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Another murder in Rosario: a merchant was shot


The owner of a mechanical workshop was selling a car and they would have posed as buyers. It was in the middle of the afternoon.

The wave of homicides in Rosario does not stop.

After this Monday neighbors tried to lynch the alleged drug trafficker linked to the crime of Máximo Jerez, a 12-year-old boy shot to death, it was learned that, in the middle of the afternoon, a merchant was murdered in that city.

As reported by the local media Rosario 3, the crime occurred in Rondeau at 3900, La Florida neighborhood, where the victim had his premises,

a mechanical workshop


Apparently, the man had put a car up for sale and the murderer pretended to be interested in buying it.

The place of the murder is a few

meters from a retirement center


According to the first information, the victim lived in the place where she worked.

The murderer would have posed as a person interested in a vehicle for sale, sources in the case told the Rosario newspaper.

The murdered man was identified as

Gustavo Leonel Granados


The body was left on the sidewalk while his

relatives cried inconsolably

next to him.

Everything happened in broad daylight and, according to some witnesses cited by Rosario 3, the murderer fled

in a gray car


Adrián Spelta

, prosecutor in the case, said in a dialogue with TN that the first hypothesis indicates that this fact would not be linked to a drug war.

"It is more than anything linked to

a personal conflict

that I had," he clarified.

Likewise, he advanced: "I am not in a position to speak much more so as not to hinder the investigation, which is very recent and does not have hours."

Máximo Jerez's family: "They ruined our entire lives"

In the middle of a wake with police custody, the family of Máximo Jerez denounced this Monday that the perpetrators of the crime in Rosario fired from a tinted car.

The aunt of the 12-year-old boy murdered in the Los Pumitas neighborhood warned that another of his nephews was still in serious condition due to the shooting.

"We are wrong, they ruined our entire lives," said the woman.

"We are all hurt because an innocent boy touched us," said Antonia about the critical state of the Los Pumitas neighborhood.

She then highlighted that the deceased child "was very loved" by the Qom community living in that sector in the northwest of the city.

Máximo was fired this Monday at the club where he played soccer.

Photo: Juan Jose Garcia.

Recalling what happened between Saturday night and Sunday morning in Cabal at 1300 bis, the woman specified that they began to fire shots from a "black car" with tinted windows.

Her testimony differs from the first official hypothesis, referring to a man who arrived on foot and opened fire on a group of people near the place where the boys had eaten.

Maxi played soccer with the 11 shirt in the club that bears the name of the neighborhood.

There family, friends and teachers from the Taigoyé School went to see him off, which woke up with the flag at half mast.

The measure was replicated in the rest of the educational institutions at the initiative of the Santa Fe Teachers Association (Amsafe).

The night before, the local authorities of the teachers' union published a letter to be read in all establishments during the day.

"Enough of killing our students," they demanded.


look too

Aníbal Fernández, after the neighbors burned the house of an alleged drug trafficker in Rosario: "My people tell me that everything would be calm"

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Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-03-06

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