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Inside a box of milk replacer: a forgotten pesticide in a kindergarten corner - Walla! news


After the pest control in the kindergarten in Zeitan at the end of 2018, when the children returned to the kindergarten, they found the preparation in the play area - and only the vigilance of the kindergarten teacher prevented a disaster. When an investigation was opened on the subject - it turned out that the company also did not have a suitable license for pesticides in kindergarten, and a fine of tens of thousands of shekels was imposed on it

Inside a box of milk replacer: a forgotten pesticide in a kindergarten corner

After the pest control in the kindergarten in Zeitan at the end of 2018, when the children returned to the kindergarten, they found the preparation in the play area - and only the vigilance of the kindergarten teacher prevented a disaster.

When an investigation was opened on the subject - it turned out that the company also did not have a suitable license for pesticides in kindergarten, and a fine of tens of thousands of shekels was imposed on it




Monday, 20 June 2022, 12:56 Updated: 13:27

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Forgotten in the corner of the playground.

The pesticide near the dolls (Photo: Official website, Ministry of Environmental Protection)

The pesticide company was fined tens of thousands of shekels, after carrying out a violation of the law on pesticides inside a kindergarten - and at the end of the work, it left the pesticide behind.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection announced today (Monday) that its green police were involved in the investigation.

The affair opened at the end of 2018, when an exterminator from "Sderot OR Pest Control Solutions" was ordered to the kindergarten in Zeitan, although the company does not have the type of license required for pest control in a kindergarten.

According to the indictment filed in the case, the exterminator kept the pesticide in an empty box of baby milk substitute, and when he finished his work - he left the box, with the pesticide - in the playground in the kindergarten.

When the children arrived at the kindergarten, they found the pesticide and took it out of the box - until the kindergarten teacher noticed it and took it from them.

The children were not harmed in any way.

When an investigation was opened into the matter it turned out that the company had not even reported to the Registrar of Exterminators matters as required.

At the end of the investigation, an indictment was filed against the company's executives and the exterminator, who charged them with offenses such as performing a pesticide without a license appropriate to the type of pesticide, using a pesticide that did not comply with its label, violating the reporting obligation, and recklessness and negligence.

The defendants pleaded guilty and were convicted in the Magistrate's Court in Petah Tikva.

Following this, the company was fined NIS 30,000, and received an additional conditional fine of NIS 40,000.

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  • Pesticide

  • Kinder gardens

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Source: walla

All news articles on 2022-06-20

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