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The elections prove: there is no left in Israel Israel today


After the failure, it's time for the leaders of the social camp to take stock • Sometimes you have to completely destroy the old in order to build a new one

A terrible thing happened in the fifth election.

What is erroneously called the "Israeli left" is a political representation of Israel's old secular Ashkenazi elite, a representation that has become less and less relevant in recent years.

Those who stole the country from them made the Israeli reality one-dimensional.

All the emotions and hatred for Netanyahu were put into this prism, making the removal of Netanyahu predict everything.

There is no ideology, no values, there is only one story - just not Bibi.

These emotions became delusional in extreme situations, such as the struggle over Nahal Hasi and its labeling as a Bibiist struggle.

How can a fight for a public natural resource to remain open to all the public be a bibist fight?

And how can a person who defines himself as a leftist oppose such a struggle?

This is one of many examples of the delusion that led us to the day when Meretz does not pass the threshold, and the Labor Party barely gets four mandates.

In the last year and a half there was a unique opportunity for the leaders of the Israeli left.

After more than a decade of fantasies, they unexpectedly found themselves leading the country as ministers of transportation, health, environment and more.

Through such cases, they could easily touch the Israeli public at significant points, convince and prove that the slogans of the last decade touch reality.

They didn't take advantage of the opportunity to lead.

Merav Michaeli and Nitzen Horowitz (archive), photo: Oren Ben Hakon

What really happened?

The leaders of the left were sure that the Israeli public was stupid - Merav Michaeli thought that people who would pay double for public transportation would stay at home on election day.

Those who pay more for education, for food, for fuel and for health will continue to doze off and will not go out to vote.

will continue to sleep and will not throw her and her friends down all the stairs. 

Instead of reaching the Israeli public and proving to them what the left can do when in power for the benefit of the public and its well-being, the leaders of the camp succeeded in producing such a reaction, causing many who were indifferent in the past to leave the house and decide the campaign after five exhausting rounds.

At the end of the battle, the Labor Party remained the last remnant, with barely four seats won.

And there is one more matter, it is called hubris.

Merav Michaeli, who was harassed by the media throughout her tenure, allowed herself to oppose the union on the left.

She told anyone who bothered to listen that the Labor Party had no problems on the ground, and that the seven mandates from the previous election would vote Labor again without question.

And about the block?

May the group take care of itself.

So the Labor Party barely passed, and Meretz is out.

And where is Rav Michaeli?

I see an opportunity here.

The State of Israel deserves a distinct economic left - one that will truly promote a welfare state, a socialist worldview.

One that will work uncompromisingly to reduce the terrible gaps between the periphery and the center, and will bring with it the news that many expect.

Maybe you have to completely destroy the old to build a new one.

The historic Labor Party can become an active Israeli Labor, which represents the workers of Israel.

To break free from the hard grip of the old capitalists and the interested parties, and to speak directly to the public is difficult today in Israel.

to work for the public and change the country.


Dina Dayan is a member of the Labor Party

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-11-06

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