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CDU party conference: Conservatives introduce a quota for women for the first time - but there is a catch


CDU party conference: Conservatives introduce a quota for women for the first time - but there is a catch Created: 09/10/2022 05:41 By: Florian Naumann, Victoria Krumbeck, Jens Kiffmeier, Yasina Hipp The CDU meets on Friday and Saturday in Hanover. The party congress is about the women's quota - and also about Friedrich Merz. Vote on women's quota : Majority of delegates vote in favour. Lead m

CDU party conference: Conservatives introduce a quota for women for the first time - but there is a catch

Created: 09/10/2022 05:41

By: Florian Naumann, Victoria Krumbeck, Jens Kiffmeier, Yasina Hipp

The CDU meets on Friday and Saturday in Hanover.

The party congress is about the women's quota - and also about Friedrich Merz.

  • Vote on

    women's quota

    : Majority of delegates vote in favour.

  • Lead motion

    on the

    energy crisis and economic policy

    : CDU delegates support the federal executive board.

  • CDU boss Merz

    shoots against

    ARD and ZDF

    : "No public educational institutions"

  • This news ticker for the CDU party conference is continuously updated.

Update from September 9th, 8:51 p.m .:

The introduction of a women’s quota in the CDU was approved.

The delegates at the CDU party congress voted 559 votes for a women's quota as proposed by the CDU leader Friedrich Merz.

This means that from next year, one third of the posts on board members from the district level must be filled by women, from 2024 it would be 40 percent and from mid-2025 50 percent.

However, the quota should only apply for a limited period and expire at the end of December 2029 without a decision to the contrary.

A large number of speakers, including Julia Klöckner, former Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, put forward arguments for and against the introduction of the quota.

And some male speakers, including NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst, also took part with speeches.

CDU leader Friedrich Merz was pleased with the passion with which the debate was conducted.

That is the passion he wants for his party.

He himself spoke out clearly in favor of the women's quota, it should be a "signal to the outside world" and called for courage from his party members.

Debate about women's quota: The CDU is divided

Update from September 9th, 7:25 p.m .:

Mario Czaja, CDU General Secretary, promotes more diversity in the CDU in Hanover.

He asks those present: “Do we just want to warm up around the campfire of the hard-core constituency or do we want to get more people excited about our thing, the CDU?” In the 2021 federal election, the party did poorly, especially among young people and women , according to Czaja.

That was a "note".

For the upcoming vote on a women's quota at the party congress, Czaja called for this discussion to be conducted with "respect and decency".

Tilman Kuban, party leader of the Junge Union, takes a different point of view.

He is rather critical of the women's quota and says to


: "The young women from the Junge Union tell me they want to go forward because they are good and not because of a quota or because they are a woman.

We will discuss that."

CDU elects local politician Stumpp as the new Deputy General Secretary

Update from September 9th, 6:25 p.m .:

Christina Stumpp is the new deputy general secretary of the CDU.

With 740 of 846 votes cast, the 34-year-old received around 89.6 percent of the votes of those present in Hanover.

Since the party traditionally counts abstentions as invalid votes, the percentage is lower because of 20 abstentions.

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CDU leader Merz congratulates the new Deputy General Secretary Christina Stumpp on her election.

© picture alliance/dpa/Michael Kappeler

Christina Stumpp comes from Baden-Württemberg and was previously mainly active in local politics.

At her presentation, she says: "The renewal of our party must come from the bottom up and not always just look at the Berlin bubble.

Above all, we must also keep an eye on rural areas.” She also demands that “the party must become “younger, more modern, more female”.

CDU party conference: Delegates stand behind the central motion of the federal executive board

Update from September 9, 6 p.m.:

The delegates in Hanover support a key motion on the energy crisis and economic policy that was tabled by the federal executive board on Thursday.

In the 25-page application, the CDU calls for the abolition of the gas levy decided by the traffic light government and for the continued operation of all three German nuclear power plants beyond the end of the year.

In addition, the party, led by Friedrich Merz, demands in the paper a price cap for a basic need for electricity and gas for private households, relief for commuters and a 1,000 euro energy flat rate for households in the lower third of the income bracket.

With a view to the goal of climate neutrality by 2045, according to the application, not only must CO₂ emissions be reduced, but also technological progress must be used to bind CO2 that has already been emitted more efficiently.

CDU boss Merz shoots against public broadcasting

Update from September 9, 5:03 p.m .:

CDU leader Friedrich Merz uses the stage of the party congress to position himself again indirectly against gender in public broadcasting.

He called on ARD and ZDF to stick to the rules "that we have all given ourselves in this country - including for the use of the German language".

Although the broadcasters have a state education and information mandate, they are not "public educational institutions," according to Merz.

With effervescent applause from those present, the CDU leader went on to explain: If you carry out an order that is financed with fees, you can expect that you will adhere to the "generally recognized rules in the use of the German language".

Right at the beginning of the party congress, Merz greeted the press representatives with the following words: "We will deal with them in a particularly loving manner during this party congress".

The Union is currently taking the issue of public service broadcasting to its chest more frequently, with varying degrees of criticism of the institutions and their broadcasts.

CDU party conference: Kiev's mayor Klitschko with a virtual greeting

Update from September 9, 4:50 p.m.:

"I send warm greetings to the party congress from Kiev," said Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Kiev.

He was connected to the CDU party conference online.

Klitschko would have liked to be there in Hanover, but the war in his country made this impossible.

In his brief greeting he thanks the party: "I would like to thank the CDU for their support.

I would like to thank you very much for the help from the cities and communities - for your big heart in these difficult times."

Vitali Klitschko also appealed to those present at the party congress: “Keep believing in Ukraine.

Continue to side with Ukraine.

Fight with us for democracy.

We defend all of Europe!”

Merz' speech is well received by party representatives

Update from September 9th, 4:20 p.m.:

Friedrich Merz’ CDU party conference speech was apparently met with approval from prominent party representatives: “The sparks jumped over,” said Federal Deputy Carsten Linnemann




Saxony-Anhalt's Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff also paid tribute to the performance.

Merz spoke from the opposition role, but it is good that he expressly emphasized the Union's ability to cooperate.

In the past few days, Merz had engaged in several skirmishes with the federal government in the Bundestag.

"But when it comes down to it, the CDU stands up," said Haseloff.

Without the votes of the Union, the special fund for the Bundeswehr would never have come together.

"You have to say that as clearly as Friedrich Merz did."

Former Federal Family Minister Kristina Schröder also sees the party congress as well prepared for the substantive debates.

"Friedrich Merz's speech was highly political," said the CDU politician.

The party had been stuck in practical constraints for many years.

It is therefore good that Merz has "reached the hearts of the delegates".

Merz attests Merkel's chancellor years a "great stupidity"

Update from September 9, 3:38 p.m.:

After the obligatory opening of the CDU party conference, Friedrich Merz also gave a longer speech to the delegates – including on the subject of climate policy.

He said, among other things, that Germany could not become climate-neutral by 2045 simply by avoiding CO2 emissions.

"Then we have to use technologies, then we have to recover CO2, then we have to separate it from combustion processes and industrial processes, then we have to understand it as a raw material and not just as environmental destruction".

"We have left the quarrels of the CDU and CSU behind us," said Merz at the same time.

"2021 will not be repeated." A year after the defeat in the federal election, the CDU was "back in first place among the German parties".

The traffic light coalition accused Merz of failure in dealing with the energy and economic crisis.

He called on Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to "stop this red-yellow-green ship of fools".

However, Merz also acknowledged that the Union made serious mistakes in energy policy during Angela Merkel's years as chancellor.

"We have become too dependent on Russian gas in this country," he said.

“That was a great stupidity.

That was perhaps also a good deal of naivety.”

Lower Saxony's CDU top candidate Bernd Althusmann has meanwhile declared the state elections on October 9 to be a vote on the federal government.

A "strong counterweight to the traffic light" is needed, Althusmann said in front of the CDU delegates.

"This election on October 9th is also an election that will decide the further fate of the traffic light in Berlin."

Althusmann insisted on even greater openness in the CDU.

"Friedrich Merz gave us strength and confidence," he said.

"But we have to be even more honest in communication," he demanded.

In winter there will be energy shortages.

"We have to say that too."

"Merkel apologizes": Merz starts CDU party conference

Update from September 9, 1:45 p.m .:

After the grief, Merz goes on the attack: Germany may be heading for a recession – during this time the country is “probably one of the weakest federal governments of all time,” says the CDU leader.

In the following round of greetings, however, two people are missing: "Angela Merkel apologizes," announces Merz - but we look forward to her presence at one of the upcoming party conferences.

Kiev's Mayor Vitali Klitschko, who according to Merz had announced his coming, cannot come at short notice either.

The CDU boss expressly sends greetings.

According to information from the TV broadcaster Phoenix, there are health reasons for Merkel's absence: the former chancellor broke her leg.

Update from September 9, 1:37 p.m .:

Friedrich Merz opened the CDU party conference – initially with greetings, but also commemorating the deceased CDU politicians, including the former presidential candidate Dagmar Schipanski.

Merz also expressed his party's condolences on the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

"Queen Elizabeth was the rock in the surf who was immovable and always stood tall," he explained.

"We bow to her life's work."

Friedrich Merz on Friday during his opening speech at the CDU party conference in Hanover.

© Ronny Hartmann/AFP

CDU party conference in Hanover: Breher warns of women's quota dispute - "take energy concerns seriously"

Update from September 9th, 1.30 p.m .:

Shortly before the start of the CDU party conference, Vice President Silvia Breher promotes a closed appearance.

"I hope that this party conference will send out a clear signal for a new start," said the Lower Saxony member of the Bundestag




The central discussion should therefore not be the women's quota, but the energy concept that the federal executive board has presented for consultation.

Germany is heading for a serious crisis in winter, the CDU must make it clear that the "concerns are taken seriously".

This is also important for the party in view of the upcoming Lower Saxony elections at the beginning of October.

The Women's Union also advertised their cause before the start of the party conference, as


journalist Robin Alexander announced in a tweet.

According to him, women quota advocates gave out pink donuts to delegates and reporters.

The inscription on the plastic wrapper of the pastry: "Don't panic, it's just equality".

CDU party conference: Merz threatens women's quota Zoff on Friday - Süssmuth refers to the Greens

Preliminary report:

Munich/Hanover - The 35th party conference of the CDU will take place in Hanover on Friday and Saturday.

Last but not least, the party wants to put pressure on the traffic lights for energy prices - the central motion of the federal executive board should do the trick.

Yes, even if it is not in the interests of the CDU: the women's quota should be the main media topic at this party congress.

The former women's quota opponent and party leader Friedrich Merz is pushing for the regulation.

The proposal is controversial.

Merz approached the quota opponents and presented a compromise.

CDU party conference: debate about women's quota splits the party

CDU federal vice president Silvia Breher also urged the introduction of a temporary quota for women at the party conference on Friday.

"We have too few women in our party and we should now work together - men and women - to finally change that," Breher told the

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ)


"For me, the women's quota is part of it."

Just 25 percent of party members are women.

For her, however, the quota is only one of the instruments to get more women involved in the CDU: "Above all, we have to improve the framework conditions," Breher told the newspaper.

The Structure and Statutes Commission has developed various proposals for this, such as binding time windows for meetings and digital formats.

CDU party conference: Rita Süssmuth advocates a quota for women

Former Bundestag President Rita Süssmuth also called on her party to introduce a women's quota.

"In this difficult European and global political situation, a broad political participation of women must be visible," said the 85-year-old dpa.

Women are "urgently needed in the search for problem solutions, concrete help and alternatives to war"

Former Bundestag President Rita Süssmuth (CDU).

© APress/IMAGO

Süssmuth explained that the SPD, the Greens and the Left had achieved a high proportion of women in the Bundestag by statute law.

That is also necessary in the CDU and must be possible.

Improving the participation of women includes improving the structural conditions: "Social security, professional working hours in certain phases of life for women and men, changing the offers in parliament and outside to reduce one-sided burdens," she demanded.

Women's quota at the CDU party conference also gets dissenting votes

At the same time, Süssmuth warned her party about the negative effects of the quota dispute.

"The never-ending quarrels divide and weaken us - now it depends on old and new strengths," she said, adding: "This party congress must strengthen our cohesion and reduce polarization."

Union faction Vice Mathias Middelberg (CDU) struggled with the timing of the vote.

"In the dramatic situation that Germany is in, we have to provide answers as to how citizens and our companies can pay their gas and electricity bills," Middelberg told



Foreign, economic and financial policy are the focus.

"The women's quota is really not a main issue." The business wing of the CDU and the Junge Union (JU) also reject a quota.

CDU party conference: Merz proposes a compromise in the women's quota debate

The proposal by the CDU federal executive board stipulates that by 2025, starting with board elections at district level, a women's quota of up to 50 percent should be gradually introduced.

A women's quota of 30 percent is to be introduced at the beginning of next year, and 40 percent a year later.

As before, the 50 percent mark should be reached by July 1, 2025.

The proposal also includes a 50 percent quota for the first ten list places in state, federal and European elections.

According to the Merz proposal, the quota should expire on December 31, 2029.

If Merz didn't prevail with his compromise proposal, he would have suffered the first defeat in his term of office, which has lasted since the end of January.

The vote on the women's quota is expected on Friday evening.




Source: merkur

All news articles on 2022-09-10

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