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Death of Elizabeth II: in London, the Anglican Church mourns its queen


REPORT - The Queen of the United Kingdom was also head of the Anglican Church. Since his death, religious services have been celebrated daily in all the churches.

Early this Sunday morning, the two towers of the main portal of the iconic Westminster Abbey plunge into the London mist.

The warmth of the September days has not yet chased away the morning humidity and a handful of worshipers dressed in black crowd into the abbey closed to visits.

To discover

  • OUR FILE - Elizabeth II, a rock and a symbol for England

We come for the 8 o'clock low mass.

More confidential than the solemn office of 11 am celebrated by the metropolitan archbishop, the service is held by two clerks, in all sobriety despite the emotion which reigns under the vaults several hundred years old of the abbey.

Seventy years ago, Elizabeth II promised in this very place, at her coronation, to "

maintain the laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel

" and to "

inviolably protect the foundation of the Church of 'England, its doctrine, its worship, its discipline


Read alsoElizabeth II, a universal and modern queen who has been able to adapt to all eras

In the middle of the assembly, contemplation supplants memories.

We whisper and we pray.

Gracious God, we give thanks for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth…

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-09-11

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