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Qatar hired poor "fans" to fill stadiums, and pays them a pittance - voila! FIFA World Cup


The phenomenon of the "fake" fans that appear in Qatar before the start of the games is getting stronger, and now it turns out: they came with government funding to broadcast to the world an image of a football celebration

Summary of today's events in sports, 18.11 (Sport1)

In recent days, many videos from Qatar have surfaced on social networks, in which "fans" are seen walking around the streets and singing cheering songs for a variety of national teams - even though at first glance it seems that they do not belong to those countries at all.

Now it turns out that this is a deliberate attempt by the Qatari government, as part of the propaganda attempts around the World Cup.

According to reports in Turkey, these are hundreds of Pakistanis who come from backgrounds of poverty and deprivation, hired by the Qatari government to come to the country during the World Cup to fill the stadiums and help to broadcast to the world an atmosphere of "celebration of football".

Qatar flew the workers in question to its territory, and gives them a meager daily wage of 10 dollars.

In addition, it provides them with three meals a day and free travel throughout their stay in the country.

Either way, at least for the time being, those fans who were supposed to help the Qatari propaganda, mainly convey to the world a forced and inauthentic image.


Remember, Qatar used thousands of migrant workers from backward countries like Bangladesh and Nepal to make the country worthy of hosting an event of this magnitude, and in 2021 it was revealed that no less than 6,500 workers died during construction due to the abhorrent working conditions.

The reports about the conditions of slavery in which the workers were employed, drew harsh criticism towards Qatar around the world.

Now the script repeats itself, although in a slightly different version, but no less worrying.

  • FIFA World Cup

  • news


  • Qatar

Source: walla

All news articles on 2022-11-18

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