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"It is not forbidden for me to go to Qatar": Laurent Ruquier, football fan, will not boycott the World Cup


VIDEO – Invited in "C to you" alongside Thierry Ardisson for the promotion of the show "Yesterday, today, tomorrow", the host did not hide his desire to go see matches on site, despite the controversies surrounding the sporting event.

This is the question posed to all those who love football.

Will they boycott the World Cup in Qatar?

Whether it's traveling to see the matches on site or simply watching them on television.

Laurent Ruquier, a big fan of this sport, shared his decision on the set of "C à vous".

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Laurent Ruquier was alongside Thierry Ardisson for the promotion of the talk show "Yesterday, today, tomorrow" broadcast on France 2 this Tuesday, November 15.

The first is for presentation, the second for production.

Throughout this issue of “C à vous”, excerpts from the program are broadcast and an archive particularly recalls the news and the debate which animates it.

We are in 1978 and the World Cup organized in Argentina provokes indignation.

Calls for a boycott have multiplied, demonstrations have even been organized.

As Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine points out:

“the moral of the story, nothing new under the sun”


Read also“Yesterday, today, tomorrow”: on the set of Laurent Ruquier’s new talk show, produced by Thierry Ardisson

Laurent Ruquier stresses that

“there are always sporting political scandals, often extra-sporting, it must be said, but that is also the interest of a football World Cup”


He assures that from Sunday

“everyone will watch the matches and forget what happened before”


Indeed, the arguments of those who call for a boycott are numerous.

For some, it is an ecological issue at a time when it is recommended to save energy.

For others, it is the non-respect of human rights in Qatar and the death of many workers to build the infrastructure necessary for the matches that are pointed out.

“If France qualifies for the quarter-finals, it is not forbidden for me to go there”

For the host of the “Big Heads” it is too late to rebel:

“what happens in Qatar is up to the country.

Shouldn't give them the organization.

Now that's it, place for sport I want to say


The appointment of Qatar as the organizing country dates back to 2010. Thierry Ardisson then asks his accomplice if he intends to go there?

Laurent Ruquier answers in the affirmative in front of the rest of the astonished plateau.

If he assures that he did not go to the one organized in Russia because it

“annoyed him to go to Putin”

he does not refrain from going to Qatar.

“I want to see how it goes and then I like football.

If France qualifies for the quarter-finals, it is not forbidden that I

go there,” he assures.

The “forbidden”


is noted, due to the sexual orientation of the presenter.

As Thierry Ardisson underlines

“they are anti-gay to death”


The main interested party will respond with humor:

"but I'm not going there to flirt"


Laurent Ruquier continues:

“that does not prevent having a thought for the people who died during work accidents during the construction of the stadiums, for the regime, but the regime we will not change anything.

Maybe basically it will allow the country to progress on some subjects


He continues:

“I'm sorry, when most people go on vacation to Marrakech, they don't ask too many questions about what's going on there.

Or else we're not going anywhere

. "

Faced with these arguments, the man in black from the PAF does not budge,

“I am very worried, he is my host, I would not like him to die”


Indeed, a potential second issue of "Yesterday, today, tomorrow" is at stake...

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-11-15

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