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Netanyahu, you also need to know how to win Israel today


In the army and in life, the main responsibility for calming spirits should be the commander's • Instead of leading to negotiations, the Prime Minister lied in his speech this week about his role in secession and compared the demonstrators in Tel Aviv to the rioters in Hawara • Despite everything, I call on my fellow reservists not to mix protest with military service

Let's start with the final destination.

When one day we get out of the political chaos in which we live, we will establish a Zionist unity government.

Sounds absurd, but there is no choice.

What it means?

A government that consists of parties like Likud, Yesh Atid, the state camp and real representatives of religious Zionism, and not just in name.

A government that creates service tracks for everyone, duties and rights.

Yes, also for ultra-Orthodox and Arabs.

There is no reason why they should not enlist for national service.

A government that encourages core studies to integrate ultra-Orthodox and bring hundreds of thousands out of the cycle of poverty.

A government that fights to bring back the governments, not through Tiktok.

In fact, a government in which the ultra-orthodox do not have excess power or a false monopoly on Judaism, and does not lean on the extreme left or on Arab parties that do not recognize Israel, so as not to interfere with aggressive moves to reconquer the Negev and the Galilee.

back to reality.

for the present

This is an emergency call.

I guess I'll get hit from all directions especially after trying twice as an elected official to set up such governments that collapsed, but if I could design the solution, it's in a national emergency government.

A government that stops this train that is racing to the abyss.

look around

Israel is bleeding.

We already knew difficult security times with attacks every day, but we were usually together.

Like "Rocks between the Rocks", the moving song that Ariel Horowitz wrote during Operation Cast Lead, the Israel that most of us are deeply connected to has always been revealed in moments of distress.

This good feeling can easily be forgotten.

We can not.

It is allowed to protest, but we must continue to serve, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

We need it.

i need it

To remember the elderly woman who waited outside the border of the Gaza Strip after we left in dirty uniforms just to give us cups of coffee and something to eat, the man who opened a food truck (even before it was common in Israel) not far from one of the assembly areas to feed soldiers, the hi-techist who donated running clothes for everyone, or the religious women who passed between the IDF wounded in Hadassah to serve cakes.

Were there no disputes then?

Of course there were.

There is always an extreme left who demonstrates and in front of him some gentlemen, who instead of fighting the enemy with an M-16, fought the leftists with a megaphone.

But they were on the fringes, and we were the majority.


The reservists who emerged from the rocks, the citizens who stopped everything and rallied to be together.

Right and left.

Those who are willing to give up this feeling since then - to get what they want in a political crisis - give up the State of Israel.


I guess there are no great chances that there is a future, the state camp and the Likud will sit together now to save Israel.

I have a hard time seeing a responsible adult who says "stop everything, let's think together about what Israel will look like in 2048, a decade from now".

Not only in the upcoming elections, which it seems is no longer possible to commit when they will be.

The double-edged sword of refusals

I identify my biggest fear in the WhatsApp groups from the reserves.

This is not idle reporting or a campaign.

This is real.

There are those who think that the house burned down and that they don't need to serve in the reserves anymore.

I also use this column to call my reservist brothers who issued such messages, to stop.

Do not mix protest with military service.

Reluctance is a double-edged sword, and it doesn't matter who is in the government.

I know that there is a minority in Israel that serves, that it is not fair that half of the heads of the coalition did not serve at all, that the feelings are hard.

And yet, this is not the way.

In front of us is a snowball that no one controls.

I have no idea if all the signatories and those who identify themselves will indeed not enlist in the reserves.

It is not clear what they want when they demonstrate in front of Sara Netanyahu's hair salon, even if they demonstrated in front of family members in the previous government.

This is also part of the rules of democracy.

I know one thing - that when you lose control, it is very difficult to go back.

The main responsibility for calming the spirits is always the commander's.

So in the army and so in life.

Netanyahu is supposed to do this.

He is the prime minister.

He is the one who was supposed to call for an immediate freeze this week and talk until white smoke rises.

It is also possible to limit it in time.

If Lapid and Gantz refused, it was on them.

Prime Minister Netanyahu in a speech. He should have talked to Gantz and Lapid, photo: Prime Minister

Instead, in his speech on Wednesday, he compared the demonstrators to rioters in Hawara, and after that he lied that he was in the opposition during the disengagement period.

who wrote history, and above all his responsibility for breaking away and the present.

You have to know how to lose, I hear again and again.

But you also need to know how to win.

If, God forbid, the State of Israel falls apart or the snowball grows, we will all be on the losing side for the third time.

Fiction in its embodiment

Security situation report. We are at the peak of rocket launches from the Gaza Strip per month. In recent months there has been a 100 percent increase in nationalist events, families of terrorists have left the Gaza Strip to visit the terrorists with the approval of the government, 14 innocent people were murdered in terrorist attacks, and a day after the severe attack in Hawara, Minister Treasury Smotrich fuel is discounted for Hamas. There is no progress in the economy either for competition in the economy, just the opposite.

I never thought that the extreme right was a national goal.

I always claimed it was fiction.

Now it seems to me that those who are honest and with their eyes in their head, understand this very well.

The State of Israel needs religious Zionism (not the party), a moderate right.

to bridges

to several governments.

This is what governmental chaos looks like at home and abroad.

The lesson must be learned.

Pina Tova:

I got to know the house on wheels as a student in Jerusalem.

This is the most accessible place for those with physical disabilities, and also for religious and secular young people who want to do something good at the same time as studying.

The idea behind the project, created by the late Miriam Schwartz and her children in 1979, is to become a second home for children with disabilities.

There is a large team of instructors with a small group of trainees. The instructors are supposed to teach about responsibility and independence, but that is exactly what they learn. Since I volunteered there two decades ago, there are six homes around the country with 500 volunteers. If you have time, drop by their activities. Donate. It will remind you of what is here.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-03-02

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