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Opinion Unpleasant flight Israel today


If the new government wants to prove governance, it should start with fulfilling the promise to build the next airport in the Negev • It will not be easy in the face of the intimidation campaign by the air experts

Did you see the vacation abroad evaporating into the sky through a transparent tear? Did you not understand why suddenly in the middle of winter so many articles about an air disaster in the summer of battle appeared at once? Well, congratulations - smile, you ate it. You were again forced extras in a well-orchestrated concert of distraction. A concert that is the soundtrack to the battle between the flying officials and the future government.

How come they don't tell us anything?

you say.

And why would mysterious forces leak details to a court journalist to change our opinion?

And in general, is our opinion worth that much?

And wait, wait, you ask, as loyal readers of this column, didn't you already write about this topic a few months ago?

Is this again the matter with the establishment of Israel's future airport?

Well, you're right, we've discussed and debated it time and time again, but man makes plans and the flying clerks laugh.

Let's summarize the events: the State of Israel urgently needs another airport, and the main debate is where it will be built.

The two main alternatives are the northern periphery or the southern periphery.

The old Israeli governments from the 1980s already chose another airport, and it was even built as an international airport.

His name is Nabatim, and he is in the south.

But what, in the meantime the Air Force has received the field, and it is not ready to release the property.

So a committee is convened again.

Israeli governments for generations have convened expert committees on the matter of separating the fat from the cats.

Thus they hoped to receive a recommendation from the examining committee for the location of another airport.

But there is no one who understands more about cats and cream than the Air Force cream cats.

So how surprised are you that after the Air Force veterans sat and thought and thought and thought, they decided that the airport would be exactly where the Air Force said it would be - in Ramat David?


Because no one moves the cream to the absolute cats.

Who cares that the Jezreel Valley will be destroyed, that the Carmel rivers will be drained?

The experts on air and state affairs decided that the airport should be in the remote and remote Ramat David, instead of building an airport in Nabatim in the Negev.

An empty area ready, vacant and eager for an airport.

Even the governments of Israel began to move uneasily.

After all, there is another airport that already exists, its construction is significantly cheaper than any other option.

The Negev is yearning for a huge project that will provide about 30,000 additional jobs, and please tighten your belts, because it seems that all the stars are aligning to land between Dimona and Be'er Sheva.

For a moment or two it seemed that it was possible to welcome the end when the Bennett government told the members of the flying committee that Ramat David is not a possible alternative, please bring other alternatives.

Okay, said the members of the committee, you said that Ramat David is not a possible alternative, but you did not say that it is impossible to continue planning Ramat David.

They said, and continued to plan.

And besides, don't say we didn't "told you so," shrugged the cream cats.

They sat and thought, stretched and thought, turned around and thought, and came to the conclusion that the next airport will be built in... (drums) Ramat David.

But we told you no Ramat David, the government said.

"Either Ramat David or we don't play!"

said the members of the flying committee and decided not to recommend a new airport.

And here we, the silent crowd queuing abroad, enter again and again against our will into the spectacle of the flying lichens.

The government of change faded away before it could give the flying bureaucrats a proper direction of change.

Now, when a new government is on the horizon, the flying officials concocted a well-timed campaign of intimidation so that we would get angry in the queues and say - why don't they open another airport here?!

And when we are in the long line with all the people of Israel and Tefu, dripping with sweat and full of thoughts about emotional shopping at duty free, we don't care where they open another airport, the main thing is that it should be opened-for me-for it to be opened, and I will forget the whole world.

And it is precisely on this suffering that the aviation officials of the State of Israel are building: that all of us down there will fall captive to their fixed narrative.

We have no one to trust except our Father in the airport tower somewhere in the sky.

And only his squadron leader, who sees everything from a bird's eye view, is the only one who will determine where the State of Israel will build the next airport, and not the Israeli government and its citizens who vote.

The residents of the Jezreel Valley got together a long time ago, and made it clear that they do not want an airport in their backyard.

The residents of the Negev also joined together a long time ago, and it's been a decade that the Negev Council has been fighting for the next airport to land in Nabatim.

Apparently, this is the easiest decision there is.

Some don't want, and some crave;

These do not have a proper place, and these already have a standing and ready field.

But what seems to be win-win-win, is currently more wai-wai-wai-wai.


Because no one expects an attack by veterans of the best air force in the world.

So dig in well, it's not going to be easy, the battle for the narrative and the field continues to unfold in full force.

Put on your helmets and keep your fingers crossed that maybe common sense, Ben-Gurion's vision and the new government will defeat the flying bureaucratic design.

I know, there will be those who will dismiss my words and say that I am close or biased.

Put it this way: I'm obviously an insider.

I live in the Negev, and there is nothing close to seeing the difficulties of many populations to make a living here.

Furthermore, I wish I was biased!

I wish someone would pay me to have giant planes land and take off over my head on a regular basis.

Although I have no personal interest in the airport being in my backyard, I understand what the residents of the south understand very well: an international airport in the south is an economic anchor like no other.

In fact, there is no national project that can be a bigger economic anchor than another airport that will be opened in the Negev.

Give a poor man a free plane ticket and you will make him miserable for life, but give the faraway people of your country an airport and you will bring them closer to the promised land.

I write the things openly here.

But instead of presenting their interests openly in front of the general public, the flying officials prefer to hide behind the clouds in the sky, and from there in condensation tracks (as matrails) to sow toxic consciousness in a lazy media, thus disrupting the national consciousness.

Convince us again and again that an airport in Ramat David is a decisive and absolute decision, that no other solution is possible, and all to obscure our judgment.

The next time another news about an impending aviation disaster or a scare story about the queues pops up on your mobile - know that you are mind-engineered.

If the flying officials had any shred of conscience, they would put their money where their mouths are and resign from their jobs.

But why should they?

They will continue to milk the public coffers until the day they die, put the money in their pockets, and do as they should in the area where they were entrusted.

We will vote for one or the other, and they will remain the real governors of our lives.

They smile at you, and pretend not to.

Bibi, you are chosen to change.

Put the regime of the Ayatollahs from Iran aside for a moment, and deal with the regime of the cats guarding the cream.

True to your promise from the Negev Conference in Dimona, that the next airport of the State of Israel will be built in the Negev.

And Ben Gvir, if you want to talk about governance, leave the Westerners and Bedouins alone, it's minor.

We will see you practicing governance and becoming a lady on the flying officials, who rotate the State of Israel on their little joystick through all the possible air pockets.

Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seat belts.

The plane has been hijacked by the pilots, and this is definitely not going to be a pleasant flight.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

If you found an error in the article, we would appreciate it if you shared it with us

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-11-18

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