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Rennes: a man killed by a knife


A 31-year-old man was stabbed to death overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday in a park in Rennes, we learned on Wednesday July 27 from the ...

A 31-year-old man was stabbed to death overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday in a park in Rennes, we learned on Wednesday July 27 from the prosecution.

The emergency services, called shortly before midnight, found a man "

mortally stabbed

" in the Gayeulles park (north-east of Rennes), according to a police source.

The circumstances of this homicide were not specified.

An investigation for intentional homicide was opened and the judicial police seized, told AFP the deputy public prosecutor Flavie Le Sueur.

According to police sources, the perpetrator or perpetrators were still being sought on Wednesday morning.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-07-27

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