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Mathieu Bock-Côté: "The impossible French reformism"


CHRONICLE - The social changes, which elsewhere take the form of a more or less quiet reformism, in France, materialize under the sign of a muscular voluntarism, which can only arouse strong resistance.

This is a question that does not date from yesterday: why is France so difficult to reform?

And why does each symbolically loaded reform, even if its programmatic content ultimately turns out to be rather modest, lead hundreds of thousands of French people to the streets, to the point of generating repeated social convulsions that can paralyze the country and ruin life? ordinary mortals?

Seen from the outside, the strike is often considered as a French tradition, and even as a marker of national identity.

This is not necessarily false - still it is necessary to know why.

Raymond Aron reported in his


an exchange with General de Gaulle.

To the philosopher who maintained that France did not make reforms, but that she allowed herself a revolution from time to time, the general replied that France did not make reforms, but that she made a revolution from time to time in the framework of which she took the opportunity to do some…

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Source: lefigaro

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