The Russian military on Friday claimed to have made progress in the beleaguered port city of Mariupol, just two days after Ukrainian units blockaded in the city said they had consolidated their defenses.

"The grouping of Russian troops and units of the Donetsk People's Militia have completely liberated the Ilyich Steel Works from Ukrainian nationalists as a result of the offensive in the city of Mariupol," Russian military spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said in a statement. a statement this Friday.

CNN cannot independently verify Konashenkov's claim, but the commanders of two Ukrainian units defending Mariupol issued a video statement Wednesday saying they had been able to consolidate forces inside the city.

Denis Prokopenko, commander of the Azov Regiment, said his unit had joined troops from the 36th Marine Brigade, but acknowledged that some Ukrainian defenders had surrendered.

In a statement earlier this week, the Ukrainian marines had vowed to keep fighting, despite dwindling supplies and ammunition.

  • Russia fails to seize Mariupol despite the siege of the city

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), an independent think tank that monitors the Russian military campaign in Ukraine, said on Thursday that Russian troops "continued assaults on Ukrainian defenses in the south-west and east of Mariupol on 13 April, although the ISW cannot confirm any territorial changes.

"Ukrainian officials admitted on April 14 that Russian forces captured "some" troops from Ukraine's 36th Marine Brigade during their escape from the Ilyich plant to liaise with Ukrainian forces at the Azovstal plant in eastern Mariupol, on April 13," he added.

A bit of context

: Ukrainian officials have warned of a major humanitarian emergency in Mariupol, saying around 100,000 civilians still need to be evacuated.

On Thursday, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths called on all parties to facilitate the safe passage of civilians out of Mariupol, following the announcement that two aid workers and their family members were killed there in March.

The military governor of Ukraine's Donetsk region, of which Mariupol is a part, declared the situation in the besieged city "difficult" on Tuesday, citing preliminary estimates that as many as 22,000 people had been killed in the city.

Independent figures on the casualties of the fighting in the devastated city are not available.

3 hours ago

Ukraine accuses Russian high command of 'war crimes'

By Yulia Kesaieva

Army General Alexander Dvornikov (center) is pictured in this file photo in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, on January 18, 2021. (Photo: Vasily Deryugin/Kommersant/Sipa USA)

The main intelligence directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry issued a statement on Friday in which it names the Russian general who directs the operations in Ukraine and alleges "war crimes" in the siege of the port city of Mariupol.

Army General Alexander Dvornikov, commander of Russia's Southern Military District, was recently named Russia's overall commander of the military campaign in Ukraine, according to a US and a European official.

  • Russia fails to seize Mariupol despite the siege of the city

Military analysts say Russian President Vladimir Putin's appointment of a commander to lead the war indicates an intention to remedy Russia's initial setbacks on the battlefield and a lack of coordination between forces.

The Ukrainian statement says that Dvornikov was appointed commander of Russian troops in Ukraine on April 8.

The statement added that "its subordinate units of the Russian armed forces and National Guard troops are implicated in war crimes against the civilian population of Mariupol," the port city that has been devastated by weeks of Russian shelling.

3 hours ago

Zelensky: "Russian ships can only go to the bottom"

By Radina Gigova

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday praised the bravery of the Ukrainian forces, who have spent 50 days defending the country from a Russian invasion, saying they have shown "that Russian ships can only go [...] ".

In his latest video speech, released Thursday night, Zelensky praised all Ukrainians defending the country.

"Those who stopped the advance of endless columns of Russian equipment; those who repel the constant attacks in Donbas; those who heroically defend Mariupol, helping our entire state to resist; those who stopped the offensive from the south and made our Chornobaivka famous ; those who drove the enemy out of the north; those who have shown that Russian aviation is defenseless", and "those who have shown that Russian ships can go [he pauses instead of saying the expletive associated with Russian ships, then goes on to say] in the background only".

Zelensky made an apparent reference to the Russian guided-missile cruiser Moskva, which sank Thursday off the coast of Ukraine in the Black Sea.

The Russian Defense Ministry said the ship sank as a result of an explosion following a fire of unknown origin that detonated ammunition stored on the ship.

Ukraine claims that it attacked the Moskva with anti-ship cruise missiles and that these missiles caused the fire that detonated the ammunition.

In his speech, Zelensky also said that by destroying civilian infrastructure, Russia has shown "the absurdity" of the invasion, since along with the destruction of Ukrainian cities, it is also destroying Russia's position in the world.

3 hours ago

Ukrainian military will participate in the Invictus Games this year

By Radina Gigova

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks during a video broadcast on Tuesday, April 12.

(Government of Ukraine)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Thursday that members of the Ukrainian military will take part in the Invictus Games sports competition in The Hague on Saturday.

"Among them are veterans and servicemen who are currently defending our state," Zelensky said.

"They are very worried about having to go to the competition. I assured them that we will wait for their return and support them in the competition," he said.

"I think our team will make us proud this year too," he added.

5 hours ago

Russia says it hit outskirts of Kyiv with cruise missiles

By Nathan Hodge, Anna Chernova

Russia attacked what it described as a "military installation" on the outskirts of Kyiv, two days after threatening to attack targets in the capital in response to suspected Ukrainian attacks on Russian soil, the Russian military said on Friday.

"Tonight, a military facility on the outskirts of Kyiv was hit by high-precision Kalibr missiles launched from the sea," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.

"As a result of the attack on the Zhuliany Vizar Machine-Building Plant, workshops for the production and repair of long-range and medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as anti-ship missiles, were destroyed," Konashenkov added.

The Russian military warned on Wednesday that it would attack Ukrainian "decision centers" — including those in the Ukrainian capital — in response to what Russia said were "attempted sabotage and attacks" on Russian territory.

On Thursday, Russian officials alleged cross-border Ukrainian attacks into Russia, claims the Ukrainians countered as a Russian effort to create a false narrative to escalate attacks on Ukraine.

Missile attacks on the Ukrainian capital "will increase in response to the commission of any attack by the nationalist Kyiv regime of a terrorist or sabotage nature on Russian territory," Konashenkov said on Friday, using propaganda language to describe the Ukrainian government.

This Thursday, one of Russia's most important warships sank in the Black Sea.

Ukraine claimed it had hit the Russian guided missile cruiser Moskva with anti-ship missiles, while the Russian military only acknowledged that the ship had sunk after a fire on board and the detonation of ammunition.

5 hours ago

Some Belarusians want to fight the Russians in Ukraine

In an undisclosed location in Poland, the Pohonia Battalion trains with replica Kalashnikovs (AK-47s).

In a wooded area on the Polish side of the Poland-Ukraine border, men dressed in crisp, clean camouflage are given turnstiles.

They kneel in the muddy ground and begin to learn basic survival training.

They call themselves the Pohonia Battalion, a group of fewer than 30 Belarusian exiles living mostly in Poland and other European countries, hoping to join hundreds of their compatriots already engaged in the battle for Ukraine.

Aspiring volunteer fighters say that to free their country from the control of Russian President Vladimir Putin, they must first defeat him in Ukraine.

The group, whose ages range from 19 to 60, carry replica Kalashnikov weapons.

Almost none have combat experience.

Among them are a professional poker player, a rock musician and an electrician.

They are led by dissident businessman Vadim Prokopiev.

"We see an opportunity," Prokopiev told CNN on Monday.

Read the full note here.

5 hours ago

A Ukrainian pastor trains civilians for war

Oleg Magdych, Ukrainian pastor and commander of a volunteer battalion (Photo: CNN)

A Ukrainian pastor, father of two, is now a volunteer commander of a battalion of 120 soldiers between the ages of 18 and 70.

As he has told CNN, he is preparing for deployment to southern Ukraine after fighting on the front lines north of Kyiv.

Oleg Magdych explained to CNN that most of the soldiers accompanying him were civilians before the war and had undergone a couple of weeks of intense training.

"Eighty percent of my units are people who have never held a gun in their hands in their lives. They're regular truckers, lawyers, everything," Magdych said.

No informó de ningún herido en su batallón en su último enfrentamiento cerca de Kyiv, y dijo que muchos soldados aprendieron rápidamente una vez iniciados los combates.

"Durante los primeros dĂ­as, tratan de discutir conmigo e intentan decir por quĂ© no deberĂ­an hacer lo que les digo que hagan, como cavar trincheras", dijo Magdych. "Pero te digo que despuĂ©s del primer bombardeo, todos quieren cavar trincheras".

Magdych atribuyó a su fe el mérito de seguir adelante y elogió a su familia por el trabajo que están haciendo por los demás. Su mujer está en el oeste de Ucrania ayudando a los desplazados internos con comida y alojamiento, dijo, y está trabajando con mujeres y niños para ayudarles psicológicamente.

"Ella es mi héroe. No quiso ir a Europa. Decidió quedarse en Ucrania y esperar la victoria allí", dijo.

Su hijo menor se ha alistado en las Fuerzas de Defensa Territorial que defienden el oeste de Ucrania y "tiene muchas ganas de estar conmigo", dijo Magdych.

"Pero le he dicho que tiene una tarea más importante. Tiene que cuidar de su madre. Así que eso es lo que está haciendo en este momento".

Un poco de contexto: Las fuerzas rusas se han retirado del norte de Ucrania y están centrando sus esfuerzos en el este y el sur. Las autoridades ucranianas han advertido de la existencia de bombardeos generalizados en el este de Ucrania, ya que, según dicen, Rusia se prepara para una operación ofensiva.

Hace 5 horas

Hundimiento del Moskva: ¿qué pasó realmente con el orgullo de la flota rusa?

Por Brad Lendon

El crucero ruso de misiles guiados Moskva descansa en las profundidades del mar Negro.

No está claro si fue víctima de los misiles ucranianos, la incompetencia rusa, la mala suerte o una combinación de los tres. Sin embargo, lo que es seguro es que la mayor pérdida de un barco naval durante la guerra en 40 años planteará preguntas preocupantes no solo para Moscú, sino también para los planificadores militares de todo el mundo.

¿Qué causó el hundimiento?

El barco se hundiĂł frente a la costa de Ucrania en el Mar Negro el jueves.

El Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia dice que un incendio de origen desconocido detonó las municiones almacenadas en el barco y las explosiones resultantes dejaron al Moskva con daños estructurales. Dice que el buque de guerra se hundió en medio del mar embravecido mientras lo remolcaban a un puerto cercano.

Ukraine says it hit the Moskva with anti-ship cruise missiles and that these set off the fire that detonated the munition.

Read the full analysis here.

war in ukraine

Source: cnnespanol

All news articles on 2022-04-15

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