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Trump vs. Biden: "Stuck a knife in Israel's back and betrayed it" | Israel today


The former American president was interviewed by the "Republican Jewish Coalition" that meets in Las Vegas • On the nuclear deal: "I unilaterally withdrew from it and imposed the harshest sanctions ever" • On the relationship with Israel: "At the moment the alliance with the US is not as strong as in the past"

Former US President Donald Trump, who announced last week that he will once again run for the presidency, said last night (Saturday) that "I will never allow the State of Israel to be threatened with nuclear annihilation, as is happening now.

We cannot let the nuclear deal happen - this deal is a disaster, it is a death certificate for Israel." 

Trump said the words in a Zoom appearance before the "Republican Jewish Coalition" (RJC), which is meeting in Las Vegas.

In addition, the former president attacked his successor in office, Joe Biden, in very harsh words, and claimed that he "stuck a knife in Israel's back, betrayed her and sold her security".

"I unilaterally withdrew from the nuclear agreement with Iran and imposed the harshest sanctions ever imposed on the Iranian regime," Trump said in his speech to the conference.

He also stated that "I removed the US from the corrupt UN Human Rights Council, which is used by the most horrible human rights violators in the world as a platform to attack the US and Israel."

Trump and Netanyahu.

"The alliance with Israel is not as strong as in the past", photo: IPA

According to Trump, "America's alliance with Israel is not strong now, not strong at all, and we will relive it."

He added and claimed that "Tragically, President Biden betrayed Israel and the Jewish community and squandered our incredible success. From the first moment he sold Israel's security and began begging to re-enter the nuclear agreement with Iran under even worse terms than the original ones. It was a disaster before and it will be Even worse now."

Trump also accused Biden of "unilaterally removing sanctions on Iran and appointing countless anti-Israel officials, and discrediting Israel for defending itself even when it was under violent attack that included missile barrages all over the country. When we win in 2024 the era of betrayal and destruction The backstabbing will end," Trump promised in typical rhetoric. 

"The USA will once again stand by Israel, just as it did during my administration.

Under my administration we fought for Israel and the Jewish community as no president in history has done, and I was proud to be the best friend Israel has ever had in the White House," said the former president to much applause from the audience. 

Trump also mentioned that "I kept my promise, I recognized Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel and moved the American embassy there, and I also recognized Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights - something that many people didn't even ask me to do, because they thought it was impossible. They worked on this for 52 years and I I did it in one day," Trump flattered himself.

In addition, he noted that "I stopped the aid amounting to 750 million dollars a year to the Palestinian Authority."

"Finally - but this is certainly not the last thing in line - we created peace in the Middle East through the historic Abraham Accords, something that almost no one believed was possible," he said.

Trump also noted that as part of his fight against anti-Semitism, he appointed a special envoy of the administration for a global fight against the phenomenon, and declared war on the manifestations of anti-Semitism on US campuses.

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Source: israelhayom

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