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Last minute of the war in Ukraine, live | The International Criminal Court denounces before the UN that Russia does not cooperate in investigating war crimes in Ukraine


Zelensky accuses Moscow of trying to provoke a world price crisis | Putin warns the West: "If someone interferes from the outside and causes something unacceptable, our response will be instant"

EL PAÍS offers the last hour of the conflict in Ukraine free of charge as a public service.

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The requests for collaboration sent to Russia by Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, have not received a response, as revealed on Wednesday at an informal meeting of the United Nations Security Council, held at its headquarters in New York to discuss crimes committed in the war in Ukraine.

The court's investigation, which began in March at the request of dozens of states, seeks alleged evidence of the atrocities committed in Russia's offensive, a country that systematically labels them

fake news

(fake news) without providing evidence.

The Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, will meet this Thursday with the Ukrainian head of state, Volodímir Zelenski, after holding a meeting on Tuesday with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, in Moscow.

Putin issued a threat on Wednesday against those countries that interfere in his offensive in Ukraine.

"If someone intends to interfere in ongoing events from abroad and cause something unacceptable to us, they should know that our response to future attacks will be instant," the Russian president warned in St. Petersburg.

Zelenski has assured that "Russia tries to cause a world price crisis" with the decision to cut gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria for not paying in rubles.

As Zelenski has expressed in the statement that he broadcasts every night,

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    Russian offensive stalls in the east

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The images of the 63rd day of war in Ukraine

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Russia concentrates forces in Izium to attack Donbas, according to kyiv

The Russian Army has dedicated itself in recent hours to concentrating troops and weapons in the Izium area, near the Donbas region, bordering Russia, and has intensified its offensive to control this pro-Russian area and southern Ukraine, according to a complaint this Thursday the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook.

According to the Ukrainian military report, the Russian forces have transferred airborne units and up to 500 units of military equipment to the city of Izium to strengthen their offensive capabilities.

The General Staff emphasizes that the Russians “are increasing the pace of the offensive operation.

In almost all directions, Russian troops are intensifying their war activity."






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At least four dead in Lugansk in the last 24 hours, according to the regional governor

The head of the Lugansk military administration, Sergei Gaidai, has denounced the death of at least four civilians in the region in the last 24 hours.

Four other people were injured, he adds in a message published this Thursday on the Telegram network.

Gaidai reports a total of 29 attacks in the region by Kremlin troops, which have destroyed 10 houses in Popasna.






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What has happened in the last hours in Ukraine

On the 64th day of the war initiated by Russia against Ukraine, these are the key data at 08:00 this Thursday, April 28:

The International Criminal Court denounces before the UN that Russia does not cooperate in investigating war crimes.

The requests for collaboration sent to Russia by Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, have not received a response, as revealed on Wednesday at an informal meeting of the United Nations Security Council, held at its headquarters in New York to discuss crimes committed in war.

The court's investigation, which began in March at the request of dozens of states, seeks alleged evidence of the atrocities committed in the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, a country that systematically dismisses them as

fake news

without providing convincing evidence.

Zelensky: "Russia is trying to provoke a world price crisis."

The Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, has assured that "Russia tries to cause a world price crisis" with the decision of the Gazprom company to cut off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria for not paying in rubles.

As Zelensky has expressed in the statement that he broadcasts every night, Russia's goal is to "initiate chaos in all basic markets and especially in the food market." 

Borrell: "The European Union's dependence on Russian gas has gone too far."

The head of European Union diplomacy, Josep Borrell, acknowledged this Wednesday in Santiago de Chile that the block's dependence on Russian gas and oil "has gone too far", after the Kremlin interrupted gas exports to Poland and Bulgaria.

He has also announced that the 27 will face this new act of aggression.

The EU has called an extraordinary meeting of energy ministers on May 2.

Ukraine estimates the damage caused by Russia at 90,000 million dollars.

Ukraine claims that Russia has caused damage to its infrastructure valued at 90,000 million dollars since the invasion of March 24, as reported by the kyiv government on Wednesday. 

The war in Ukraine leaves at least 2,787 civilians dead and 3,152 wounded, according to the UN.

The United Nations Organization has denounced that Russia's war in Ukraine has so far caused 5,939 civilian victims, of which 2,787 have died and 3,152 have been injured.

The UN report shows that most of the casualties have occurred in the Ukrainian government-controlled territory of Donetsk and Lugansk.

In the image, by 

Carol Guzy

(Zuma Press/ContactoPhoto), collected from a corpse in Bucha, on the outskirts of Kiev, on April 14.





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Frontline villages in Zaporizhia face the brutality of the Russian advance

Since the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, launched the invasion of Ukraine, the world of Mala Tokmachka's neighbors has been divided into colors and pieces of land defined with military jargon.

This village in the Zaporizhia region of southeastern Ukraine, planted along one of the roads leading south, is orange.

It is the last locality with Ukrainian fixed positions in the area.

The next settlement is already a gray area, that is, the scene of combat between the kyiv Army and the Russian invaders, who are trying to conquer it with bombardments and artillery fire.

The Kremlin forces maintain under military control almost 70% of this region, where they managed to advance in the first days of the war.

From here, they are now trying to reach the city of Zaporizhia, the key to conquering this industrial area,

after placing under his command all the villages in his path.

And Mala Tokmachka is one of the next points on the road.

Tatiana confesses that she is terrified by the increasingly intense and continuous bombardments.

She classifies and locates them on a mental map.

A few days ago, an attack a couple of blocks from her house, where her bedridden husband rests, hit a two-story building.

Another attack fell in a commercial area of ​​the town where there was no longer a soul after more than half of the village of just over 3,000 inhabitants fled after seeing other towns in the area fall into Russian hands.

One more destroyed the roof of a neighboring farm a week ago.

The traces of the war, already engraved in that mental scheme of the 63-year-old woman, are visible throughout the village, founded 239 years ago and which had just renovated the school that all the children in the area attended before the conflict. .

Overcoming the initial outburst of shyness, Tatiana confesses that she needs new teeth.

And medicines.

If the bombardments allow it, the bread van frequently passes through Mala Tokmachka, with distribution of food aid, and a tanker truck with water.

"And here almost all of us have a garden, so we can eat better or worse, but where to go to the pharmacy," she says.


Maria R. Sahuquillo

In the picture, Nadezhda Babesheva, 87, at the entrance to her house in Stepnohirsk, one of the last towns under Ukrainian control in the Zaporizhia region.

(Photo by

Albert Garcia


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Russia deploys about 20 ships in the Black Sea, according to the UK

Russia has deployed some 20 ships to the Black Sea, including submarines, according to the UK Ministry of Defense.

"Despite the losses of the landing ship Saratov and the sinking of the


, the Russian fleet in the Black Sea remains capable of launching attacks," British intelligence highlights in its latest report, issued Thursday.  





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Russia disperses a pro-Ukrainian demonstration in Kherson with tear gas and stun grenades

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova said Wednesday that Russian forces used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse a pro-Ukrainian demonstration in the occupied city of Kherson in the south of the country.

The prosecutor has indicated that there are at least four people injured and that the incident is being investigated.

Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky has welcomed the protests saying he is "grateful to all those who have not given up, who protest, who ignore the occupiers."

According to local authorities, Russia appointed its own mayor of Kherson on Tuesday after its troops seized the administration headquarters in the regional capital.

According to kyiv, Russia planned to organize a referendum on Wednesday to create another separatist region in addition to those that already exist in the east. 

Shortly after the demonstration dispersed, the Russian news agency RIA quoted a security source as saying that Ukraine had fired three rockets into the city center but that the occupation forces had shot down two of them.

According to local authorities, thousands of people have fled Kherson and the city continues to experience power and water cuts, severe shortages of food and medicine, and problems with the mobile phone network.






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Ukraine estimates the damage caused by Russia at 90,000 million dollars

Ukraine claims that Russia has caused damage to its infrastructure valued at 90,000 million dollars since the invasion of March 24, as reported by the kyiv government on Wednesday.

The Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister, Oleksandr Kubrakov, has said at the meeting of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, in which President Volodímir Zelenski also participated, that the damage affects rail, road and bridge infrastructure.

Kubrakov has stated that "the ambitious goal is to rebuild the infrastructure in one or two years."






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Canadian lawmakers vote unanimously to call Russia's acts in Ukraine 'genocide'

Canadian lawmakers have unanimously voted to call Russia's attacks in Ukraine "genocide."

Different members of parliament have pointed out this Wednesday that there is "ample evidence of systematic and massive war crimes against humanity" committed by Moscow.

The Canadian House of Commons motion states that crimes committed by Russia include mass atrocities, systematic cases of deliberate killing of Ukrainian civilians, desecration of corpses, forced transfer of children, torture, bodily harm, mental harm, and rape.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it was "absolutely right" that more and more people were calling Russia's actions in Ukraine genocide,

supporting an accusation made by US President Joe Biden a day earlier.






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Russian journalist arrested for reporting on attack on Mariupol theater

Journalist Maria Ponomarenko, from the RusNews news portal, was arrested for reporting in March on the "alleged Russian airstrike" against a theater in Mariupol where hundreds of civilians were hiding, the Sputnik agency reported on Wednesday.

The reporter is accused of publicly spreading false information about the use of the Russian Armed Forces.

Ponomarenko published her information on her Telegram channel, she was arrested on April 24 and will remain in custody until June 22, according to a statement released by the Saint Petersburg courts and cited by the Russian agency.

On March 16, the Russian Defense Ministry declared that kyiv's accusations of a Russian airstrike on the Mariupol theater in eastern Ukraine do not "correspond to reality."

The Ukrainian authorities, for their part, denounced that this theater, where some 1,500 people were sheltering, was attacked with a Russian missile and caused some 300 victims.

The city of Mariupol is mostly besieged by the Russian military.

In the image, the Mariupol theater, before and after the bombing.





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The International Criminal Court denounces to the UN that Russia does not cooperate in investigating war crimes

Requests for collaboration sent to Russia by Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), have not received a response, as revealed on Wednesday at an informal meeting of the United Nations Security Council, held at its headquarters in New York to deal with crimes committed in war.

The court's investigation, which began in March at the request of dozens of states, seeks alleged evidence of the atrocities committed in the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, a country that systematically labels them "fake news" without providing evidence. convincing. 

"I have communicated three times [with Moscow] without success, but I will keep trying," Khan said at a meeting attended by the ambassadors of Russia, one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, and Ukraine. .

"If the news turns out to be fake... what better way to expose a lie than to subject it to independent analysis?"

Russian diplomat Sergey Leonidchenko described the ICC as a "political instrument" in the hands of countries like the United States or the United Kingdom during that meeting. 

The meeting was also attended by human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, who stated: "Ukraine is, today, a slaughterhouse. Right in the heart of Europe." Clooney worked in 2017 to pressure the Security Council to approve the creation of a UN team to collect, preserve and store evidence of possible war crimes of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq. He has also asked that these investigations not be forgotten. "My children [fruit of his marriage with the actor George Clooney] are almost 5 years old, and until now most of the evidence collected by the UN is stored because there is no international court to try ISIS," he complained. The ICC, in charge of prosecuting war crimes and crimes against humanity and acts of genocide, has no jurisdiction,because Iraq and Syria are not members.

Iker Seisdedos


from Washington.

27 Apr 2022 - 23:46 UTC




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Zelensky: "Russia is trying to provoke a world price crisis"

The Ukrainian president, Volodimir Zelenski, has assured that "Russia tries to cause a world price crisis" with the decision of the Gazprom company to cut off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria for not paying in rubles.

According to what Zelensky has expressed in the statement that he broadcasts every night, Russia's goal is "to start chaos in all basic markets and especially in the food market."

Zelenski considered that in this situation "Ukrainian exports will help stabilize the markets."

"The export of our products to European and world markets will be an important anti-crisis tool," he said.

For this reason, the Ukrainian president was grateful that the European Commission has proposed to abolish all tariffs and quotas on Ukrainian exports for one year, an initiative that must be approved by the European Parliament.

"This will allow us to maintain economic activity in Ukraine," he said.

27 Apr 2022 - 22:48 UTC




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The UK claims that Russia must be expelled from "the entire territory of Ukraine"

La secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores británica, Liz Truss, ha afirmado que las fuerzas rusas deben ser expulsadas de "todo el territorio de Ucrania", en lo que constituye la declaración más clara hasta el momento de los objetivos del Reino Unido e implica que Rusia debe abandonar no solo el territorio ocupado en las últimas semanas, sino también las áreas invadidas hace ocho años, como Crimea y parte de las regiones de Donetsk y Lugansk. Para impedir que Putin pueda financiar el conflicto en Ucrania, Truss ha pedido cortar las importaciones de petróleo y gas "de una vez por todas".

Durante su discurso en Londres, la Alta funcionaria ha detallado que el Reino Unido y otras potencias occidentales deberían facilitar armas, tanques y aviones de combate a Ucrania como parte del apoyo militar. "Armas pesadas, tanques, aviones. Es necesario profundizar en nuestros inventarios, aumentar la producción. Necesitamos hacer todo esto", ha asegurado Truss, que considera que "la guerra en Ucrania es nuestra guerra, es la guerra de todos. Si Putin tiene éxito, habrá una miseria incalculable en toda Europa y terribles consecuencias en todo el mundo. Nunca nos volveremos a sentir seguros". (Agencias)

27 Apr 2022 - 21:54 UTC




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La guerra en Ucrania: el 63º día de la invasión rusa, en imágenes

La presidenta de la Comisión Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, ha acusado a Moscú de “utilizar el gas como instrumento de chantaje” tras la suspensión del suministro a Bulgaria y Polonia por no pagar en rublos. Moscú ha reanudado los ataques contra la acería de Azovstal, en Mariupol (sudeste), último bastión de la resistencia ucrania en la ciudad, donde se refugian también mil civiles.

Consulte aquí la fotogalería completa.

27 Apr 2022 - 21:35 UTC




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La guerra en Ucrania deja al menos 2.787 civiles muertos y 3.152 heridos, según la ONU

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas ha denunciado que la guerra de Rusia en Ucrania ha causado hasta el momento 5.939 víctimas civiles, de las que 2.787 han muerto y 3.152 han resultado heridas. El informe de la ONU muestra que la mayoría de las bajas se han producido en el territorio controlado por el Gobierno ucranio de Donetsk y Lugansk. El comunicado, publicado en la página oficial del organismo, también recoge posibles causas de las muertes y heridas, y señala que "la mayoría de las bajas civiles registradas se debieron al uso de armas explosivas con una amplia área de impacto, incluidos bombardeos de artillería pesada y sistemas de lanzamiento de cohetes múltiples y ataques aéreos y con misiles". Además, el organismo considera que las cifras reales son considerablemente más altas, ya que se ha retrasado la recepción de información de algunos lugares donde se han producido intensas hostilidades y muchos informes aún están pendientes de ser corroborados. "Esto afecta, por ejemplo, a Mariupol (en la región de Donetsk), Izium (en la región de Járkov) y Popasna (en la región de Lugansk)", donde las autoridades han denunciado decenas de miles de víctimas civiles. "Estas cifras se están contrastando y no están incluidas en las estadísticas anteriores", se lee en el documento.

27 Apr 2022 - 21:03 UTC




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Vídeo | Las cocinas de José Andrés alcanzan las 300.000 raciones diarias en Ucrania

El cocinero español José Andrés, conocido por su éxito en EE UU y las numerosas obras caritativas que su ONG, World Central Kitchen, realiza en varios países en situación de crisis, ha ayudado a miles de ucranios a raíz del estallido de la guerra el pasado 24 de febrero. Este vídeo muestra cómo ha funcionado la ONG y cómo se ha desplegado todo el sistema de ayuda humanitaria en medio del conflicto armado. Desde entonces, su asociación se ha volcado en proveer alimentos a los ciudadanos del país invadido por Rusia, que han tenido incluso problemas de abastecimiento en las ciudades situadas al este de Ucrania. El chef fue condecorado recientemente con el Premio Princesa de Asturias 2021 a la Concordia por su labor en todo el mundo.

Este vídeo recoge imágenes y declaraciones del propio chef en Ucrania ayudando en el despliegue y el asentamiento de todos los alimentos y el personal de la World Central Kitchen. Pero, ¿cuántas personas trabajan en la organización? ¿Cuánto tiempo llevan en Ucrania? Este vídeo responde a todas estas preguntas y detalla el funcionamiento de esta conocida ONG. También muestra cómo el presidente del gobierno de España, Pedro Sánchez, ha reconocido el trabajo desempeñado por el chef José Andrés. De hecho, en su visita el pasado 21 de abril, pudo conocer la labor de ayuda humanitaria del conocido chef. El jefe del Ejecutivo español aseguro sentirte “conmovido” por el “horror” de la guerra que había observado en ciudades devastadas y con decenas de civiles muertos, como es el caso de Borodianka, situada a las afueras de Kiev, la capital de Ucrania. Informa Carlos Martínez.

Lea aquí el artículo completo.

27 Apr 2022 - 20:36 UTC




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Argelia amenaza con romper el contrato de gas si parte de lo que envía a España se deriva a Marruecos

Argelia ha advertido este miércoles al Gobierno de que romperá el contrato de suministro de gas a España si parte de lo que envía al país es derivado a otro destino, en referencia a Marruecos, en virtud del compromiso para ayudar al reino alauí a regasificar Gas Natural Licuado (GNL) y enviarlo de vuelta a territorio marroquí. La advertencia ha llegado por boca del ministro de Energía, Mohamed Arkab, quien ha recibido un correo electrónico de la vicepresidenta tercera, Teresa Ribera, para informarle de que España va a proceder a autorizar el flujo inverso del Gasoducto Magreb Europa (GME) por que el Argelia abastecía a la península vía Marruecos hasta el pasado noviembre, cuando procedió a su cierre.

En un comunicado de su departamento, recogido por la agencia oficial APS, Arkab ha dejado claro que si parte del gas natural enviado por Argelia a España tiene un “destino que no es otro que el previsto en los contratos” entonces se considerará como “un incumplimiento de los compromisos contractuales y, por consiguiente, podría desembocar en la ruptura del contrato que liga a Sonatrach con sus clientes españoles”. Argelia es el principal proveedor de gas a España, una energía fundamental en un momento en que la crisis por la invasión rusa de Ucrania ha llevado a la Unión Europea (UE) a plantearse suspender la compra de energía a Moscú. (Agencias)

Lea aquí el artículo completo.

FOTO: Complejo de gas natural licuado de Sonatrach en Skikda, Argelia. (Nacerdine Zebar / Gamma-Rapho vía Getty Images)

27 Apr 2022 - 19:41 UTC




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Microsoft confirma 37 ciberataques rusos a Ucrania durante el primer mes y medio de la guerra

La empresa tecnológica Microsoft asegura que Rusia ha llevado a cabo "múltiples operaciones cibernéticas" contra Ucrania desde poco antes del inicio de la guerra. Concretamente, la empresa ha confirmado al menos 37 ciberataques rusos contra Ucrania durante el primer mes y medio del conflicto, entre el 23 de febrero y el 8 de abril. "Las intrusiones reportadas sugieren que la piratería ha jugado un papel más importante en el conflicto de lo que se ha conocido públicamente", según un informe de Microsoft publicado este miércoles.

La compañía detalla que las operaciones militares y de piratería de Rusia funcionaron en "conjunto contra objetivos en común". Por ejemplo, una línea de tiempo publicada en el informe muestra que el 1 de marzo, el mismo día en que un misil ruso alcanzó la torre de televisión de Kiev, varias empresas de medios de comunicación de la capital fueron alcanzadas por "ciberataques destructivos". Desde el comienzo de la guerra, académicos y analistas han dicho que Rusia parecía estar menos activa de lo esperado en el dominio cibernético contra Ucrania. El informe de Microsoft revela una ráfaga de actividad dañina, aunque su impacto en la mayoría de los casos no ha sido claro o no ha sido evidente. (Reuters)

27 Apr 2022 - 19:19 UTC




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Vídeo | Protesta en Kiev para reclamar corredores humanitarios en Mariupol

"Extracción de militares y civiles en Mariupol" o "Haced corredores en Mariupol" son algunos de los lemas que se pueden leer en los carteles con los que varias personas han protestado este miércoles en Kiev para reclamar corredores humanitarios en esta ciudad portuaria del sudeste de Ucrania, sitiada desde hace dos meses por las tropas rusas. Algunas de las mujeres que han participado en la protesta son esposas de miembros del Batallón Azov, la fuerza ucrania que ha defendido Mariupol y que todavía resiste en la acería Azovstal, último bastión ucranio en la ciudad.

"Hacemos un llamamiento a la comunidad internacional y a los líderes mundiales para que se conviertan en garantes y envíen a sus representantes para asegurar un corredor para que nuestros guerreros y los civiles ucranios puedan salir de Azovstal", ha dicho Yuliia, mujer de un miembro del Batallón Azov. Olha, esposa de otro soldado, ha señalado que "no se puede ser indiferente" ante lo que ocurre en Mariupol. (Reuters)

27 Apr 2022 - 19:00 UTC




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Borrell: "La dependencia de la Unión Europea al gas ruso ha ido demasiado lejos”

El jefe de la diplomacia de la Unión Europea, Josep Borrell, ha reconocido este miércoles en Santiago de Chile que la dependencia del bloque al gas y del petróleo ruso “ha ido demasiado lejos”, después de que el Kremlin interrumpiera las exportaciones de gas a Polonia y Bulgaria. Borrell ha apuntado que el movimiento de Vladímir Putin hace subir “un poco más la tensión” y que “convierte las dependencias en armas”. También ha adelantado que los 27 harán frente a este nuevo acto de agresión.

“Con Ucrania o sin Ucrania, era tiempo de reducir [la dependencia del gas ruso]. La guerra nos ha enseñado lo urgente que era. Y esta última decisión de Rusia no hará sino acelerar el que Europa se reconvierta a energías verdes, que no creen dependencias, ni atenten contra el clima", ha sostenido el Alto Representante de la Unión Europea para Asuntos Exteriores y Política de Seguridad en una rueda conjunta con el presidente chileno, Gabriel Boric.

Con el objetivo de eliminar las dependencias que hacen “vulnerable” al bloque europeo, Borrell ha asegurado que hay que centrar los esfuerzos en el desarrollo de las energías renovables. Ambos líderes abordaron en La Moneda la colaboración entre la UE y Chile para avanzar en la neutralidad de carbono. Un objetivo que “la guerra ha acelerado”, ha asegurado Boric. Los ámbitos de cooperación tienen que ver con el potencial del país sudamericano para la transformación eléctrica “en materia solar, eólica, de hidrógeno verde, y en materia de electromovilidad con el cobre y el litio”, según ha detallado el mandatario chileno.

Sobre las sanciones de la UE a Rusia, Borrell ha asegurado que se trata "del mayor paquete de sanciones económicas, financieras y comerciales que nunca hayamos aplicado". "La amenaza de las sanciones no fue capaz de evitar la guerra y la aplicación tampoco la ha parado", ha reconocido. "Hemos sancionado directa y personalmente a más de 1.000 responsables del Gobierno ruso, empezando por el señor Putin y siguiendo con su ministro de Exteriores y los mandos militares". El jefe de la diplomacia de la UE también ha detallado que aunque Europa ayuda militarmente a Ucrania, "no quiere que la guerra se extienda afectando a otros países o poniendo en juego armas más destructivas". "No somos beligerantes, ayudamos a un país agredido", ha aclarado. Informa Antonia Laborde

FOTO: Josep Borrell, este miércoles junto al presidente chileno, Gabriel Boric, en el palacio presidencial de La Moneda de Santiago de Chile. (Esteban Felix / AP Photo)

27 Apr 2022 - 18:43 UTC




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La UE convoca una reunión extraordinaria de ministros de Energía el 2 de mayo

Tras los cortes de suministro de gas ruso a Polonia y Bulgaria comunicados el martes, la presidencia semestral francesa del Consejo Europeo ha anunciado una reunión extraordinaria de los ministros de energía de la Unión Europea, que se celebrará el lunes 2 de mayo. Moscú ha dejado de suministrar gas a Polonia y Bulgaria porque, siguiendo las directrices de la UE, no pagaban en rublos, como exige Rusia, sino en euros.

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has described the measure adopted by Moscow as "blackmail" and has assured this Wednesday that the European response "will be immediate, united and coordinated."


27 Apr 2022 - 18:30 UTC




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