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Last minute of Isabel II's funeral, live | The Queen's Chapel at the Palace of Westminster closes


Carlos III has received heads of state and members of royal houses from all over the world in Buckingham | Felipe VI coincides with his father Juan Carlos in a public act for the first time since the king emeritus expatriated in Abu Dhabi

EL PAÍS offers free last-minute information after the death of Elizabeth II as a public service.

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After five days open at the Palace of Westminster, in which thousands of people have queued for hours to pay a last tribute to the queen, the burning chapel of Elizabeth II has closed definitively at 6:30 a.m. this Monday (7:30 a.m. , Spanish peninsular time).

At that time, preparations for the state funeral have begun, which is scheduled to begin at 11:00 in the morning (12:00, Spanish peninsular time) with the largest concentration of world leaders so far in the 21st century.

Yesterday, Sunday, several of the political leaders and heads of state who have traveled to London to bid farewell to the queen have visited Westminster to pay their respects before the mortal remains of Elizabeth II.

Among them have been the kings Felipe and Letizia,

who later attended the reception held by King Charles III at Buckingham Palace.

The emeritus kings, Juan Carlos and Sofía, have also attended this act, being the first time that Felipe and his father coincide in a public event since the emeritus king expatriated in Abu Dhabi, in August 2020.

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This is a small outline of the acts of the day


6.30 (7.30 Spanish peninsular time)


The burning chapel closes in Westminster Hall, the room in the Palace of Westminster where it has been installed since last Wednesday to receive the homage of hundreds of thousands of people.


8.00 (9.00 Spanish peninsular time)


Opens Westminster Abbey, where the state funeral will be held, for the nearly 2,000 attendees.


10:30 a.m. (11:30 a.m. Spanish peninsular time)


The coffin with the mortal remains of the queen will be transferred in a military armory dragged by 142 members of the Royal Navy, after which the new King Carlos III and other members of the royal family will parade.

- 10.52 (11.52 Spanish peninsular time)


The procession will arrive at the West Gate of Westminster Abbey.

Several members of the queen's guard will carry the coffin into the abbey.

- 11.00 (12.00 Spanish peninsular time)


The religious service will begin in honor of the queen, officiated by the dean of Westminster, David Hole.

The event will include a sermon by the Archbishop of Canterbury.


11.55 (12.55 Spanish peninsular time)


A bugle call will mark the start of two minutes of solemn silence for the Queen, to be observed in the abbey, and across the UK.


12:00 (1:00 p.m. Spanish peninsular time)


The state funeral ends with the national anthem of the United Kingdom.

The coffin will be installed in a chest, in which it will be processed through London.


12:15 p.m. (1:15 p.m. Spanish peninsular time)


Led by King Charles III, a final procession of the queen's coffin begins through the streets of London.

The coffin will parade, before the eyes of tens of thousands of Britons concentrated on the edge of the route, from Westminster to Wellington's Arch.

They will continue their journey, on foot, Carlos III and his children, princes Guillermo and Enrique.

Salutes will be fired every minute from Hyde Park, and Big Ben will sound every minute as the procession winds through the streets.


1:00 p.m. (2:00 p.m. Spanish peninsular time)


Upon arrival at Wellington Arch, the coffin will be loaded into a hearse, which will take it to Windsor Castle, the royal residence.

A royal salute will be given and the national anthem will be played.


15.06 (16.06 Spanish peninsular time)


The coffin arrives at Windsor Castle and there will be a final procession, the Long Walk, about five kilometers, between the castle and St. George's Chapel, where the queen will be buried.

The king and other relatives will join the procession.


4:00 p.m. (5:00 p.m. Spanish peninsular time)


In the Chapel of San Jorge, the final religious service will be held to bid farewell to Elizabeth II, which will be attended by some 800 people, before her son, Carlos III, participates with his brothers and other members of the royal family in a private act. 


7:30 p.m. (8:30 p.m. Spanish peninsular time)


A private church service is held, officiated by the Dean of Windsor, attended only by the King and the Royal Family.

After her, the casket will be buried in St. George's Chapel, where she will rest with her husband and her parents, King George VI and the Queen Mother.

It will be the new king who spreads a handful of earth on the coffin of his mother before he is buried.





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The burning chapel of Queen Elizabeth II closes


We resume here the narration of the acts for the death of Elizabeth II.

With the presence of more than half a thousand leaders and former world leaders, including the King of Spain Felipe VI and Queen Letizia or the President of the United States, Joe Biden, at 11:00 this morning (noon in Spain) the funeral will begin of State of Queen Elizabeth II of England.

At 6:30 in the morning (7:30 in mainland Spain) the burning chapel installed in the Palace of Westminster has closed.

From the room where it has been installed for hundreds of thousands of people to say goodbye to her, the coffin will be transferred to Westminster Abbey, where her state funeral will be held.





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So far the live narration of the events that have taken place this Sunday in London to honor the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

The burning chapel will remain open one last night until 6:30 a.m. on Monday (7:30 a.m., Spanish peninsular time).

Then the funeral preparations will begin, which is scheduled to start at 11:00 in the morning (12:00, Spanish peninsular time).

Good evening and thanks for following us.

18 Sep 2022 - 19:51 UTC




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Presidents and kings from around the world gather in London to bid farewell to Elizabeth II

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, went this Sunday to Lancaster House, the Victorian mansion in the London district of St. James where the book of condolences for the death of Elizabeth II has been arranged for international dignitaries, accompanied by the first lady Jill Biden.

Only he allowed himself to turn the act into an impromptu press conference, in which he explained to the media how he had told Carlos III - with whom he had previously met - that "he was going to have Elizabeth II by his side, day by day." day, minute by minute, during her reign”, and that the deceased monarch reminded her of her mother, “with that look in which she seemed to tell you that you should do the right thing”.


Rafa de Miguel 

from London.

You can read the complete information here

18 Sep 2022 - 19:39 UTC




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The UK holds a minute of silence

At 8:00 p.m. (9:00 p.m., Spanish peninsular time) a minute of silence is scheduled to be held throughout the United Kingdom in honor of Queen Elizabeth II.

The bells of Big Ben in London will mark the beginning of this tribute.

18 Sep 2022 - 18:46 UTC




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The Kings avoid an image with Juan Carlos I and Doña Sofía upon arrival in London

Felipe VI and Doña Letizia show their respect before the coffin of Isabel II.

The monarch coincides with the king emeritus at the reception of Buckingham Palace, without access to the cameras.


Rafa de Miguel 

from London. 

You can read the complete information here

18 Sep 2022 - 18:32 UTC




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Biden on Elizabeth II: "The world is better because of her"

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, is already with the first lady, Jill Biden, at the reception of Buckingham Palace, in London.

Before, the US president has visited the burning chapel of Elizabeth II in the Palace of Westminster and has recognized the figure of the deceased monarch: "The world is better thanks to her."

In the image, of Markus Schreiber, Joe and Jill Biden, upon arrival at the audience offered by King Carlos III.

18 Sep 2022 - 17:34 UTC




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Kings Felipe and Letizia arrive at the reception of Carlos III

Dozens of guests are arriving this Sunday afternoon at Buckingham Palace, where King Charles III holds a reception for the heads of state and members of royal houses who attend the funeral of his mother Elizabeth II on Monday.

Among them, the kings Felipe and Letizia have been seen arriving.

The US president, Joe Biden, the Canadian, Justin Trudeau, or the Brazilian, Jair Bolsonaro, have also entered the palace.

Some heads of state are arriving in escorted vehicles and other leaders are being transferred by buses, as some 500 guests are expected to arrive. 

18 Sep 2022 - 17:16 UTC




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The emeritus kings have already arrived in Buckingham

The emeritus kings of Spain, Juan Carlos and Sofía, have already arrived at the reception offered by Carlos III at Buckingham Palace. 

18 Sep 2022 - 16:43 UTC




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The waiting time in the queue for the funeral chapel is about 9.5 hours

The British Government has announced on Twitter that the waiting time in the queue to visit the burning chapel of Elizabeth II at 6:00 p.m. (5:00 p.m., Spanish peninsular time) was about 9.5 hours.

The end of the queue is in Southwark Park.

The authorities ask that no more people approach the queue because a decision will be made shortly on its definitive closure.

18 Sep 2022 - 16:10 UTC




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King Felipe and Queen Letizia visit the funeral chapel of Elizabeth II in Westminster

The kings of Spain, Felipe and Letizia, have visited this Sunday afternoon the burning chapel of Elizabeth II in the Palace of Westminster to pay their respects to the monarch.

They will then sign the condolence book at Lancaster Palace. Later, they will attend the reception offered by Charles III at Buckingham Palace for the almost 500 heads of state and members of the royal houses who come to London to attend the Queen's funeral Monday at Westminster Abbey.

18 Sep 2022 - 15:17 UTC




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The waiting time in the queue for the funeral chapel is about 10 hours

The British Government has announced on Twitter that the waiting time in the queue to visit the burning chapel of Elizabeth II at 3:00 p.m. (4:00 p.m., Spanish peninsular time) was about 10 hours.

The end of the queue is in Southwark Park.

The authorities ask that no more people approach the queue because a decision will be made shortly on its definitive closure.

18 Sep 2022 - 14:31 UTC




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Bin Salman will not attend the funeral 

The invitation of the United Kingdom to the Saudi crown prince, Mohamed Bin Salmán Mohammed, to the funeral of Elizabeth II had raised a wave of protests.

According to a US intelligence report, the crown prince may have approved the 2018 assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist critical of the regime.

Sources close to the Saudi embassy confirmed that the prince would travel to London this weekend, but it was not clear if he would attend the royal funeral on Monday.

Finally, this Sunday, a source from the British foreign office quoted by Reuters has confirmed that Bin Salman will not attend the monarch's funeral. 

18 Sep 2022 - 13:36 UTC




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Camila affirms that Elizabeth II had to "create her own role" in a world of men

The queen consort of the United Kingdom, Camila, has stated in an interview released this Sunday by the BBC public network that Elizabeth II had to "create her own role" in a world in which power was dominated by men when she came to the throne in 1952.

“It must have been very difficult for her, being a solo woman,” says Camila in a recorded interview, which will be part of a larger documentary.

When Isabel was appointed head of state, at the age of 25, "there were no women prime ministers, no women presidents, she was the only one and I think she had to create her own role," Camila underlines.


18 Sep 2022 - 12:16 UTC




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The British ambassador to Spain asks for "understanding" for Carlos III after the controversy over the anger over the protocol

The ambassador of the United Kingdom in Spain and Andorra, Hugh Elliot, has asked this Sunday for "understanding" for King Carlos III after his anger in small details of the protocol that have generated controversy, while "he is a human being", and has assured that his levels of popularity would be "the envy of any politician".

“Después de la muerte de su madre y después de momentos muy emotivos personalmente y muchos compromisos públicos, yo creo que podemos comprender que es un ser humano, y creo que tiene unos niveles de popularidad que serían la envidia de cualquier político en cualquier país”, ha valorado en declaraciones a los periodistas.

“Tengo plena confianza en que va a ser un gran reinado”, ha augurado el diplomático, que también ha señalado que el actual monarca es un rey “muy experimentado” que conoce a fondo Reino Unido. (Efe)

18 Sep 2022 - 10:46 UTC




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Los reyes de España se desplazan este domingo a Londres para asistir al funeral por Isabel II

Los reyes de España se desplazan este domingo a Londres para participar mañana, lunes, en el funeral de Estado de la reina Isabel II. Los reyes, Felipe y Letizia, viajan en un vuelo de la Fuerza Aérea Española acompañados por la reina Sofía y por el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación, José Manuel Albares.

Felipe VI y Letizia se dirigirán nada más aterrizar en Londres a Westminster Hall, el edificio más antiguo de la sede del Parlamento británico, donde se ha instalado la capilla ardiente. Está previsto que los reyes pasen a visitar el féretro sobre las 17.10 hora peninsular española.

Un par de horas después, a las 19.00, ambos acudirán con los demás invitados a la recepción del rey Carlos III en el palacio de Buckingham. En esa recepción vespertina está previsto que el jefe de Estado coincida con su padre, el rey emérito, quien se habrá desplazado a Londres desde Abu Dabi. (Efe)

18 Sep 2022 - 09:00 UTC




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El Reino Unido recibe a los mandatarios mundiales antes del funeral de Isabel II

El Reino Unido recibe este domingo a los jefes de Estado y dignatarios mundiales que asistirán mañana lunes al funeral de la reina Isabel II. El rey Carlos III ejercerá de anfitrión en una recepción en el palacio de Buckingham con los principales líderes desplazados a Londres, que comenzará en torno a las 19.00 hora peninsular española.

Los mandatarios y representantes de las delegaciones internacionales podrán acceder durante la jornada a la capilla ardiente de la monarca, instalada en el palacio de Westminster, por la que continuarán pasando miles de personas hasta la mañana del lunes.

Miembros de las principales familias reales europeas han confirmado que estarán presentes en el funeral de Isabel II, entre ellos los reyes de España, Felipe VI y Letizia, los reyes de Bélgica, Felipe y Matilde, así como los monarcas de Países Bajos, Noruega, Suecia, Dinamarca y Mónaco. También estarán en Londres el presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, el de Francia, Emmanuel Macron, el de Alemania, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, el italiano, Sergio Mattarella, y la presidenta de la Comisión Europea, Ursula von der Leyen.

Los emperadores de Japón, Naruhito y Masako, partieron el sábado hacia el Reino Unido, mientras que China enviará a su vicepresidente Wang Qishan y se espera que esté en Londres también el príncipe heredero saudí, Mohamed Bin Salmán, si bien la cadena Sky News asegura que no asistirá al servicio religioso.

La primera ministra británica, Liz Truss, aprovechará la presencia de mandatarios mundiales para mantener entrevistas con el primer ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau, el presidente de Polonia, Andrzej Duda, y el primer ministro irlandés, Micheál Martin. (Efe)

18 Sep 2022 - 06:51 UTC




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Bolsonaro viaja a Londres para participar en el funeral de la reina

El presidente de Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro, viajó el sábado con destino a Londres para asistir el lunes al funeral de Estado de Isabel II. El líder de la ultraderecha brasileña partió desde Recife, en el nordeste de Brasil, tras encabezar un acto de campaña en la localidad de Garanhuns, tierra natal del expresidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, su principal rival en las elecciones presidenciales del 2 de octubre.

En declaraciones realizadas la víspera, Bolsonaro afirmó que viaja a Londres para “representar a Brasil y demostrar el cariño a la reina Isabel”. Tras su fallecimiento, el presidente decretó tres días de luto en Brasil. (Efe)

18 Sep 2022 - 06:46 UTC




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Biden llega a Londres para participar en el funeral de Isabel II

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, llegó el sábado a Londres para participar en las exequias por la reina Isabel II, que se celebrarán mañana lunes.

El avión presidencial Aire Force One aterrizó en el aeropuerto de Stansted, al norte de la capital británica, sobre las 23.00 (hora peninsular española), con Biden y la primera dama, Jill Biden, a bordo. El matrimonio fue recibido por la embajadora estadounidense en Londres, Jane Hartley, junto a responsables del Ministerio británico de Exteriores.

Los Biden visitarán este domingo la capilla ardiente de Isabel II a las 18.00 en privado. Media hora después, firmarán el libro oficial de condolencias y a las 19.00 participarán en la recepción que ofrece el rey Carlos III para los invitados internacionales en el palacio de Buckingham. (Efe)

18 Sep 2022 - 06:41 UTC




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London warns of queues of up to 12 hours to access the burning chapel of Elizabeth II

The British Government has warned this Sunday of queues of up to 12 hours to access the burning chapel of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Hall, in London.

The chapel will remain open until early Monday morning for the monarch's state funeral to be held, in which more than 500 world leaders will participate. 

18 Sep 2022 - 06:36 UTC




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Source: elparis

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