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Towards a melenchonism of the beautiful neighborhoods


ANALYSIS – La Nupes is maintained almost everywhere in the second round in the West of Paris. In these constituencies, the union of the left seduces executives sup 'or former HEC. The reason ? the "daddy's boys" worry about the climate.

This is the final fight!

We sang (false, as tradition dictates) the International, Sunday evening, in the golden rooms of the town hall of Neuilly-sur-Seine.

The scene is reported in

Le Parisien

 : the damned of the earth, gathered in front of the village hall of the town hall after the announcement of the qualification of their candidate for the second round of the legislative election, proudly waved their fists before shout about the revolutionary verses inherited from the Paris Commune.

If the union of the left makes good scores everywhere on the territory, its very clear breakthrough in the West of Paris aroused, more than elsewhere, the concern of its opponents.

A few well-informed observers murmured it as early as Sunday evening: we would be witnessing the rise of a Melenchonism in the upscale neighborhoods, as if a dark red fever seized the children of the upper middle class after having consolidated in the working-class neighborhoods and the suburbs.

Heaven then, "

daddy 's boys

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-06-17

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